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  • Thought for the Day
    Leadership is not just for people at the top. Everyone can lead by acquiring the power to make a difference and to be prepared when the call to lead comes.
  • A directory of online self assessments to gain success in life and work.
    Leadership skills and style testing. Know how you motivate and coach people to gain success at work and in life.
  • Leadership Coaching by certified executive and business coach.
    Effective leaders know the value of interpersonal skills.
  • What is Leadership?
    Leadership is an interactive conversation that pulls people toward becoming comfortable with the language of personal responsibility and commitment.
  • Leadership Tips
    “The crux of leadership development that works is self-directed learning: intentionally developing or strengthening an aspect of who you are or who you want to be, or both.” Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis & Annie McKee (Harvard Business School Press)


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  • Leadership and Management

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