Growing Numbers Face Transport Insecurity

Inequality is a widespread problem across the developed world, but while income insecurity has been well documented, a recent study from the University of Michigan suggests that transportation insecurity deserves equal attention. It suggests that over a quarter of American adults experience difficulty getting from place to place in a timely manner.

The researchers developed the Transportation Security Index to measure transportation insecurity. The analysis revealed that transportation insecurity was strongly linked to one’s income level, with around half of those living below the poverty line experiencing a form of transportation insecurity. Interestingly, transportation insecurity was higher than food insecurity among those in poverty.

Transportation insecurity

The study found that people in urban areas were more likely to suffer from transportation insecurity than their peers in suburban or rural areas, with this often due to a lack of car ownership.

“Transportation security is an essential element of economic mobility, individual well-being and understanding how to address poverty,” the researchers explain. “If people don’t have the ability to move from place to place, they’re going to struggle to get to work, health care appointments, school, grocery stores and social services. They will also find it challenging to stay connected to important sources of social support, including friends and family.”

The Transportation Security Index was created based on 16 questions that probe the various symptoms of transportation insecurity, such as having to reschedule appointments or taking a long time to plan basic everyday trips.

“By focusing on symptoms of transportation insecurity, the Transportation Security Index spares urban planners, government officials, social scientists and transportation experts from attempting the impossible task of cataloging every possible variable—from bus schedules to gas prices—that influences transportation insecurity,” the researchers conclude. “The index offers new insights into who is experiencing transportation insecurity and the severity of the experience.”.
