Sat.Sep 17, 2011 - Fri.Sep 23, 2011

Leadership Freak

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Four Ways to Create Unflinching Boldness

Leadership Freak

Timid people achieve less than bold people. Boldness builds the future. Fear stalls progress and congeals the past. Fear is survival mode. Boldness is opportunity mode. 4 Ways to Build Boldness: Prepare people for future challenges with training. Provide mentors. Celebrate mistakes caused by boldness. Most importantly instill people with hope. Don’t press timid people [.].

Mentor 213
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The Leadership Quality No One Ever Mentions

Leadership Freak

Yesterday, I led a seminar that began with a discussion of leaders the group admired and why. The conversation was worthwhile and predictable. Everyone admires leaders who possess passion, courage, insight, integrity, vision, and the list goes on. No one ever says: There’s an essential leadership quality that never makes the list. Great leaders need, [.].

Quality 212

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How to Make Passion Convincing

Leadership Freak

Vision creates emotional passion. Passion, on the other hand, doesn’t create vision. Expressing emotional passion with those who don’t share your vision creates skeptics not followers. Emotional passion won’t get people on board: I just landed in Philadelphia Airport from Williamsport, PA. The commuter flight takes about fifty minutes. I watched the pilot walk through the [.].

How To 203
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To Accept Limits or Not – That is the Question

Leadership Freak

There are limits; it’s dangerous to believe otherwise. Benefit: Accepting limits enables peak performance. For example, cars are designed for peak efficiency while running within a limited rpm range. Dangers: Surpassing limits lowers performance. The more frequently you exceed limits the sooner you fail. The further from boundaries the more devastating the failure – think [.].

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A Leadership Intention (classic)

Leadership Freak

Repost of a favorite: How do you want others to feel when they are around you? Like you are smart or like they are smart? Like they have great ideas or like you have great ideas? Like they are stars or like you are a star? One of the best things One of the best [.].

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How Pain Shows the Way

Leadership Freak

The pursuit of excellence turns ugly when it makes you negative and critical. There’s a thin line between reaching high and negativity. Furthermore, turning the critical light inward is dangerous. During a recent seminar a leader asked, “What do you do when you remember all the things you’ve done wrong and forget the good.” I [.].

Seminar 197
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When it’s Better to Receive than Give

Leadership Freak

I know one of our region’s most gifted relationship builders, everyone knows him. I remember the day he taught me a valuable lesson. Build connections by letting people do things for you. I regularly have coffee with “Joe” – not his real name. One morning I offered to buy Joe a cup of coffee. I [.].

Influence 194