The True Path to Greatness that Anyone Can Begin Today

Great musicians serve music. Great spouses serve each other. Great leaders serve a noble purpose.

Your greatness reveals itself as you serve.


Your greatness reveals itself as you serve.

The path to greatness:

#1. Experience greatness:

“To be great – you must experience great – then you can be great.” Stan Endicott

If you want to be a great dancer, experience great dancing. If you want to be a great musician, experience great music. If you want to be a great leader, experience servant-leadership.

Choose your models carefully. Models ignite ambition. Don’t admire successful jerk-holes lest you become one.

#2. Reach outside yourself:

Selfish people can succeed. But you must serve something bigger than yourself to be great.

A leader who serves an evil cause might be skillful, but they’re not great.

Serving something noble contributes to greatness.

#2. Provide value:

“Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.” Bob Burg

In youth we serve ourselves. In adolescence we serve to receive. In maturity we serve to bring value to others.

The essences of greatness is bringing value to others.

#3. Know yourself:

The more you serve, the more you understand yourself. You learn what brings joy to you and contributes to others at the same time.

Service is the path to self-knowledge.

You discover yourself when you engage and connect, not in isolation.

Committing to serve drives out the self-deceptions of isolation.

#4. Have confidence:

Confidence springs from self-knowledge. Great leadership begins when you appreciate your unique ability to serve the interest of others.

You’re less than you could be unless you confidently serve something bigger than yourself.

Your confident self emerges as you serve.

How do you define greatness?

What aspects of the path to greatness seem most relevant to you today?