5 Ways to Defeat Fatigue

You’re at your worst when you drag out of bed and light your candle with caffeine to keep going.

Stop working to the point of exhaustion every day. When you burn the candle at both ends, you burnout twice as fast.

The challenges of leadership require the intentional practice of self-care.

Stop working to the point of fatigue everyday. Image of a stuffed duck.

5 ways to defeat fatigue:

#1. Acknowledge the spicket.

The bucket always overflows. The spicket splashing in always runs faster than the spicket pouring out.

Stop rushing to finish a few small tasks before you close down for the day. What kind of knucklehead forgets there are always more things to do?

The more you do, the more you have to do.

The more you do, the more there is to do. Image of outside spicket constantly flowing.

#2. End well.

The way you end the day is the way you begin the day.

A person who is frantic at the end of the day will be frantic at the beginning of the day.

Hemingway said, “Always stop while you are going good….”

He went on to say, “… (I learned to) stop when there was still something there in the deep part of the well, and let it refill at night from the spring that fed it.”

#3. Monitor energy.

Treat fatigue like a contagious disease.  Send people home when they show up tired two or three days in a row.

When fatigue is a habit, teach people to manage their energy.

Ego confuses fatigue with importance. Image of a concerned dog.

#4. Establish quitting time.

  1. Don’t answer email before you go to bed.
  2. Make a short to-do list for the next morning before you quit.

Don’t worry. All your to-dos will meet you like hungry babies in the morning.

#5. Forget about work.

Give your brain something to think about other than work.

The difference between a workaholic and an alcoholic is we reward one and provide treatment for the other.

Why is fatigue pervasive in leadership?

How might leaders defeat the habit of fatigue?


‘Alarming figures’: Burnouts at work increased by 66% in three years

The dangers of fatigue in the workplace