
“Don’t think that you’re the problem”

Written by Jamie Oliver Tuesday 26 March 2024
Toxic work behaviour takes many forms: intolerance, surrounding yourself with “yes men”, resistance to feedback. Dealing with a toxic colleague can be hard, but there are approaches that work
An illustration of a toxic colleague impacting another's wellbeing

Are you a micromanager? Do you take credit for other people’s work? Do you set unrealistic expectations? Do you complain about your organisation without doing anything about it? Do you have favourites, resist feedback, and belittle colleagues? 

Look away now, you’re a toxic colleague.

CMI triggered a wide debate about the impact of poor management after we released our Better Management campaign. Sadly, toxic work environments, bosses and colleagues appear to be more widespread than we’d want.


A vision for the future

CMI’s nationwide study into the state of UK management and leadership found that only 73% of managers without formal training felt comfortable calling out bad behaviour. With formal training however, this increased to 81% of managers.

Read more of the report's key findings

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