Anyone Can Learn to Lead

Stop saying, “I’m just not good at that.” If you aren’t good at leadership, learn to lead. Don’t cower behind, “I’m not wired that way.”

Learn to lead from the genetic platform you were given. Wiring isn’t an excuse for apathy, incompetence, or careless mistakes.

A person of average intelligence can learn to lead, regardless of genetic wiring.

Extroverts learn to listen.

Introverts learn to give presentations.

Tender hearts learn to have tough conversations.

Genetic wiring is a starting point, not a cap on potential.

A person of average intelligence can learn to lead, regardless of genetic wiring. Image of a child reading a book.

Learn to lead – you’re not a dog:

Pavlov controlled dogs’ saliva by associating a clicking metronome to the arrival of food. Eventually dogs salivated when they heard the metronome, even when food was absent. Yes, people can be conditioned to respond in specific ways. But people aren’t dogs.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Attribution uncertain.

Genetic wiring doesn’t erase personal responsibility. Hot-tempered people can’t say, “I was born with a short fuse.” Control your responses.

Genetic wiring is a starting point, not a cap on potential.

Learn to lead – take responsibility:

Our focus on genetic wiring and personality assessments is becoming justification for irresponsibility. People say, “I’m not responsible. That’s the way I’m wired.” I say, “Bull crap.”

Stop acting like Pavlov’s dogs. Life is a combination of genetics, environment, and volition. You can’t control genetics. You can influence environments. You control decisions.

Don’t blame genetic wiring or environments for poor performance. Leaders take responsibility for themselves.

You can’t go far when genetic wiring validates incompetence.

Worry about things you can control.

Accept things you can’t.

Live beyond your wiring.

Introverts can learn to speak up. Extroverts can learn to shut up, for example.

What uncomfortable skills have you learned that strengthen your leadership?

Still curious:

The Best Leaders Know 3 Things Average Leaders Don’t

How to Navigate the Gap Between Responsibility and Ability

Taking Responsibility Is the Highest Mark of Great Leaders