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June 15, 2011


Andrew Meyer

I really enjoyed your response on the "Introducing the Leadership Roundtable Challenge". I would like to comment on Conan's speech, I think it is getting buzz, because he is demonstrating that he is a loser who is showing his true colors. There are a couple reasons I say this.

One, Conan wasn't squeezed out of the Tonight Show, he was fired because his numbers sucked. Call a spade a spade, he failed. His bosses treated him exceptionally well and paid out his contract to the tune of some $30mm and kept quiet while he whined. Very admirable in an industry that is notable for it's lack of being admirable.

Two, he got his numbers fundamentally and horribly wrong in his speech. 92% of Americans do not get college degrees. Try 19 or 20% ( Furthermore, a fraction of a percent get degrees from Ivy League schools. As a kid from a privileged background who went to Harvard, he is totally out of touch with America and reality.

Two, if you are going to lead, failure is a part of the equation. If you fail and learn your lessons, it's called experience and it's very beneficial. Experience is learning your lessons about the mistakes you made.

If you fail, blame others and whine, you are a failure. Furthermore, you are the sort of failure who should be avoided at all costs. Conan's whining shows that he is the incarnation of what should be avoided. Someone who fails, blames others, and looks for excuses and second chances. Exactly what you expect from privileged kids who expect the world to be handed to them.

It comes as no surprise that his current show's numbers are weak. It will not be a surprise if it is cancelled and no one should be surprised when Conan blames other people, whines and asks for additional chances.

eric dubbin

Lighten up, Frances. It was a sketch. I think he acknowledges his mistakes and miscalculations. I think the take home is that, in fact, amidst change, you have a say in your own destiny. In essence what I heard was: "he who looks outside dreams, he who looks inside awakens"

Scott Eblin

I don't intend to get in the middle of this guys but thanks for the comment. Spirited debate!

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