7 Ways to Enable Boldness

Insecure people are conformists. Doubt produces caution.

It’s easy to manage insecure people.

  1. Post rules.
  2. Limit choices.
  3. Tweak work.
  4. Honor conformity.
  5. Punish initiative.

Do you really want to enable boldness? Bold people resist being managed. Do you want people solving problems on their own or acting without permission?

Decide if you prefer control or boldness.

Enable boldness by honoring risk-takers. Image of a person on a high rope walkway.

7 ways to enable boldness:

#1. Respect.

You get what you respect.

Honor effort, growth, improvement, and progress.

Enable boldness by honoring risk-taking. When you punish initiative, you earn stagnation.

Enable performance with respect. High performance requires…

  1. Confidence.
  2. Power.
  3. Energy.

Helplessness shows up as…

  1. Anxiety.
  2. Resentment.
  3. Fatigue.

#2. Explore.

Today is a beautiful day to ask, “What do you think?” Or “How would you handle this?”

Set a goal and ask, “What does forward movement look like from your perspective?”

Breakthrough questions are invitations to let go of established ways of thinking. Image of a bear cub on a tree.

#3. Release.

Hoop-jumping drains. Trust instills confidence.

  1. Choose goals.
  2. Set boundaries.
  3. Enable growth and development.
  4. Get out of the way.

#4. Equip.

Encourage improvement so you won’t have to over-see.

Fearful leaders prefer weak teams.

Enable through development. Trust competent people.

Success requires initiative. Image of two dogs playing with a frisbee.

#5. Reveal.

Transparency empowers because it invites people in.

  1. Show your humanity.
  2. Keep people in the loop.
  3. Let out joy. It takes more courage to share joy than to complain.

#6. Challenge.

High expectations tell people you believe in them.

Low expectations are subtle forms of rejection that say you’re incompetent.

Balance challenge with support by monitoring energy. When frustration goes up, challenge may be too high. When boredom sets in, support is destructive.

#7. Own.

Own your mistakes. Blame disempowers. Don’t beat yourself down. Own mistakes with confidence.

  1. Explain what you’ll do next time.
  2. Share things you’re learning. (We are always learning. You haven’t mastered anything.)
  3. Apologize, but don’t belittle yourself.

Your ownership empowers responsibility-taking in others – when you practice mutual accountability.

What leadership behaviors enable boldness?

What leadership behaviors elevate anxiety?

Still curious:

4 Principles of Responsible Boldness

Four Ways to Create Unflinching Boldness

How Bold Leadership Can Help Or Hurt You