The Leadership Measurement Shift

Before you undertook leadership responsibilities, it is likely that your performance was measured against a set of targets that addressed your individual contribution to your organization.  These would no doubt have included some hard targets like, “sell x number of widgets within y time frame” and soft targets that addressed areas like your overall attitude or your ability to work with others.

In your new role as a leader, the emphasis shifts from what you accomplish personally to the achievements of your entire group.

As a leader, your hard targets might focus on your ability to manage your group’s budget and meet an overall sales number.  These numbers will reflect the effort and accomplishments of everyone who reports to you.

The soft targets will likely focus on your ability to motivate those in your group to do their best work and as a consequence, maximize their contribution to your collective “bottom line”.

By now, you might have guessed that measuring the performance of a leader is not as cut and dried as assessing the performance of an individual, mostly because in making this shift to leadership, the environment also moves from being mostly black and white in nature to being mostly gray.  And frankly, trying to accurately and fairly measure these gray areas is like nailing the proverbial jelly to the wall.

Nonetheless it must be done because leadership is critical to not only organizational success but in every other walk of life as well.  You simply “can’t leave home without it” as they say (whoever they are).  And so, whether you lead hundreds of people or only a few, please know that your Leadership ability represents a critical success factor to your group or organization ( no pressure here).  And know that your performance will be assessed accordingly.

That’s what I think anyway.  What do you think?

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