Thu.Jul 28, 2011

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Who's the King?

Leading Blog

The lion was completely convinced about his dominance of the animal kingdom. One day he wanted to check whether all the other animals knew he was the undisputed king of the jungle. He was so confident that he decided not to talk to the smaller creatures. Instead he went straight to the bear. “Who is the king of the jungle?” asked the lion. The bear replied, “Of course, no one else but you, sir.

Course 273
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10 Tactics that Produce Brilliant Solutions

Leadership Freak

Courageous leaders do more than listen to constructive dissent, they encourage it. Hot conflict not comfortable collaboration produces brilliance. Encouraging constructive dissent: Don’t answer first. Tell people you expect hard truths and practical answer. Don’t settle for yes. Share all the information. You discourage feedback when you toss out information you withheld that invalidates what [.].

Tactics 224

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Why Airplanes are a Productivity Haven For Me

Kevin Eikenberry

Commercial flights are (increasingly) full, they are loud – both the ambient noise of the plane and the people on them, they are stuffy, you can’t get any food for free. I could go on (and you likely are in your head anyway, so there is no need for me to). If all of this [.].

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Thought-full Thursday: Wonderful Stuff

Persuasive Powerhouse

Every Thursday, we provide you with a thoughtful way to coach yourself – something all leaders need to do. So take five and enjoy the inspirational quotes and reflect on the questions that follow. Your comments, thoughts, and responses to the questions are most welcome! Young cat, if you keep your eyes open enough, oh, the stuff you would learn! The most wonderful stuff!

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New DOL Final Overtime Rules: Quickstart Guide for Employers

There’s a new overtime salary threshold that will impact employers across the country. If you have an employee making less than $43,888 on July 1 or less than $58,656 on January 1, you’re going to have to start paying overtime. Download Paycor’s guide to learn: Which groups of employees are affected? How should you classify employees? Best ways to mitigate risk.

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The Nuts & Bolts of the One-Page Strategic Plan


I am delighted that so many readers have asked for details of the content that goes into the 1-Page Strategic Plan. Start with deep strategic thought and the right conviction. Leaders with a ‘do-more-of-the-same but better’ attitude are destined for mediocrity. The strategic plan is not the annual budget. This is the break from day-to-day operations; it is the organization’s future.

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Management Controls the Process. Detection of Errors + Coaching is Your Job.

Mike Cardus

“We need to talk about Mark”. “Alright Karen, what is going on with Mark?”. “I was pulling the medication forms for an audit and found another error!”. “Another error, have you found errors in Mark’s forms before?”. “Well, yes…this is the fifth error I have found on his form in the past two months. If theses errors get through my systems and are found by the state we can lose funding and possibly have our license suspended.”.

Process 118

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It's the Size of the Service in the Leader That Matters

Modern Servant Leader

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The Quality Most Valued in Leaders - Strategy Execution

Six Disciplines

In the Best Companies for Leaders survey , management consultancy Hay Group identified the top 20 best-in-class companies as well as what makes these companies known for great leadership. Key findings of the Hay Group's research: When asked what organizations value the most in leaders, 83 percent of the best-in-class organizations as compared to others said “ execution.

Execution 101
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The Nuts & Bolts of the One-Page Strategic Plan


'I am delighted that so many readers have asked for details of the content that goes into the 1-Page Strategic Plan. Start with deep strategic thought and the right conviction. Leaders with a ‘do-more-of-the-same but better’ attitude are destined for mediocrity. The strategic plan is not the annual budget. This is the break from day-to-day operations; it is the organization’s future.

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Why Read Six Disciplines for Excellence?

Six Disciplines

Why read Six Disciplines for Excellence ? “…for those who take the time to read it, the payoffs can be astounding.” ~ Sarah Bosch, Business Opportunities Weblog. “For pragmatists and those who love execution, I give this book a strong recommend. Buy Six Disciplines of Excellence.” ~ Sam Decker, Decker Marketing. “Well done Mr.

Trends 101
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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Getting through to absolutely anyone

Change Starts Here

I recently read a book that I recommend all change agents read: Just Listen: Discover The Secret to Getting Through to Absolutely Anyone by Mark Goulston. Goulston, a psychiatrist who appears to be equal parts business consultant, marriage counselor, and hostage negotiator, shares the science of how the brain moves from “No&# to “Yes,&# and then tells how to do that with someone whose buy-in and agreement you need.

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7 Suggestions for Confronting a Controlling Leader

Ron Edmondson

I received this comment on a post recently: Any chance there is an upcoming post or two on how/when/where to confront a controlling leader? Especially for those of us who have had it drilled into our heads from childhood to not question authority? Some practical, nitty gritty tips would be really helpful. That’s a pretty big request, but I think it’s a topic worth considering.

Stress 71
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Upcoming Speaking in Engagements in Atlanta, Los Angeles, Kansas City and Raleigh

Managing Communities

After taking a speaking break for a few months, it is time to get back on the road. This fall, I am joining the Social Media Masters tour from Social Media Club. The conference series bills itself as “an advanced level conference for marketing and communications professionals.&# It’ll hit five cities and I’ll be speaking [.].

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Ask the experts: Are talking therapy services effective?

Chartered Management Institute

Our senior staff are looking at ways to tackle our high levels of stress-related issues. Are talking therapy services effective? Reply by Dr Rob Briner is head of the school of management and organisational psychology at Birkbeck College, London.

Stress 63
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Individual Development Plan Template

There’s no way around it: sometimes employees need your help. Use this free template to clarify expectations, share resources, and set a timeline. Best case scenario, this process helps them improve. Worst case, your great recordkeeping keeps you compliant even if they move on. Download the template today!

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Rick Warren’s Saddleback Leadership Academy

Ron Edmondson

It’s been almost a year since I first heard of Rick Warren’s vision to plant and assist hundreds (maybe it’s thousands)of churches in the next 10 years. After hearing his heart and vision, if I were beginning a ministry career or even in a time of transition and felt God was calling me to be a church planter today, I would strongly consider attending the Saddleback Leadership Academy.

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Do you REALLY know the people in your team?

My Own Coach

'How well do you know the people you work with? It''s a question that came to my mind as I gazed across the station platform at a poster for the London Olympics in 2012. Leaders in the fast paced business environment are too often only focussed on the task or project at hand. At the extreme, this can lead to a superficial interest in people. Driven by haste, the nature of the task and a whole host of assumptions, it is easier for them to avoid getting to know the very people that are going to be

Team 38
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7 Unwritten Rules of Social Media

Rajesh Setty

This was the topic of my latest article on AMEX Open. The reception for the article was so strong that it solidified my belief that there is a better way to engage with social media and it is clear that a LOT more people have that belief. In short, I think that the very reason why social media seems easy is the reason why social media is hard. Anywhere in life, when the barrier to entry is low, the barrier to attention is very high.

Media 32
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How Our Economy Was Overrun by Monsters and What to Do About It

Harvard Business Review

The monsters, they say, come out at night. And right now, we're in a long, dark night of the economy. So to a stage crammed with the now familiar-pantheon of modern-day monsters — the clueless chairmain of the board , the narcissistic chief executive , the proudly sociopathic investor , the servile, principle-less politician — let me introduce a minor new setpiece: the playhouse for the super-rich (which can easily cost more than the average income of the people formerly known as "th

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Six Steps to Successful Sponsorships

Harvard Business Review

This post is part of the HBR Insight Center Marketing That Works. Why is one of the oldest marketing tactics — sponsorships — currently in vogue to the tune of $3.37 billion a year and growing ? It seems that every major marketer and most minor ones are engaging in some sort of sponsorship marketing. As marketers continue their shift from building brands to "activating" them , sponsorship marketing's ability to connect with people's passions and deliver inherently social content is o

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?How to Make Diversity and Inclusion Real?

Harvard Business Review

A few years ago, my best friend, who is gay, contracted stomach cancer. Serendipitously, the day after I learned of his condition, a member of Campbell's OPEN network (our human resources network — a.k.a "affinity group" — which supports the LGBT community), offered me a rainbow-colored bracelet to wear in support of "gay pride." I am not gay myself, but I vowed to wear the bracelet and not remove it until my friend was fully recovered.

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Implementing a Stakeholder Strategy

Harvard Business Review

In the last couple of years, a number of HBR commentators, such as Jeffrey Pfeffer , Nathan Washburn and Dominic Barton , have made the case for greater weight to be given to the interests of non-shareholder stakeholders — employees, suppliers, customers, partners, society — in strategy development. Reinforcing these arguments is research showing that long term returns to shareholders are improved when their interests are not considered paramount.

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Reinventing Innovation at PARC

Harvard Business Review

A few weeks back, we saw firsthand a hotbed of innovation in a place that many observers had long ago given up on. Its resurrection convinces us that other organizations can do the same by creating a culture of consideration, coordination, and communication, and marrying that culture to a responsive business model. That resurgent hotbed is PARC (formerly Xerox PARC), the Palo Alto Research Center famous for inventing the graphical user interface, the mouse, the first user-friendly personal compu

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How to Build the Ideal HR Team

HR doesn’t exist in a vacuum. This work impacts everyone: from the C-Suite to your newest hire. It also drives results. Learn how to make it all happen in Paycor’s latest guide.

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Stretching Your Global Mindset

Harvard Business Review

How well do you really understand the world beyond your own country's borders? Do you value all human beings equally or are you more sympathetic toward people who are closer and more similar to you? What does it matter for business and for society? Several readers of my previous post have commented that mindsets or perceptions about globalization can be at least as important as actual levels of globalization.

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Pricing Secrets of Ticket Scalpers

Harvard Business Review

Featured Guest: Rafi Mohammed, pricing strategy consultant and author of The 1% Windfall: How Successful Companies Use Price to Profit and Grow. Download this podcast.

Price 13
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Case Study: The Mission or the Bottom Line?

Harvard Business Review

Editors' Note: This fictionalized case study will appear in a forthcoming issue of Harvard Business Review, along with commentary from experts and readers. If you'd like your comment to be considered for publication, please be sure to include your full name, company or university affiliation and email address. "Pottsville, Pennsylvania, is not known for its lovely winters," Wayne Moriarty said as he pulled his car into a space in the lot outside the East Coast distribution center of Baldwin Farm

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Why Retailers Should Target Female Consumers

Harvard Business Review

Back to school shopping will be uneven at best in the U.S. this year. The vast majority of consumers are gloomy, fearful about consumption, and cutting back on many purchases. Some 40 percent of American households are living hand to mouth, with incomes under $40,000 per year. People living at this income level are suffering from long term unemployment above 10 percent.

Retail 14
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ABM Success Recipe: Mastering the Crawl, Walk, Run Approach

Shifting to an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy can be both exciting and challenging. Well-implemented ABM motions build engagement with high-value accounts and drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience. But where do you begin, and how do you progress from crawling to running? Watch now as Demand Gen experts delve into the essentials of each stage of the ABM process.

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Procter and Gamble Minimizes Management Meddling

Harvard Business Review

With not a little pride, Procter & Gamble CEO Bob McDonald and Filippo Passerini, his CIO, told Fortune Brainstorm conference attendees that digital investment had successfully transformed their company's transparency and agility. New networks and innovative analytics gave top management greater visibility into Procter's people, processes, and anticipated profits.