Destroy Your Ideas and Other Charlie Munger Quotes

I like Charlie Munger because he was a curmudgeon who said what he thought. It’s preferable to learn from people who actually say something.

Charlie died November 28, 2023, at 99 having not liked vegetables.

Charlie loved learning and he loved sharing surprising ideas.

Part of the reason I’ve been a little more successful than most people is I’m good at destroying my own best-loved ideas. Image of a pin and balloon.

Destroying ideas:

“Part of the reason I’ve been a little more successful than most people is I’m good at destroying my own best-loved ideas.” Washington Post

You can’t worship your own brilliance and succeed for long. The person who commits to learning wins, especially when they start out exceptionally smart.

Learners win. Knowers congeal.

Above average people are in the majority if you ask around. Above average learners in my experience are outliers.

The first question is, “What do you know?” The better question is “What are you learning?” What you know serves the past. What you learn makes the future.

Spend more time challenging your ideas than defending them.

The feeling of knowing can be dangerous. Image of an alligator hiding with it's mouth open.

Don’t know:

“Knowing what you don’t know is more useful than being brilliant.” The Tao of Charlie Munger

7 ways to know what you don’t know:

  1. Eliminate perfection from your vocabulary.
  2. Tell yourself you could be wrong when you feel right.
  3. Ask questions about assumptions.
  4. Seek feedback. When it stings multiply it by 3 because people were holding back.
  5. Make friends with people smarter than yourself.
  6. Study broadly.
  7. Admit mistakes. Idiots need to be right all the time.

Intelligence, work, and luck:

“The records of people and companies that are outliers are always a mix of a reasonable amount of intelligence, hard work and a lot of luck.” WSJ

Don’t worship surprisingly successful leaders. Yes, they were smart. Yes, they probably worked hard. And yes, they were at the right place at the right time.

What do you learn from Charlie Munger quotes?

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