Change Your Environment With Your Brain.

Changing your environment with your brain is about harnessing the power of your thoughts and emotions to shape the world around you.

When I coach, my job is to help my clients incrementally transition their careers from a motionless or harmful state to a more progressive and positive one.

To do that, try one of these proven techniques and resources to ‘click’ your brain’s switch from static to bold:

  1. Develop a useful mindset. I’m not talking about ‘being positive’. Your thoughts and emotions have a powerful impact on your environment. Focusing on where you can make a difference and cultivating a useful mindset can attract positive experiences and people into your life. By surrounding yourself with useful opportunities, you will start your active mind and slowly eliminate passive behavior. (book)

  2. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is being fully present at the moment. Hundreds of interruptions from email, social media, bothersome colleagues, or a pesky boss or client can disrupt our focus. When you are mindful, you are more aware of your thoughts and emotions and better equipped to control them. This focus can help create a more positive environment by reducing stress and increasing productivity. (book)

  3. Visualization. Visualization is a powerful technique for changing your environment with your brain. By visualizing your desired outcomes and experiences, you can tap into the power of your imagination to bring them to life and overcome obstacles, increase motivation, and create the life you want. Bad habits repeat themselves again and again, not because you don't want to change but because you have the wrong system for change.

  4. Set clear goals. Setting measurable goals is essential to changing your environment. Your brain helps you focus your thoughts and emotions on what you want to achieve and provides a roadmap for creating the life you want. Goal setting is a major part of my client’s experience - it builds a personal roadmap for success. (book)

  5. Surround yourself with positive influences. Your environment profoundly impacts your thoughts and emotions. Surrounding yourself with positive influences, such as supportive colleagues or friends, a healthy and powerful work environment, and uplifting media can help cultivate a positive mindset and create a positive environment. Too often, we satiate ourselves with aggressive friends, soul-sucking work environments, and media/news that makes us worry — turn those ‘life faucets’ down and amp up those areas that make us feel great. (book)

  6. Use affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements you repeat to yourself to reinforce a positive mindset. You can replace negative thoughts and beliefs with positive, empowering ones by using affirmations. But affirmations only work if you do them daily — I put post-it notes on my bathroom mirror, have a powerful saying on my phone, or regularly enter my thoughts in a five-minute journal entry. (book)

  7. Practice gratitude. Gratitude is the practice of focusing on the thankful things in our lives. By focusing on what you have rather than what you don't have, you can cultivate a more positive mindset and attract positive experiences into your life. We live in a highly competitive world that makes us consume more and try to outdo our work and life neighbors. For once, step off the American hamster treadmill and look at all the great things we already have in our lives. You’re in luck — here’s the same resource that will help you with affirmations AND gratitude!

  8. Seek out new experiences. Stepping out of your comfort zone and seeking new experiences can help you change your environment with your brain. It's hard to do this — it’s scary — what if I take the wrong turn, I do something, and it’s awful? Step back and try something else. We tend to over-dramatize possible choices and equate them with stepping off a cliff — it never happens. If you’ve made a wrong turn, hit the brakes and turn around. But if you do take that first step, you will expand your horizons, increase your confidence, and develop a more positive outlook on life. (book)

  9. Take care of your physical and mental health. Taking care of your physical and psychological health is integral to changing your environment with your brain. If you feel shitty, it will affect all of your systems, and cause you to shut down. Eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and manage stress through techniques like mindfulness and meditation. (book)

  10. Surround yourself with supportive people. Having a solid support system is critical for changing your environment with your brain. Surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family members who believe in you and your goals can help you overcome challenges and create the life you want. (book)

Changing your environment with your brain is about harnessing the power of your thoughts and emotions to shape the world around you. By developing a positive mindset, practicing mindfulness, and using visualization techniques, you can create the life you want and live in a more positive environment. Read just one of my recommended books and you will quickly begin to knock down each of these powerful dominoes of success.