7 Light-Weight Leadership Practices that Deliver Heavy-Weight Results

Tiny is huge.

“Manny” Yarborough held the Guinness World Record for the heaviest living athlete. He exceeded 800 pounds before his death in 2015. You might feel like a skinny kid facing “Manny” Yarborough, but there are light-weight leadership practices that provide heavy-weight results.

Don’t be impressed with size. Bees carry pollen. Worms dig tunnels that freshen soil. Hummingbirds would win the 100-meter dash against Usain Bolt.

Tiny leadership practices can change your life.

Light-weight leadership practices have heavy-weight results. Image of a sumo wrestler.

7 Light-weight leadership practices:

  1. Exercise for 1-minute 3X a day. 3-4 minutes a day of vigorous exercise was linked to reducing the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by about 48%. (Time)
  2. Write in a gratitude journal 3X a week to shift your attitude.
  3. Take 3-minutes of quiet time before every meeting to refocus. 1-minute will do in a pinch.
  4. Show up with an intention.
  5. Learn one new thing every day. (Read Leadership Freak. It takes about 90 seconds.)
  6. Read for a few minutes before you turn out the light for bed.
  7. Practice self-reflection for less than 5-minutes a day.

Benefits of self-reflection:

A coaching client recently began a short self-reflection practice. He chose five questions to ask himself at the end of each day. It takes less than five-minutes.

Don’t let your mind wander during self-reflection. A wandering mind goes to dark places. Give your brain something to reflect on. My client chose:

  1. I started the day with this intention (__________). Did it happen?
  2. Why did it happen? Why not?
  3. What did I learn?
  4. What do I want to do differently?
  5. What do I need to do tomorrow?

He says, “I feel more at ease with myself. I was reminded of positive things that happened and progress made. Challenges felt smaller after I wrote them down. I woke up more focused having done the thinking the night before.”

What light-weight leadership practices have elevated your leadership?

What self-reflection questions can you suggest?

Image source.