5 Ways to Choose Generosity

I was heating the grill to cook steaks when our son-in-law pulled in unexpectedly with one of our grandsons. We had two extra steaks in the fridge. But I wasn’t sure I wanted to choose generosity.

I had plans for those extra steaks that didn’t include others.

I had a moral crisis. Choose generosity or cook hotdogs. Either choice is acceptable.

Choose generosity. It does more for you than it does for others. Image of two teddy bears sharing an umbrella.

I looked at my wife and said, “Let’s be generous.”

We went out to welcome our guests. I asked, “Have you had dinner?” You know the answer to that question.

I said, “We have a couple extra steaks in the fridge if you would like steak.” They thought that would be great. By this time the grill was hot. I watched my future dinner sizzle for someone else.

Choose generosity. Never let what you can't do be reason to neglect what you can do. Image of an open hand.

5 ways to choose generosity:

#1. Choose your best self.

Do things that would make your momma proud.

Greed, fear, and discontent block generosity. Commitment fuels generosity.

#2. Consider higher purpose.

It’s hard to feel close to stingy people.

Generosity strengthens relationships.

#3. Act responsibly.

Don’t give something that belongs to someone else. Pay your bills before you give money away.

#4. Don’t encourage helplessness.

Don’t repeatedly bail out people.

A young person asked me about loaning money to people who don’t pay it back. I said, “The next time it happens say no but tell them you’d be glad to help them create a budget.”

Generosity that enables irresponsibility isn’t helpful.

#5. Think beyond money.

Time is your most valuable asset. You are your greatest gift to others.

Go ahead and have coffee with someone who wants to talk.


Generosity did more for us than it did for them.

Still curious:

Generosity Makes you Great and Much More

What Is Generosity? (And How to Be a More Generous Person)