John Maxwell on Connection

I’m in Atlanta to write about the Chick-fil-A leadercast. Presently I’m listening to John Maxwell who recently wrote Everyone Communicates, Few Connect. Here are a few of John’s comments about connection:

– Leadership is influence.
– Connecting is the ability to identify with and relate to people that it increases our influence with them.
– Connecting is all about others, not about us.
– Connecting is intentional, it is all about other, and it requires hard work and energy to connect.
– As soon as you get married, you have a power outage.
– Who do you need to spend energy on connecting with?
– Connectors find common ground…connection is based on similarities, not differences.
– When you connect it takes you to a higher plain of communication.
– Connections happen when you open up your life rather than keeping people at a distance.

As always, John connected with the audience. His warmth, humor, humility and wisdom are truly exceptional.

I’m thrilled to see John write and speak about the importance of connection. John is an fellow author whose books have been published by Thomas Nelson, the publisher who published our book on Connection Cultures entitled Fired Up or Burned Out: How to reignite Your Team’s Passion, Creativity and Productivity.

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