Sentence Starters for Your Journaling Journey

Journaling reminds you to participate in life.

Journaling could be writing whatever comes to mind. During turbulence free writing helps. But structured self-reflection provides purpose and direction.

Enhance your journaling journey with simple sentence starters.

Journaling reminds you to participate in life. Image of one bright sunflower.

Sentence starters for your journaling journey:

Choose a focus and write a sentence or two.


  1. I’m making progress on…
  2. My interactions with _______ have been useful because…
  3. I’m glad I’m…
  4. A highlight of my day/life is…
  5. Today I’ll send a thank you note to…
  6. I’m thankful for…
  7. I’m thankful to…


  1. My biggest challenge today is…
  2. One thing I want to accomplish today is… (Click here to learn the Big Rocks Law.)
  3. I’m frustrated with/about…
  4. Mom would be proud if she knew…

Goal setting:

  1. One thing I want to accomplish today is… (Think about big rocks.)
  2. Bring a goal to mind. My next step is…
  3. I’m striving to…

Image source: Flickr CC License


  1. Today I feel…
  2. I notice I’m often…
  3. I think about…
  4. My environment feels…
  5. I’m energized when…
  6. I’m drained when…


  1. My compassionate self wants to…
  2. My fearful self wants to…
  3. My brave self would…
  4. If I was older I would…
  5. If I was younger I would…
  6. I wish…

Personal Growth:

  1. I’m working to develop __________. Today I will…
  2. I’m learning…
  3. I admire ________. Today the behavior I will emulate is…
  4. One thing I will do today to develop myself is… (Listen to a podcast. Read an article on…)
  5. Next time I will…


  1. I had a meaningful conversation with…
  2. I want to learn more about… (Name a person.)
  3. Today I’ll send an encouraging note to…
  4. _________ is a positive influence in my life. One benefit of our relationship is…

Random Reflections:

  1. I admire _______ because…
  2. I’m dreaming…
  3. If only…
  4. I would love to…

Tip: Choose one sentence starter to begin. If you like, use the same sentence until it’s boring.

What sentence starters for journaling do you have?

Which of the sentence starters listed above speaks to you?

Still curious:

Eye-opening Self-Reflection Questions for Leaders

Yesterday’s post has lots of great comments: 10 Reasons to Begin Journaling Today

The Vagrant: The Inner Journey of Leadership,” is the story of a leader who stumbled over himself because he lost himself to career.

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