Bearing Witness: Empowering Indigenous Youth Through Education

Bearing Witness: Empowering Indigenous Youth Through Education

On May 10th, we observe #BearWitnessDay, a day dedicated to recognizing the inherent rights of all Indigenous children to equitable access to government services. It’s a day to reflect on our collective responsibility to ensure that every child, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to thrive. On this significant occasion, we are proud to update you on our #Impact215 initiative, a mission that resonates deeply with the spirit of Bear Witness Day.

In the wake of the heartbreaking discovery of the Kamloops 215, we were inspired to take action. We set for ourselves a Big, Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG): to fund 215 Indigenous youth in their post-secondary endeavors over the next five years. Today, we stand committed to this mission, fueled by the support and generosity of individuals like you who have joined us on this journey.

To all those who have referred clients, donated, shared our story, and advocated for #Impact215, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your contributions have already made a tangible difference. We are thrilled to announce that we have committed to funding 31 young Indigenous individuals as they pursue their dreams of higher education. Each bursary awarded represents a step towards a brighter future for these promising students.

But our work doesn’t stop there. Recognizing the power of collaboration, we have formed the #Impact215 Consortium in partnership with Indigenous Corporate Training Inc., 3Coze, and Parachute Executive Coaching. Together, we aim to accelerate our impact and amplify our efforts in supporting Indigenous youth. If you share our passion and expertise, we invite you to join us in this consortium and contribute to our collective mission.

Through our partnership with Indspire, we are driving meaningful change in Indigenous education. By supporting First Nation, Inuit, and Métis youth across Canada in their pursuit of post-secondary education, we are laying the foundation for a more inclusive and equitable society. We firmly believe that education is not just a pathway to success but a catalyst for empowerment and transformation.

As we reflect on the significance of Bear Witness Day, we invite you to join us in making a difference. Here are three ways you can help us continue our journey of impact:

  1. Refer a colleague to a Roundtable program: By referring a colleague, you not only contribute to their professional growth but also help us fund more #Impact215 bursaries. Your support can make a world of difference to a young Indigenous student striving for higher education.
  2. Make a donation: Every contribution, no matter how big or small, plays a crucial role in our mission. You can donate directly to our cause here. Your generosity will directly support Indigenous youth on their educational journey.
  3. Commit to truth and reconciliation: Take the corporate pledge for Truth and Reconciliation or enroll in programs such as “How to Be an Ally” developed by the Indigenous Training Corporation Inc. Education and awareness are essential steps towards building a more inclusive and equitable society.

On this Bear Witness Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to creating a future where every Indigenous child has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of Indigenous youth and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. Join us in our mission to empower, educate, and uplift Indigenous communities across Canada.

Together, we can truly make a difference.

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