In Search of NOWLeaders…NOW

This week’s post is a little different from my usual fare.  As you read it, I’d like to ask you to think about leaders you know .  Please think about them in the context of their leadership ability.  If you admired them, why?  What do they do that inspires you?  Do they make people want to give their best effort? If so, why is that? As you get to the end of the post, would you please think too about whether they could be a leader we’re looking for?   If they are, there’s something you can do..

Labor Day is sort of like the New Year.  It’s a time when we start to brush off the lethargy that summer heat sometimes brings upon us, and start some new things.

It seems a good time too, for shifting perspectives and looking for new places to explore. That’s what this post is about.  Only we’re going to look for leadership and we’re going to look for it in places we may not have considered before.

Who is We? You may ask…

Anne Perschel, Dale Lawrence and Gwyn Teatro form the core team with Tanya Odom, Eric Peterson, Marion Chapsal and Joe Gerstandt as our advisory team

Why? You may ask…

Well, we believe that the variety of lists representing the epitome of leadership, while impressive, is missing a whole population of talented leaders.  We want to find them.  We want to build a rich, diverse portfolio of them.  And, we want to shine some light on them.

Why? You may ask…

Well, it seems that the 21st Century, an age of information and technology, is asking for something different from us than was called for in the Industrial age.  The pace of change is accelerating at a dizzying rate.  The world, through technology, is getting smaller and smaller.  So to be successful in any endeavour today, we must find ways to cut through traditional bureaucracies and structures and optimize on the brainpower available to us.  As such, we believe there is a need to shift and expand our perspectives about who and what makes leadership effective in this new age.

Simply put, we want to be able to grow our capacity for great leadership and our understanding of what it takes to engage more brains and hearts in doing great work and accomplishing great things…together

In short, we are looking for NOWLeaders

What is a NOWLeader? You may ask…

NOWLeaders are those who understand the challenges and demands of the 21st Century and the people who live in it.  They are highly accomplished.  They are global citizens.  They achieve results through and alongside people, rather than around them, over them or in spite of them.

NOWLeaders are focused on a purpose that extends beyond the bottom line, with tendrils and tentacles that reach out to the local, national and global communities they serve.   They are business leaders.  They are thought leaders.  They are military leaders.  They lead non-profit organizations, small organizations and large ones.

NOWLeaders share a set of qualities and skills that equips them to navigate the rapids that a fast-paced world with a short attention span can create.  And yet, they are also diverse in thought, experience, culture, nationality and ethnicity.  They are women.  They are men.  They are young…and old.  They are everywhere.

Will you help us find them?

Yes? Terrific. We hoped you would.

Here’s what you can do.

Begin by nominating someone who you believe exhibits the attributes of a NOWLeader and demonstrates the skills associated with the development of inclusive, collaborative organizations, someone who is highly accomplished yet prefers to share recognition and reward with others.

How do I do that? You may ask…

Well, you go directly to, where you will find all the information and instruction you need to nominate your NOWLeader. Come along for the ride, won’t you?   Please join us in being the change we, and you, seek to create…and thank you for doing so.

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Filed under Leadership, Leadership Development, Leadership Style, Leadership Values

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