How to Write an Executive Resume That Works in 2023

StrategyDriven Practices for Professionals Article | How to Write an Executive Resume That Works in 2023

If you are looking to land an executive-level job, there is often a lot that goes into it. You often need the right connections, need to have good references, and need to be able to nail your interview with flying colors.

Of course, you also need a good resume to make a good first impression. Your resume helps you get your foot in the door and provides a quick overview of your past accomplishments, education, previous positions, and skills. Unfortunately, resume writing is a skill that eludes many people, and what they create ends up not doing them any favors.

With that in mind, this guide is going to take you through some helpful tips to ensure you can write an executive resume that works in 2023.

Use the Right Format and Template

Arguably the most important part of a resume is the format. The right format helps you show off the most important parts of your background and makes it easy for hiring managers to skim your resume to find the important information. Your resume should be organized logically and be structured well, too.

If your format is overly confusing and difficult to navigate, you may not even get considered for the position. These hiring managers have to sift through dozens (if not hundreds) of resumes, and as such, don’t want to spend a ton of time looking at each of them.

You can create the format yourself, but using an executive resume template can help give you a head start and act as a great jumping-off point. These templates provide the structure, and you simply populate it with your content and can feel confident that your resume won’t be dismissed due to formatting issues.

Customize the Content

Next, you need to make an effort to ensure that the content within your resume is customized for each executive position you apply for. If you tailor your resume, you can ensure that it perfectly lines up with what the hiring manager is looking for.

Make sure to populate your resume with the right skills they desire, mention duties and results that are relevant, and highlight how you can help this specific company succeed. If you’re not sure exactly what to include, the job posting or job description can usually give you a great picture of what they are looking for.

While some general resumes can be passable, if you really want to stand out and land a potentially-competitive executive position, you need to go above and beyond and create a resume for each company you are applying to.

Lead with Results

In most cases, you want to build a resume that focuses on your results more than your duties and past responsibilities. The hiring manager likely knows exactly the type of things you did, based on seeing your title, and doesn’t need a recap. Instead of simply repeating the job description, you need to highlight the results you were able to achieve and the accomplishments you had.

Employers want results from you as an employee, and if you can show and highlight the past results you have achieved, it can help them see what you bring to the table. Use stats and numbers when possible to really drive home how much you contributed to your previous employer. Showing your overall impact, as opposed to simply what you did, can go a long way in helping you land the job you want.

In conclusion, we hope that this guide has been able to help you write an outstanding executive resume that works in 2023.

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