My experience as a coach and teacher have convinced me that in MOST cases, you should not prepare the road for the person.


Instead, you will be far more successful if you prepare the person for most any road…

But as a leader, your job is to control what you can, and to anticipate challenges so you and your team can overcome them together.


Yes… leaders have MANY responsibilities…


The job of a team leader is to…

not only identify a meaningful destination or common goal,

not only to choose the right people to join the team,

not only to create deeper connections amongst team members and build a quality culture,

not only to encourage each individual’s development and show appreciation,

and not only maintain an awareness of their needs and challenges and desires,


but to PREPARE before all of that happens so you can do it successfully!


It is your job to PAVE the way to team success by anticipating what your team will need.

And that requires four specific things that you will need to focus on:


PICK the People

It has been said by corporate and athletic leaders for years –

“you have to get the right people on the bus.”


One of the most important jobs I had as a basketball coach was choosing our team at the beginning of the season.  Our opponent was never as dangerous or important as our locker room.

An opponent may hurt us once or twice… but if I made the wrong choice and kept a guy that could sabotage our team culture, he would hurt us every day.

You have to have Winning Teammates – and there is a simple question you can ask when onboarding new hiresto ensure you get the right kind of person to grow your team performance.



Assigning roles may be the next most important job you have as you prepare your team for the journey together.

When you bring them on staff, you should have a good idea of their strengths and HOW they will serve and contribute to the team goals.

Do you people know WHY you hired them?

Do they know EXACTLY what you need them to do – consistently – to make the most valuable contribution and help the team the most?

That question – “What does the TEAM need?” is a vital internal conversation Winning Teammates have with themselves every day…

And it is your responsibility to REMIND your people (weekly – not annually) of how valuable their efforts and attitude and talent are to the organization.  Affirm their impact.

Let them feel seen and appreciated for the work they do.



VERIFY the Vision

Alignment is about defining and getting buy-in for a shared sense of purpose, and then getting everyone to row in the same direction in pursuit of that goal.


But in order to make it meaningful, the key to leaders creating and maintaining REAL BUY-IN and a passionate sense of mission by each team member is to be sure every day – when they are brushing their teeth or getting out of the car or logging into their computer – WHY they are there!


People need to know that what they are contributing to is a meaningful mission.

And the ENGAGMENT that so many people discuss and desire to see in their team is nothing more than how much people CARE about the results they are contributing to. 

But often people struggle to see beyond their role – and need to be shown how their effort is a vital part of a more significant big picture. So tell people – remind them as you open each meeting.  Add it to your email signature.

Sing it as you walk into the office each day ; )

Let them make fun of you and mock your repetition.

But you will be sure that they know what they are working toward – and that their effort is attached to a purpose that they understand and believe in.



EXPECT Entanglements

After you have chosen your team and communicated to emphasize their roles and you’ve clarified your compelling common goal, you job is really just beginning.

Because the most difficult part of being a leader is the everyday maintenance and refocusing and handling of distractions and adversity that often sabotages team cultures.

Providing clear expectations is vital… but it is never enough.

You need to know HOW you will handle issues when they occur – because without question, they most assuredly will!

How will you have accountability conversations with individuals?

How will you build trust when you need to strengthen a relationship with a coworker?

How will you address missed deadlines or interpersonal issues?


Putting out fires becomes easier when you have done two things:

1 – do the work that many don’t and create a more considerate, committed, and collaborative culture by being intentional abut the first three steps discussed here ; )

2 – have a plan for when unexpected and unavoidable fires pop up… so you have the least negative impact on the people and process that impact your results.


Knowing what you and your team needs to do is good.

Understanding what YOU NEED take to make it happen effectively and efficiently is even better.


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That is why it is so important to focus on building a more positive and productive team culture.

Regardless of the strategy you and your team are attempting, CULTURE will determine how well it is implemented!

And CULTURE is determined by leadership.


If you want a better team… if you ant better results… invest in becoming a better leader.

Experience and research will help you to anticipate and prepare for the speed bumps and challenges your team may face on your journey.

Maybe for you that means choosing to STAY COACHABLE (my newest book!)


If you would like help in preparing yourself – or in developing your team – to overcome common obstacles and to overachieve by building trust and collaboration and accountability into your culture, consider the impact that a customized team building event or team leadership masterclass that shares a step-by-step comprehensive system could have on your team performance.