Sat.May 07, 2011 - Fri.May 13, 2011

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It Takes Courage And Character To Unify People

Lead Change Blog

In the 6th century BC, Aesop told a fable about the Lion and The Four Oxen. A lion used to prowl around a field where four oxen dwelled. Many times he would try to eat them but whenever he approached the four oxen would back their tales up to each other with their bodies pointed [.].

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We are Human Beings, Not Machines

Michael Lee Stallard

If you look closely there are signs that our culture is beginning to recognize that we are human beings, not machines. We have emotions, a conscience, hopes and dreams. A New York Times magazine article entitled “ The Korean Dads’ 12-Step Program &# described a “Father School&# where emotionally challenged Koream fathers learned to connect with their wives and children.

Magazine 366

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7 Keys To Unlocking Your Team’s Potential

Terry Starbucker

Building a great team around you is one of those leadership skills that can make or break you. It’s one thing to get all the “right people on the bus&# (to steal a Jim Collins phrase), but it’s quite another to get the team to create an unstoppable collective force that can achieve greatness. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s just a bus going to nowhere.

Collins 327
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7 Essential Attributes for Picking Good Leaders

Leading Blog

We complain about our leaders. So we eventually get rid of them and we move on to the next one with the hope that it will be different this time. But it’s not. And we’re back where we started. Jeffrey Cohn and Jay Moran ask Why Are We Bad at Picking Good Leaders? “For starters,” they write, “because selecting the right people can be very, very, hard.

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New DOL Final Overtime Rules: Quickstart Guide for Employers

There’s a new overtime salary threshold that will impact employers across the country. If you have an employee making less than $43,888 on July 1 or less than $58,656 on January 1, you’re going to have to start paying overtime. Download Paycor’s guide to learn: Which groups of employees are affected? How should you classify employees? Best ways to mitigate risk.

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Cultivating Idea Leadership—Views From an IBM Fellow

Lead Change Blog

Wondering how to rekindle creativity in your workplace? Meet IBM Fellow John Cohn, Ph.D., an idea powerhouse who has been at IBM for 29 years. He shares six observations about how to keep innovators engaged and on board.

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Learning To Appreciate The White Spaces

Tanveer Naseer

A few months ago, I decided to update my office space in response to the growing needs of my business. One of these changes involved rearranging one of the office walls to accommodate a new whiteboard and bulletin board for brainstorming and keeping track of client projects. Although they’ve proven to be welcome additions to my productivity arsenal, they left me with a problem – the best layout for these two items left a very noticeable gap on that wall.

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Look Me in the Eyes

Next Level Blog

Earlier this week I gave a speech to a couple of hundred managers about how to stay on track with delegation. As part of the talk, I introduced a step by step approach to effective and worry free. Please click the headline to read the whole story.

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Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

Lead Change Blog

Nothing is so powerful as insight into human nature… What compulsions drive a man, what instincts dominate his action… If you know these things about a man you can touch him at the core of his being. – William Bernbach (1911-1982) They surround us. People who do or say things that drive us crazy, and [.].

Power 304
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Learning To Appreciate The White Spaces

Tanveer Naseer

A few months ago, I decided to update my office space in response to the growing needs of my business. One of these changes involved rearranging one of the office walls to accommodate a new whiteboard and bulletin board for brainstorming and keeping track of client projects. Although they’ve proven to be welcome additions to my productivity arsenal, they left me with a problem – the best layout for these two items left a very noticeable gap on that wall.

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Employee Motivation Tips: Their Personal Life

The Recovering Engineer

Many leaders struggle with finding ways to motivate people to higher level performance. I have already written that you cannot motivate another person. So, let’s set aside the idea that the leader provides the motivation and move on to the idea that a leader can learn to identify the things that do motivate the people on his or her team. In previous posts, I wrote about Three Clues You Can Use to Find What Motivates Another Person and A Simple Model for Understanding What Drives Behavior.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Bare Knuckle People Management

CEO Blog

I get behind in my reading so in the past have tried to do 10 books in 10 days. I can do the reading but adding the reviewing is difficult. So for day 3. I read Bare Knuckle People Management - Creating Success with the Team your Have - Winners, Losers, Misfits and All by Sean O'Neil and John Kulisek. I had a negative reaction to the title. I tend to be more of a people person and more of a "look for the good in people" person.

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The 5 Be’s of Motivation

Lead Change Blog

It’s not true in every organization, but it is true in many. Managers (leaders) often don’t understand their employees. They don’t know how to motivate, inspire, and correct people effectively. As I work with my clients, I hear the same questions repeatedly: “How do I get my employees to … Quit complaining?” Do more than [.].

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Three Ways to Deal with a Smart Aleck (and other rude people in your organization)

Next Level Blog

Wow, I had no idea what kind of nerve I was striking when I wrote a post last week on taming your inner smart aleck. Lots of leader readers left fantastic mea culpa comments that shared stories of. Please click the headline to read the whole story.

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From Mom(isms) to Leader(isms)

Persuasive Powerhouse

Happy Mother’s Day! I found this great website that reminded me that moms are the first coaches that help us to learn the craft of leadership early in life. I chose a few of the Momisms (bolded quotes) that you may have heard from your mother that prepared you for being the great leader [.

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5 Ways to Improve DE&I in the Workplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical for an organization’s success. And companies that take bold action to help ensure an inclusive workplace will win every time. Discover how your company can create a culture that celebrates DE&I while achieving higher revenue and growth.

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Get your Idea off the Ground – Green Business Startup Capital through

Women on Business

The new crowdfunding website offers a unique tool for innovators, entrepreneurs, and creators who have a burning desire to raise money and awareness for their socially responsible, sustainable, or green project. Socially responsible projects = benefit a person, community or the environment. Crowdfunding = accomplishing a goal by pooling money from a large group of people.

Project 160
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Don’t Dash Off – Give Change a Chance

Lead Change Blog

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi This quote was in our office cafeteria this week. Change is about the only guarantee we have, along with death and taxes. Change is a source of fear and anxiety for many people. It is easy to fall into the trap of being [.].

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James Levine’s Servant Leadership: “I Want to Always Be There for the Players”

Next Level Blog

It’s often said that effective leadership is a lot like conducting an orchestra. Last week, I heard an interview on NPR’s Fresh Air with an actual leader who conducts an actual orchestra. The. Please click the headline to read the whole story.

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Let Them Opt In

Persuasive Powerhouse

I have an unpleasant visceral reaction to companies/people who send me their e-zines unsolicited. The ones that anger me most are those that I’ve never had any contact with, are selling something I don’t want, can’t use, and won’t need. In other words, I didn’t “opt in&# to their newsletter. This is spam. I [.

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No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Drama, End Entitlement and Drive Big Results

Speaker: Cy Wakeman, M.S., CSP, President, Reality-Based Leadership

Most HR leadership philosophies are grounded in two completely faulty assumptions — “change is hard” and “engagement drives results.” Those beliefs have inspired expensive attempts to keep change from being disruptive to employees. What these engagement programs actually do is create and reinforce feelings of victim-hood and leave employees unprepared to adapt to real changes that are necessary for the health and profitability of their enterprises.

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Investing and the Irrational Mind

CEO Blog

I ran the Elizabeth T. McNamee Memorial 5K today. I was over a minute slower than last week coming in at 23:13. Still put me close to the top 10% at 89th out of 830 runners. It was a very inefficient way to run since the pollen killed my productivity for the day. I need to carefully plan my outdoors time these days. Someone really needs to develop a pollen filter that works.

Sharpe 157
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You can’t have an omelet without first breaking the eggs.

Lead Change Blog

The guide was a Belgium citizen that had became a political prisoner when the Nazi’s invaded France and spent time in a concentration camp. His simple response was delivered with a spirit of gratitude and understanding… “You can’t have an omelet, without first breaking an egg.”.

Politics 287
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Profit-Based “Ethics”: The Mindset Behind It

Leading in Context

The Trouble With Profit-Based "Ethics" The trouble with using a profit-based definition of "ethics" is that by using profitability as a way to make decisions, an entire spectrum of other issues is conveniently ignored:

Ethics 145
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Thought-full Thursday: Mighty Purpose

Persuasive Powerhouse

Every Thursday, we provide you with a thoughtful way to coach yourself – something all leaders need to do. So take five and enjoy the inspirational quotes and reflect on the questions that follow. Your comments, thoughts, and responses to the questions are most welcome! This is the true joy in life, the [.

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Individual Development Plan Template

There’s no way around it: sometimes employees need your help. Use this free template to clarify expectations, share resources, and set a timeline. Best case scenario, this process helps them improve. Worst case, your great recordkeeping keeps you compliant even if they move on. Download the template today!

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Landing in the Executive Chair Book Review

CEO Blog

I have 2 bad time management habits (well I am sure I have more than that but.) 1 - I tend to accept meetings, appointments etc. if they are well into the future. I look at my calendar and don't see much on so I book them. Then when they arrive, I find myself in my usual over busy state. A lot of the Angel/Venture Capital stuff I do involves exits (selling businesses).

Execution 154
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Cultivating Idea Leadership—Views From an IBM Fellow

Lead Change Blog

Wondering how to rekindle creativity in your workplace? Meet IBM Fellow John Cohn, Ph.D., an idea powerhouse who has been at IBM for 29 years. He shares six observations about how to keep innovators engaged and on board.

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Send better email

Jason Womack

Send better email. Could watching a 2-minute video save you 20 or 30 minutes a week? I am sure this one idea will save you that much time or more! To see the rest of this clip (about 5 minutes long) as well as 14 OTHER time management tips, order your copy of the DVD today!

Video 154
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Language Forms the Basis of Experience

Tony Mayo

People continually and automatically evaluate situations and objects for their relevance and value … The evidence suggests the real possibility that there are no emotion mechanisms in the brain waiting to be discovered, producing a priori packets of outcomes in the body. Emotions may not be given to humans by nature … If the clearest [.].

Objective 146
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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Too Many Bosses, Too Few Leaders

CEO Blog

Gardening is a good time to think and I just finished a couple of hours. Of course thinking and reaching conclusions are not the same thing. Some of my thoughts: Gardening is a poor hobby for someone with hayfever (like me) It is a strange world we live in where people need to go to the gym to get exercise then they pay their gardener. Any problems I feel are ridiculous and not really problems.

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The ABC’s of Life: Express Thanks

The Recovering Engineer

As I continue this post series inspired by The ABC’s of Life wall hanging pictured above, I am again struck by both the simplicity of the concept and the apparent difficulty many of us have with living out these powerful thoughts. Today’s thought is to express thanks. It’s not really that hard to do. Or is it? When we are tired, thinking about other things, or feeling awkward, we can overlook the idea of expressing thanks.

Maturity 144
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3 Tips for clear delegation

Jason Womack

We go to work, we sit down at our desk, we move a piece of paper or two around, make a phone call, send an email, and (probably) go to a few meetings. That is a day's work. From time to time; however, we come up with something that MUST be done, that we can or should NOT do ourselves. We’re either “too busy” or we don’t have the skill set to take the action that is necessary.

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Possibility Maximizer: Learn Out Loud's Free Resource of the Day

Sales Wolf Blog

Happy Friday - I hope you have had a wonderful week! I like to close out each work week by featuring an online resource that I feel can help you to Maximize Possibility in your organization. Today I would like to feature a daily resource that I am confident will provide great value to your professional life. Enjoy! The Resource: Learn Out Loud's Free Resource of the Day What It Is: The Free Resource of the Day from is an email newsletter that shares a new audio learning resource

Resources 133
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The First 90 Days: Onboarding Checklist

While onboarding, don’t let yourself get caught up in administrative details. Automate paperwork & training so new hires can focus on the business at hand from day one. Get Paycor’s checklist to see where your company can make HR process improvements.