Everyone Has More Weaknesses Than Strengths

Everyone has more weaknesses than strengths. Ignoring this truth makes leaders blind, confused, dangerous, and ineffective.

Arrogance whispers, “Your weaknesses aren’t vulnerabilities.”


One of the most important questions leaders ask is, “What don’t I/we do well?”

Planning, preparation, and focused energy:

You can’t ignore your weaknesses and succeed.

I played basketball in high school. Sometimes our team was smaller than our opponents. To ignore your weaknesses is disaster.

Weaknesses enable effective planning. You can’t compensate for something you won’t acknowledge. We relied on speed, agility, and hustle when the other team had taller players. We didn’t go against our competitors in their area of strength.

Don’t trust anyone who claims to do everything well.

Systems and environment:

When you repeatedly stumble in the same area, establish a system. Suppose you start more projects than you finish. What process might you put in place? Some suggestions:

  1. Evaluate proposed projects with finishing in mind. Make a list of key success factors.
  2. Identify a project champion who reports on progress at every team meeting.
  3. Establish milestones that include reporting.
  4. Have a meeting with the project champion the day before team meetings.
  5. Identify action steps at each meeting.
  6. Determine who is responsible for each action step.

Rowing together:

Weaknesses are opportunities to row together. Make failure and success about the team. 

Weaknesses help leaders answer the following questions:

  1. How will we support each other?
  2. When should we be most available to team members?
  3. How will we be accountable to each other?
  4. Where do we need to pull together?

One way to maximize strength is to compensate for weakness.

How might an awareness of weaknesses help leaders maximize strengths?