How To Make Yourself More Valuable In The Marketplace.

In today's competitive job market, standing out from the crowd and making yourself more valuable in the eyes of potential employers is essential.

It can lead to better job opportunities, higher salaries, and a more fulfilling career. Here are some ways to make yourself more valuable in the marketplace:

  1. Develop new skills.

    One of the best ways to make yourself more valuable is to develop new skills in demand in your field. It could be anything from learning a new programming language to improving communication skills. Keep an eye on industry trends and seek training opportunities to help you stay ahead of the curve. You are never ‘too old’ to learn new tricks — read, listen to podcasts, and take online classes regularly.

  2. Build a solid online presence.

    In today's digital age, having a robust online presence can make you more valuable to potential employers. It could include building a professional website or blog, creating a strong LinkedIn profile, and engaging with industry influencers on social media. You can increase your visibility and credibility in your field by showcasing your expertise and building your brand online. Make sure you remember to post all online interactions on your LinkedIn profile — that’s where hiring managers and recruiters look for up and coming performers.

  3. Network frequently.

    Building solid professional relationships is critical to making yourself more valuable in the marketplace. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with others in your field through social media. By networking and building relationships with others, you can learn about new job opportunities, gain insights into industry trends, and expand your knowledge and skill set.

  4. Get out and volunteer:

    Volunteering can be a great way to gain new skills, build your network, and make yourself more valuable in the marketplace. Look for volunteer opportunities that align with your interests and abilities, allowing you to gain new experiences and make meaningful connections. You’ll be surprised how many influential people you’ll meet volunteering.

  5. Seek feedback.

    Feedback is critical to improving your skills and making yourself more valuable in the marketplace. Seek feedback from your colleagues, managers, and mentors regularly, and use that feedback to identify areas for improvement and to develop new skills. Develop a current state/desired state plan to help you track your progress.

  6. Be adaptable.

    In today's rapidly changing marketplace, being flexible and open to new opportunities is vital. Be willing to take on new challenges, learn new skills, and take risks in your career. Being adaptable and flexible, you can position yourself as a valuable asset to any organization. Stepping out of your comfort zone is key to growth in any area you choose.

  7. Focus on results.

    Employers value results, so achieving measurable outcomes in your work is essential. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) for your role, and work to exceed those targets. By consistently delivering results, you can position yourself as a valuable contributor to your organization. Make sure you are dilligent about tracking and communicating your progress with your superiors.

  8. Be a team player.

    Collaboration and teamwork are critical to success in any organization. Be a team player by offering to help your colleagues, sharing your expertise, and working collaboratively on projects. Being a positive and supportive team member can position you as a valuable asset to your organization. No one wants to work with a Negative Nancy or Nathan.

  9. Stay up-to-date.

    It is crucial to stay up-to-date on industry trends, new technologies, and best practices in your field. Subscribe to industry publications, attend webinars and conferences, and use training opportunities to stay current with your knowledge and skills. The first sign that you’re falling behind will be your lack of up-to-date skills, information, or knowledge — don’t fall behind.

  10. Build a strong work ethic:

    Finally, building a solid work ethic is critical to making yourself more valuable in the marketplace. Show up on time, meet your deadlines, and work diligently to achieve your goals. A strong work ethic can position you as a reliable and valuable organization member. Trust is key — if you’re known as a ‘just jobber’ and stare at the clock for 5 PM — your worth is going to diminish rapidly.

These actions are just a few of the many ways to make yourself more valuable in the marketplace. By choosing just one, you can be on your way to position yourself as a valuable asset to any organization.

P.S. This might sound like a lot of work — it isn’t. By just adding an action every week/month, your job will become easier, you’ll accomplish things faster, and you’ll have more fun in the process.