How to Feel in Control and Six other Powers of Leadership Rituals

Repetition feels like drudgery. 

Don’t let disdain of repetition be the reason you miss the power of leadership rituals.


7 powers of leadership rituals:

#1. Rituals make you feel powerful. Express your power to rise above negativity. Walk around the office at the end of the day saying, “Thank you.” 

Every time you intentionally control your behavior. you affirm your power.

#2. Rituals express your best intentions. What weekly ritual might you employ that expresses your intention to bring out the best in others, for example? You might ask team leaders, “What are you learning about your team members?”

#3. Rituals let others know what matters. During one-on-ones, include one question that you ask every time. “Which of your strengths was most useful to your team last week?” (Remember to ask a follow-up to dig deeper.)

#4. Rituals set you free. The beauty of a ritual is it frees your mind. You know what to do. You don’t have to think about it.

#5. Rituals make you feel in control. Do the same thing at the beginning and end or your day for example. Two points of consistency bring a sense of control to hectic days. Follow the lead of a former coaching client. He meditated each morning before work.

Rituals add vitality when they enable leaders to consistently reconnect with what matters.

#6. Rituals allow for creativity. Adopt the ritual of greeting team members every morning. What might you do to keep the practice fresh?

#7. Rituals are points of simplicity and clarity in a complex world. At the end of the day, if you have a leadership ritual, you can go home saying you got something done.

Which power of a ritual seems most important to you?

What leadership rituals might make you a better leader?