Leadership Questions For The New Year

By Linda Fisher Thornton

What will 2023 be like? We’ve been through so much over the past few years. Will things be better? Whatever happens, the start of a new year is a great time to take stock of our leadership strengths and areas for improvement.

Regardless of the leadership challenges we may face this year, there are important things we should be doing to make it easier for others to succeed, and our teams are counting on us to do them so that they can do their best work.

Ask yourself these questions to tune up your leadership for the New Year.

  • If my team members were asked, would they say that I am fully inclusive in my words and actions? If not, what would I need to improve for them to say that?
  • Am I carefully verifying the accuracy and legitimacy of information (using credible sources) before I share it? If not, what is my plan for doing better?
  • Am I carefully addressing any instances of teasing or disrespect, and making sure that team members know that they make people feel uncomfortable and are not acceptable? If not, how will I make this part of my regular leadership?
  • Am I consistent so that people know what to expect from me, and they don’t have to waste energy wondering which direction I’ll go next? If not, what areas have been inconsistent, and how do they need to change?
  • Have I involved my team in the planning for the year, so that the plan is informed by the group’s experience, and everyone is aligned around it? If not, when can I schedule a planning session to involve and align the team?
  • When was the last time I asked my team members how I could improve my leadership, and how consistently have I made the improvements they asked for?

Good leadership is a learning process. Take the time to reflect on these questions and start tuning up your leadership for the New Year.

Unleash the Positive Power of Ethical Leadership


© 2009-2023 Leading in Context LLC


  1. In grad school, taking a class on ethical leadership and was introduced to your book! Enlightening, and I will keep and refer to it on my leadership journey…thank you! I plan to put these questions to use this year with my team. Thanks again! Sharon


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