How To Get That Next Promotion.

Getting a promotion can be challenging, especially in a competitive job market. However, with the right strategies and mindset, you can position yourself for success and increase your chances of getting that next promotion. Here are some tips on how to get that next promotion:

Focus on building solid relationships.

One of the essential factors in getting a promotion is building strong relationships with your colleagues, supervisors, and other stakeholders in the company.

It involves being approachable, collaborative, and proactive in your communication. Try to get to know your colleagues and build rapport with them. Look for opportunities to work on cross-functional projects and collaborate with people outside your department.

Expand your network outside your department — get higher-ups to notice your efforts. It’s not only who you know — but also WHO KNOWS YOU.

Set clear goals and objectives.

To get a promotion, you must demonstrate that you can take on greater responsibility and contribute more to the company. It involves setting clear goals and objectives for yourself and working to achieve them.

Take the time to assess your current skills and experience and identify areas where you can improve. Set specific, measurable, and achievable goals that align with the company's objectives and develop a plan for achieving them.

Most people don’t do this because they feel everything will change — that’s okay. It’s like taking a long trip — if you don’t have a roadmap, you will go off course and find yourself in a place you really don’t want to be.

Take on additional responsibilities.

Are you kidding? More work?

One of the best ways to demonstrate your value to the company is by taking on additional responsibilities outside your job description.

Look for opportunities to lead projects or initiatives or perform tasks outside your usual duties. Be proactive in seeking out opportunities to learn and grow, and be willing to take on challenges that stretch your skills and experience.

And if this new project is high-exposure, talk to your manager to delegate/reduce some of your current (and boring) tasks.

Communicate your achievements.

To get a promotion, you must ensure that your accomplishments and contributions are visible to your supervisors and other stakeholders.

It involves communicating your achievements clearly and compellingly, using data and metrics where possible. Please keep a record of your accomplishments, and be prepared to present them in a performance review or other formal setting.

In other words, you have to BRAG. Not all the time — but selling your achievements, experience, and knowledge to prospects who will value your attributes is important. That’s what top executives constantly do to any head muckety-muck they meet.

Seek feedback and act on it.

To improve your performance and position yourself for a promotion, you must be open to feedback and willing to work on it.

Seek feedback from your colleagues and supervisors, and be receptive to constructive criticism. Use this feedback to identify areas where you can improve and develop a plan for addressing them.

I know — it’s hard to do — but be selective who you inquire for feedback. Authentic and truthful colleagues will give you actionable items, and some other nefarious people will lead you astray. Be wary.

Develop your skills and knowledge.

To get a promotion, you must demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge required for the new role. It involves investing in professional development and seeking opportunities to learn and grow.

Look for training programs, certifications, and other opportunities to develop your skills and knowledge, and be proactive in pursuing them.

This is probably the most important tip — if you don’t grow mentally, you won’t grow professionally. Too many people get elevated ideas of their impact on their company and rudely discover they are only qualified to do the same area they’ve been in for many years. For you to move up — you need to grow — take a class, read books, and learn new technology. This is the path to enlightenment.

Be patient and persistent.

Getting a promotion can take time, and it's essential to be patient and persistent in your efforts. Don't be discouraged if you don't get promoted immediately – continue to focus on building solid relationships, setting clear goals, and taking on additional responsibilities.

Be persistent in pursuing your goals, and be willing to put in the time and effort required to achieve them.

Getting a promotion requires hard work, dedication, and strategic thinking.

It’s going to be difficult - but you can do it. Remember, getting a promotion is not just about what you do but how you do it – so be proactive, collaborative, and focused on delivering results.