Working Smarter: Improve Your Time Management Skills

Time management is critical for all leaders as they impact and direct their team's overall strategy and operations. I've developed ten essential actions for effectively managing your ever-growing schedule:

  1. Set clear priorities: Identify the most critical tasks and projects you need to deliver and have your teams focus on them first. This will help ensure that your people's most essential tasks are completed on time and that resources are allocated effectively.

  2. Delegate effectively: It's crucial to trust and empower your team members to handle specific tasks and projects — this will free your time to focus on more high-level tasks and decision-making. It also grows your direct reports to step in when you are on vacation or indisposed.

  3. Use technology to automate repetitive tasks: Many available tools can automate repetitive tasks and free up time. For example, scheduling software can help with scheduling meetings. In contrast, project management software can help track progress and delegate tasks.

  4. Eliminate distractions: We all know email and social media can disrupt your focus and productivity — set aside specific times of the day to check your email and respond to messages.

  5. Take breaks: Schedule regular intervals throughout the day to recharge and refocus — take a walk, meditate, or step away from work for a few minutes.

  6. Learn to say no: This is a big one — it's crucial to say no to requests that do not align with your priorities or are not critical to the company's success. Saying no often will help you focus on the most vital tasks and projects. The most successful leaders say no all the time.

  7. Create a schedule and stick to it: Outline your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks and priorities and stick to them as much as possible, and be flexible and adjust as needed. Ensure your assistant keeps you on task daily and away from those people, clients, and things that distract you.

  8. Keep learning: You are responsible for leading the company and the industry; keep learning new skills, trends, and methodologies to stay relevant and make the right decisions. This is the one area most clients run afoul — they feel they've learned enough and don't need to learn anymore. That mistake can cost you your job.

  9. Set a balance: Between work and personal life, ensure you are taking care of your physical and mental health, spend time with loved ones, and pursue hobbies and interests to maintain a work-life balance. You work to live, not live to work.

  10. Seek help: As a leader, you must understand that you cannot do everything alone. Seek help from mentors, coaches, and other experts to help you navigate the challenges of leading a company.

Just pick one action and try it this week. Effective time management is critical for leaders to be successful and focused and to be a positive example for their team to emulate.

Case Study: Working Smarter

Background: Daniel is a manager at a medium-sized manufacturing company in Boston. He oversees a team of 15 employees and manages several projects simultaneously. Despite his best efforts, Daniel struggled to meet deadlines and felt overwhelmed by the constant demands on his time.

Problem: After a short  360° assessment  (including clients), we uncovered that Daniel's lack of time management skills was negatively impacting his productivity and team productivity. He was often late with strategic deliverables, and his team members were also frequently missing deadlines. This was causing frustration and dissatisfaction among employees and damaging relationships with clients.

Solution: We focused on improving Daniel's time management skills to address these issues. Through coaching , he began by setting clear goals and prioritizing his tasks. He also implemented a daily schedule and broke down large projects into smaller, manageable chunks. Additionally, we trained his team members in time management techniques - he encouraged them to set goals and prioritize their duties as well.

Results: By implementing these changes, Daniel significantly improved his productivity and that of his team. He was able to meet deadlines more consistently, and his team members could complete their tasks on time. As a result, employee morale improved, and client satisfaction increased by 22%.