Content + Connection + Follow Up — Along The Path to Professional Growth (Why the First Friday Book Synopsis Is Worth Your Time)

For 16 years (since April, 1998), Karl Krayer and I have conducted the First Friday Book Synopsis in Dallas.  We meet at the wonderful Park City Club.

Every month – two books – great food – great networking!

Over the 16 years, we have met some really sharp professional men and women.  Leaders; thinkers; folks who get things done.

And the very content of our gatherings – our business book synopsis presentations — provide up-to-date top level business thinking.

We all have more to learn!

The book synopses provide key transferable principles from some of the best business books of the era.

But, I also watch the folks interact.  We average 65-80 folks at each gathering – some months, even more.  People learn from each other all the time.  They talk before we get up to speak, they stay afterword, they make follow-up appointments.  They do business with each other.  Though the primary focus of our gathering is found in the book presentations, people seem to find each other, and network on their own.

We have more than a couple of terrific business coaches.  One of them is my own “unofficial” coach – who has helped me enormously.  Others have helped me in “short bursts.”  And I am grateful for all.

Tom Niesen
Tom Niesen

One frequent participant is Tom Niesen (Acuity Systems; Sandler Sales Training).  He is a walking encyclopedia on sales issues.  He is the official sponsor of our February First Friday Book Synopsis, and if you have any one working at all in sales in your company or organization, I encourage you to contact him.  I’ve heard him speak; I’ve listened to him and his counsel.  He knows what he is talking about!, and he could provide genuine help to your sales efforts.Sandler logo

But, even if you don’t need any sales help, just show up, connect, and listen.  I promise you – either the book presentations will offer you something useful, or the conversation with the folks at your table will.


(Our next session is next week, Friday, February 7.  I will present my synopsis of Creative Confidence by the Kelley Brothers of IDEO fame, and Karl will present his synopsis of the new biography of Dale Carnegie.  And the table conversations will be just as valuable.  Hope to see you there.  Click here to register).

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