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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - Bring It All Together

CEO Insider

Bring It All Together

I can’t be convinced otherwise, it’s my strong belief that it starts the first day of engagement with a potential candidate and continues well beyond he/she decides to move on.

If you do it right, that will take years and any amount of investment, both time and money, placed on each human being in your organization is more than worth it and a mere drop in the ocean.

According to a survey conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), it found that the average cost-per-hire for companies is $4,129.

This may seem like a lot of money, and it is if companies conduct recruitment strategies the wrong way.  However, when done the right way, this becomes the proverbial, ‘drop in the ocean’.

Question:  What has a greater ROI for a business than investing in its employees?

Answer:  NOTHING

The Interview

This is where it all begins, that all-important initial engagement.  You know the saying, ‘You don’t get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression’!  This is a 2-way street and is not solely reserved for the candidate.  So many get this wrong.  The company representative, typically a recruiter with the least amount of experience in the organization, are placed in a position to screen your most important asset.

This representative should be the mirror image of the company.  Resemble the company values and mission and be able to articulate them easily in conversation.  What does this mean?  Some of your company’s most experienced should also be responsible for conducting the most important initial engagements.  Why is your business leaving its most critical function to its most inexperienced employees?

Recommendation:  All front-line employees need to be seasoned, experienced and understand your company culture front to back, top to bottom.  They are the face of the company.  This absolutely includes each and every recruiter responsible for attracting top talent.  Assuming you want top talent, use your existing top talent to get it.  Considering the money that is at stake for making a ‘bad hire’, there is arguably no more important role in your company.


Once you’ve landed on ‘The One’, time to celebrate and carry that excitement into the obligatory ‘Onboarding’, whatever that means!  Seriously, can we come up with a better term for this?  ‘Welcoming’ perhaps?  We can all do better.

I digress.  This is your organizations opportunity to roll out the red carpet, send a message and tell your new hire, “WELCOME”!  Out of the hundreds, or even thousands of candidates, we chose YOU!  That’s a big deal, make it a big deal!  This cannot be overstated and starts the all-important feeling of belonging and…wait for it…CULTURE!

I get it, there’s a ton of paperwork, it’s almost worse than signing a mortgage, but it has to be done.  Nothing exciting about it, but once that’s out of the way, time to have some fun!  That doesn’t mean showing them where the bathrooms are, dropping them off at their cubicle or office and tell them to call if they need something.

Recommendation:  Get them what they need, ask, make it happen.  Lunch with the team, of course!  Then, make the rounds.  Introduce them to the who’s-who of the company.  I don’t care if they are the new custodian or Division President, everyone needs to know who does what, for who, for how long, and what it takes.  A quality training path will be a key to the success of each new candidate.  Spending quality time with each leader in the company and learning about each other is priceless.

Having an intimate understanding of what makes the company tic right out of the gate, and more importantly, who makes it tic, is critical.  Here’s the key:  Taking the time to ensure your new hire knows he/she is worth taking the time to learn the who, the what’s, the in’s and out’s is part of, again…wait for it…CULTURE!  Hmm, can’t seem to get away from that word!

Learning & Development

Everyone has potential.  Admittedly, however, some are more eager to move up the ‘ladder’ than others.  As time goes on, and as a leader in your business, it’s critically important to learn and understand who those ‘go-getters’ are and encourage and support them any way you can.  I firmly believe that one of the prime responsibilities of a leader, is to create more leaders.  Again, as a Leader in your business, this is where you come in!

Human Resources should be front and center on these initiatives.  If not already, you need to be reaching out and be in discussions about the programs that your organization may already have in place to promote high-performing employees.  I’ve seen many different types of programs, but all are designed with the same goal in mind – the development of management and leadership skills through the learning and development program offerings in your company.

Recommendation:  As an effective, empathetic and emotionally intelligent leader in your company, you are no doubt getting to know the people on your team.  Understanding each person’s goals, objectives and what makes them get out of bed every morning.  Through those conversations, you will have a better understanding of who best to enroll in your company’s L&D programs.  In addition, because you’re an active listener who cares about the members of your team, you will have a unique perspective on who will make the best and next generation of servant leaders for your organization.  Wow, where do I sign up?  Now that’s what I call…CULTURE!

The Day-To-Day

Happy employees = Increased production/Improved service = Happy Clients = Increased Profits

CEO’s, Presidents, organizational leaders of all kinds, and anyone responsible for leading others, please take notice!  This is the equation for business success.  It works at all levels, in any industry, in any scenario but it all boils down to one thing, can you guess what that is?  Wait for it…, do I really need to spell it out for you?  Ok, I’ll let you off the hook…CULTURE!

From the very beginning, throughout the process, day in and day out.  It’s how your employees are treated, how they feel, what they think of you, what you think of them and ultimately, what do they believe?  Culture is not ‘tangible’.  Culture is not something you hold in your hand.  It’s a feeling and a sense of belonging to something bigger.

From complex business strategy sessions into the middle of the night, difficult contract negotiations with a tough client, a red-eye back from the west-coast for an early sales meeting the next morning, to working weekends and doing whatever it takes.  When they know you have their back, they will have yours.  It’s as simple as that!

Recommendation:  Walk the walk and talk the talk.  Live out your organization’s values and mission each and every day with sincerity and make sure everybody sees it.  If you are a CEO or leader of anything, know your people and know them well.  I get it, sometimes that’s not possible in a company of 20,000+ employees, but try to find a way to connect.  Work with your HR Dept. to create a way for them to know who you are, what you believe in, what gets you out of bed every day.  Monthly video chats work great!  There really are no excuses.

If your people can believe in what you believe in, if you can give them what they need, if they are appreciated, if they are rewarded, if you can listen and act, if you can be human, then the equation can start.

From Start to Finish

Follow the equation, treat your candidates and your employees with dignity, respect and show them who you are and what you care about from start to finish.

From initial contact, to the day they decide to move on, one thing will never change –

Everything is dependent upon a happy and satisfied employee, and this results in a happy and healthy bottom line.

Written by Ryan Waters. Here’s what you’ve missed?
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CEOWORLD magazine - Latest - CEO Insider - Bring It All Together

CEOWORLD magazine Print and Digital Edition

Ryan Waters
Ryan Waters is a business management consultant at Seen It All Consulting. Ryan specialises in topics including business transformation, executive leadership, change management, talent and performance management. Ryan Waters is an opinion columnist for the CEOWORLD magazine.