5 Questions That Trigger Positive Thinking

Imagine lying in the mud repeating, “I’m on top of the world.” Positive thinking won’t get you out of the mud. You have to get up. But mindset is crucial to success.

Positive thinking is useful when it feeds action.

Positive action is useful when it feeds action. Image of a smiling baby.

5 questions that trigger positive thinking:

#1. What’s the worst that could happen?

You may discover that the worst isn’t that bad. You might upset someone. Maybe you’ll be embarrassed. You probably won’t die from embarrassment.

#2. What’s the bravest thing you could do today?

Only fools believe lies. You know you’re lying to yourself when you say, “I’m brave,” when you’re shaking in your boots.

Challenge yourself with the ‘bravest question’ instead of lying to yourself.

Don’t judge your response. Just go do it. Action feeds optimism.

Warning: Busyness is an escape when you avoid what you fear. The bravest thing you can do today is face fear, not avoid it.

#3. What am I good at?

Take the VIA Character Strengths Survey. (Click here and look for the yellow button in the upper right. The location of the free version is valid on 4/24/2023.)

#4. What have I accomplished in the past?

You forget your accomplishments when darkness clouds your thinking. You learned to wipe your own bottom and read.

How might past accomplishments apply to present challenges?

#5. What can I learn from this challenge?

Life is a learning experience.

Begin an ‘I’m learning journal’. You might begin with hard truths like, “I’m learning that I’m discouraged.” There’s no sense denying reality.

Practicing gratitude magnifies positive feelings more than it reduces negative feelings.Image of a field with the sun coming up over the trees.

Bonus: What am I grateful for right now?

Are you eating buttery popcorn? Be thankful for tastebuds. Life is filled with small benefits. You say, “Thank you,” when someone holds the door for you. Put that on your list.

Which of the above questions seem useful to you? Why?

What questions that trigger positive thinking can you add to the list?

Still curious:

How to turn Negative Rumination into Useful Reflection

How to Resolve the Negative Realities of Positive Thinking

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