If You Aren’t Dumb You’re Stupid


Fearful leaders keep people in their place with fear.

Fear leads with fear.

On the other hand, confident leaders build self-confident followers.

Build-up others – ask for advice.

Most leaders say they believe in hiring people smarter than they are. Well, if they’re so smart, why aren’t you seeking their advice?

Hiring people that is smarter than you is
means you is dumber than they is.

If they’re smarter than you, tap their expertise. What do you call someone who doesn’t listen to smart people?

Who’s the smartest:

Weak, arrogant, know-it-all leaders need to be the smartest, they can’t seek advice.

Leaders who don’t seek advice fear looking dumb or believe they already know. In both cases, it’s arrogance not intelligence.

Arrogance pushes others down, something wise leaders avoid.

It’s not how smart you are
but how smart you can help them become.

Make others powerful by making them advisers. Stop seeing yourself as the adviser, receive advice instead. Ask:

  1. What options do we have?
  2. How would you handle this?
  3. What dangers are we facing?
  4. What’s the next step?
  5. What happens if we fail?
  6. Who is essential for success?
  7. What relationships fuel forward movment?

Leaders who don’t have all the answers
are smarter than those who do.


The up-side of asking for advice:

  1. Humility – yours
  2. Elevation – theirs.
  3. Options and ideas.
  4. Engagement.
  5. Connection.
  6. Respect.
  7. Loyalty.

Dumb or stupid:

You, like everyone else on the team, excel in certain areas. Hopefully, your area is leadership. Wise leaders believe answers are found by working with others, seeking advice.

Being dumb makes you smart.

Be the dumbest person in the room, at least in some areas, or you’re stupid. The need to be the smartest person in the room, means people tell you what you want to hear, that’s dumb.

How can leaders build-up others?

What are the dangers of being an advice-seeking leader?

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