Research Reveals The Neighborhoods At Risk Of Food Insecurity

Regional inequalities have been an issue across England for some time. Research from the University of Southampton highlights how food insecurity differs geographically.

The researchers developed a new index that highlights that communities in the north of England are at the highest risk of food insecurity. The index is able to hone in on risks at a smaller scale than ever before as it looks not only at geographic information but also at population characteristics.

“Food security for households is influenced by multiple factors, from individual circumstances to local access to affordable resources,” the researchers explain.

“We worked with local governments and charities to create a measure of food insecurity risk in neighborhoods that captures these barriers. By creating a detailed picture of an area, local authorities and charities can be better informed of where they need to put their resources to help the people most in need. This is particularly important in rural areas where there are pockets of high deprivation amongst areas of affluence.”

Food insecurity

The analysis found that around a third of most at-risk areas were in the northwest, with nearly all of these in urban communities. The team hopes that the map can be used by local authorities to enable better targeting of support to those most at risk, especially as budgets are limited.

The Index was developed for more than 30,000 neighborhoods across England with populations between 1,000 to 3,000 people. The index calculates food insecurity risk for all areas based on benefits claimants and low-income at a household level, as well as data on mental health and adult educational attainment.

The study also created another index (structural risk) which included data on the obstacles people face when living in those areas, such as distance to large supermarkets where food is cheaper, broadband speed and public transport links. The researchers say this Structural Index is important to provide details of barriers in more rural areas alongside the main Index.

The researchers have made the maps and data freely available at My Local Map to encourage local authorities to be better prepared and provide targeted help and support.

“Food insecurity in England is not a new social challenge, and while data has been collected about household food insecurity the detail of where more people experience food insecurity is lacking,” the researchers conclude. “Where people live is closely linked to their well-being and shapes health inequalities.”
