4 Surprising Times to Express Gratitude

You’ll never be great and ungrateful at the same time. Gratefulness sees advantage where ungratefulness sees obstacle.

Unexpressed gratitude is ungratefulness.

The practice of gratitude elevates you above the poison of resentment. Image of an animal skull hanging on the wall.

4 surprising times to express gratitude

#1. When tempted to complain express gratitude.

A closed mind rages against an unalterable past. Find a way to express gratitude in every situation. You can’t be thankful for tragedy. You can be thankful for helpful people.

Honor painful circumstances by learning from them. Feeling like others need to learn but you don’t produces ungratefulness.

External adversity forms internal character.

#2. When tempted to quit express gratitude.

Grumbling comes before quitting. Gratitude is energy to keep going.

Problems add value to your leadership. Challenges make contribution relevant.

#3. When tempted to feel sorry for yourself express gratitude.

Ungratefulness finds reasons to moan when others have it easier than you. Kill envy with gratefulness.

Say, “Good for you,” when others shine. You’re smaller than the person you tear down.

#4. When tempted to feel resentment express gratitude.

Bitterness poisons attitudes and contaminates relationships.

Grateful leaders build safe environments. Ungrateful leaders build self-protective teams.

Express gratitude to:

  1. Confirm others matter.
  2. Release from past failure.
  3. Strengthen connection.
  4. Fortify energy.

Expressing gratitude shifts your thinking from burden to opportunity.

The greatest power of gratitude is it changes you.

Thieves of Thankfulness – Why Cynics Struggle with Gratitude

How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain