Sat.Jul 16, 2011 - Fri.Jul 22, 2011

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How We As Leaders Give Our Leadership Power Away

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Best of Blogs Series Leadership Development Self Leadership Have you ever watched a football game on TV? Of course you have. Ever seen a really bad play that clearly did not go the way the Head Coach or the team had planned? All the time. What happens next? In the span of, I don’t know, maybe 30 seconds the entire competitive landscape is [.

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How To Make Two Key Contradictions of Leadership Work For You

Terry Starbucker

It’s the moment of truth. That moment when all of what you’ve put into your leadership comes to fruition. It’s when a teammate engages with a customer. All that vision, all that inspiration, all that process, all that teaching, all that alignment, all that mission statement – all that everything – comes into play right then and there.


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5 Impediments to Turnaround and Growth

Leading Blog

Mark Fuast believes that we need to adopt an attitude of “growth regardless of current success.” In the very practical Growth or Bust , he asks, “How much untapped potential lies within your business?”. In his experience as a growth and turnaround consultant, Faust has found that improving sales and profits has little to do with sales training, consulting, or other quick fixes.

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Boost Employee Engagement Globally

Michael Lee Stallard

Earlier this year my colleague Jason Pankau spoke at the HR Summit in Singapore. We’re delighted to announce that next year I’ll be teaching workshops on leadership, teamwork, employee engagement, productivity, innovation and Connection Cultures at the Institute for Management Studies (IMS) in Amsterdam, Brussels, Edinburgh and London. (Stateside I’ll be teaching sessions in 2011 for IMS in Atlanta, Boston, Cleveland, Detroit and San Francisco.).

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New DOL Final Overtime Rules: Quickstart Guide for Employers

There’s a new overtime salary threshold that will impact employers across the country. If you have an employee making less than $43,888 on July 1 or less than $58,656 on January 1, you’re going to have to start paying overtime. Download Paycor’s guide to learn: Which groups of employees are affected? How should you classify employees? Best ways to mitigate risk.

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Top 10 Trust Killers

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Leadership Development It’s so difficult to build trust and so easy to tear it down. Do you think about the various things others do that cause you to doubt? I wrote a post yesterday that ran on Smartblog on Leadership entitled 11 Ways to Build Trust Within Your Team. If you get a chance, check it out [.] Top 10 Trust Killers.

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The Asterisk on The Secret of Life (The Perils Of Being A Mile Wide And An Inch Deep)

Terry Starbucker

A few years back I wrote that the “Real Secret of Life&# was never growing up. What I’ve learned since then is that there should be an asterisk after that, with the following warning: “CAUTION, your rediscovered child-like wonder may take you to too many places at once&#. Indeed it can. Because it recently happened to me. I’ve always known about the old problem of “being a mile wide and an inch deep&# – that is, spreading yourself so thin trying to cover multi

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Need Your Help on Ethics Research

Michael Lee Stallard

My friend David Burkus at LeaderLab is working with the University of Oklahoma on research to assess ethics in the workplace. Please consider participating in David’s survey by clicking here.

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Prescriptions for Two Common Management Weaknesses

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Leadership Development Self Leadership Looking for a fast way to improve how you manage people? Evaluate yourself on two sets of skills: the ability to Require of your employees (this includes setting expectations, focusing on goals, insisting on excellence, establishing appropriate controls, confronting performance issues, asserting your views) and the ability to Relate to your employees (which involves asking, listening, including, coaching and encouraging).

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Six Ways Leaders Can Support Team Success

Kevin Eikenberry

Since leaders lead others, usually in groups or teams, any conversation about effective leadership can’t go too far before beginning to discuss how leaders help their teams. People have spent their lives studying the dynamics of team interactions, how teams form and develop, and the skills needed for team members to be successful. When thought [.].

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Keep Learning

Persuasive Powerhouse

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking there is nothing left to learn about leading others, particularly if you have been adept and successful at it. Leadership – like life – is a journey; you never arrive at the destination, particularly when it has sped up to the pace you deal with [.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Workplace Happiness Seminar Aug. 4, San Francisco

Michael Lee Stallard

My friend Alexander Kjerulf, aka the Chief Happiness Officer, will be giving a free seminar in San Francisco on August 4 from 7-9 PM. The free seminar will be limited to the first 100 individuals who sign up. You can read about the seminar here and sign up at this link.

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11 Ways To Build Trust Within Your Team

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Leadership Development [link] Check out this post over on Smartblogs on Leadership today. It’s a quick list of 11 ideas I had for building trust. Trust lubricates relationships and gives us the freedom of movement and interaction to accomplish things. Check out the list, feel free to add comments, and share with your friends. There are other ways [.] 11 Ways To Build Trust Within Your Team.

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Leadership Biz Cafe Podcast #1 – Interview with Guy Kawasaki

Tanveer Naseer

I’m delighted to present a new feature here on my site: a new podcast series called “Leadership Biz Cafe&#. Through this new podcast, I hope to invite business leaders and leadership experts to join me in conversations about their ideas and insights on the challenges and opportunities to be found in today’s increasingly competitive and global market.

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Are Sustainable Businesses Ethical?

Leading in Context

Are All Sustainable Businesses Ethical? Are all sustainable businesses ethical? Not necessarily. There are ways that sustainable businesses can operate unethically, including pretending to be more sustainable than they really are, or making decisions that are dishonest or cause harm. Sustainability is multi-faceted and is just one of many areas of concern in leading an ethical organization.

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5 Ways to Improve DE&I in the Workplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical for an organization’s success. And companies that take bold action to help ensure an inclusive workplace will win every time. Discover how your company can create a culture that celebrates DE&I while achieving higher revenue and growth.

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Being Womencentric Rocks!

Women on Business

When you meet a woman who has a vision that doesn’t quit, it makes sense to hang out with her. That is what I am doing with Pattie Simone. She is a spicy gal from New York who grew up when women were still on the quiet side; yet she could not be put in a playpen. She saw opportunities and ran with them. She still does! Her vision is a site for women: entrepreneurs, academics, scientists, authors, speakers, business owners, solopreneurs, you get the flavor, to promote their ideas and wares to wom

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What We Need To Be

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Leadership Development We cannot become what we need to be by remaining who we are. ~ Max De Pree Max De Pree is the former CEO and Chairman of Herman Miller Furniture What We Need To Be.

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Leadership Lessons from The USA Women’s Soccer Team – Just for Kicks

Kevin Eikenberry

I’ve been on vacation, and I’m not the biggest soccer fan in the world. But I know a good opportunity to learn about leadership when I see it. Four years ago the U.S. Women’s soccer team had, well, let’s say team and leadership problems during World Cup play. Soon after that, the coach’s contract expired [.].

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CEO of Your Own Career

Persuasive Powerhouse

Guest speaker Julie Maloney is an author, speaker, trainer and coach. Her passion is to forward the careers, leadership and lives of great talent. She makes them successful in the jobs they have and ready for their bigger acts to follow. Her book The Blue Jean Manifesto: Making a Living in a Job-less World [.

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No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Drama, End Entitlement and Drive Big Results

Speaker: Cy Wakeman, M.S., CSP, President, Reality-Based Leadership

Most HR leadership philosophies are grounded in two completely faulty assumptions — “change is hard” and “engagement drives results.” Those beliefs have inspired expensive attempts to keep change from being disruptive to employees. What these engagement programs actually do is create and reinforce feelings of victim-hood and leave employees unprepared to adapt to real changes that are necessary for the health and profitability of their enterprises.

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Three Communication Lessons from Carmegeddon

Next Level Blog

Even if you don't live in Los Angeles you've probably heard of Carmegeddon. This past weekend, a 10 mile stretch of interstate 405 was closed for a bridge demolition. As Reuters reports, there was a. Please click the headline to read the whole story.

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Associations Matter – Booker T Washington

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Self Leadership Associate yourself with people of good quality , for it is better to be alone than in bad company. ~ Booker T. Washington Associations Matter – Booker T Washington.

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There’s No Room For Pessimists on the Road to Success

Kevin Eikenberry

A positive mental attitude or just “being positive&# is often cited as an important attribute of successful leaders and people. Here’s what a famous achiever, who overcame more than you or I will ever fathom had to say about it: “No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, [.].

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More People are Getting Raises in 2011—Are You?

Women on Business

As reported by Kimberly Weisul in BNET, salaries are on the increase, back up to the levels before the great recession, according to a WorldatWork study. There are some reasons for reserved optimism. (Weisul bills herself as an optimist. And it’s tough to be a small business writer and an optimist at the same time these days.) Here are some key points on the 2011 salaries and raises: • Salary budgets increased by 2.8% this year.

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Individual Development Plan Template

There’s no way around it: sometimes employees need your help. Use this free template to clarify expectations, share resources, and set a timeline. Best case scenario, this process helps them improve. Worst case, your great recordkeeping keeps you compliant even if they move on. Download the template today!

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Employee Performance Management - Low Hanging Fruit In Every Company

Sales Wolf Blog

Most organizations can do more with less if they hire the best Talent possible, create performance awareness, and hold employee team members accountable for day-to-day activities and results.

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Mistakes and Progress – Coach Wooden

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Self Leadership If you're not making mistakes, you're not doing anything. ~ Coach John Wooden Mistakes and Progress – Coach Wooden.

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Getting Beyond Maintenance Mode

Kevin Eikenberry

Have you ever felt like you were treading water, or maybe just floating? You are active, maybe even busy, and you are likely meeting all of your commitments, but you aren’t making any progress, not making any new progress. Several years ago my sister-in-law Kara stated this as being in maintenance mode. The description seemed [.].

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I wouldn't write without (Today's list.)

Jason Womack

Papyrus. Bic pen. Binder paper. Moleskine. G2 gel. Mindmanager. Microsoft Word. Om Writer. I've tried a lot of them, and to this day I still change what I use.hoping that THAT will make it easier! What I'd like to share here are the things that I wouldn't write without. The list is short.but, as you'll see, significant: 1: Freedom. I've got to turn down the inner critic.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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When to Take My Name off the Door ? by Guest Blogger Leo Burnett.

In the CEO Afterlife

In the CEO Afterlife. Main menu Home. Leadership. Branding. Life. When to Take My Name off the Door – by Guest Blogger Leo Burnett. by John • July 20, 2011 • Human Resources , Leadership , Marketing • 2 Comments. John Bell – As 1967 came to a close, Leo Burnett was almost out the door of the agency he founded. But before he packed up his sketchpad, pencils, awards, tributes, and memoirs, he spoke to his employees for the last time. 44 years have passed since Leo delive

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Late Dr. C. K. Prahalad’s Business Wisdom


Gift of thoughts is the best gift we can receive. After my talk at Ahmedabad Management Association recently, I was gifted with a book titled “Purely Prahalad – Business Wisdom from Late Dr. C. K. Prahalad’s thoughts”. This book is compiled and edited by AMA’s team. It is a brilliant collection of useful gems. Here [.

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Solving Employee Performance Problems

CEO Blog

Staff is the largest expense for most companies. Maximizing return from staff expense is a highly complex problem. People by nature are complex. I read a book by Anne Bruce, Brenda Hampel and Erika Lamont called " Solving Employee Performance Problems - How to Spot Problems Early, Take Appropriate Action and Bring Out the Best In Everyone ". I tend to prefer books with more positive titles (although bringing out the best is positive).

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When Doing It All Won't Do: A Self-Coaching Guide for Career Women

Coaching Tip

Fellow executive coach Barbara McEwen and I have authored a self-coaching book for career women that we will publish it next few days. The concept for the book came about because of the very real, very important needs that our female clients repeatedly expressed. Year-after-year, we have heard women’s frustrations as they struggle with the countless roles and duties that are routinely placed upon them.

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The First 90 Days: Onboarding Checklist

While onboarding, don’t let yourself get caught up in administrative details. Automate paperwork & training so new hires can focus on the business at hand from day one. Get Paycor’s checklist to see where your company can make HR process improvements.