How to Mentally Prepare for Your Next Meeting in only 3-Minutes

People who run from one meeting to the next end the day wondering what they got done. You will lead better if you give yourself three minutes to mentally prepare for the next meeting.

You will survive if you don’t mentally prepare for your next meeting, but you won’t flourish.

Prepare for the next meeting or you won't flourish. Image of a bird of prey staring at the screen.

How to mentally prepare for the next meeting in only 3-minutes

#1: Schedule a 3-minute break to prepare for the next meeting.

Back-to-back meetings dilute the quality of meetings and drain your energy.

The people at their best know how to rest.

Rule #1 could be, “Make back-to-back meetings a sin.”

The reason your day feels like a blur is because it is. End one thing before you begin the next.

Ego confuses fatigue with importance. Image of a white dog looking at the screen.

#2: De-stress during breaktime.

Breaktime isn’t time to cram in one more task. Give yourself 3-minutes to de-stress. No email. No quick calls.

#3: Breathe deep for 60 seconds.

Have a micro-meditation session. Let stress leave your body.

#4: Honor imperfect accomplishments.

Your inner critic hates gratitude. He loves reminding you that you fell short. If perfection is the standard for gratitude, you’ll always be ungrateful.

Gratitude requires humility.

Use breaktime to notice what you did right.

You aren’t a complete loser. I know you did something right.

You might say to yourself, “I’m thankful I …,” or, “I’m glad I ….”

Image of a bottle on its side. Unexpressed gratitude is ungratefulness.

#5: Turn to the next thing with intention.

Think about the people you’re interacting with in the next meeting. Bring to mind something you admire about them. What are they doing right?

Determine how you want to show up. Often, I choose calm curiosity. I’m naturally curious, but not naturally calm. Calmness lets others know you’re comfortable with them and yourself.

How might leaders refuel energy in micro-moments?