Wed.Dec 14, 2011

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Pocket Change Leadership: How Do You Use Change?

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Leadership Development We all have it: pocket change. It is the leftover amount that goes into our pocket or pocketbook. Where it goes from there, who knows. Pocket change is never core to a major purchase yet, as it is collected and stored, we are always amazed about how much we have “saved.” As leaders, we talk [.].

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Avoid Trivia

Leading Blog

Caught up in our day-to-day struggles, keeping our eye on the big picture is difficult. We can become distracted by the relatively trivial matters to our larger purpose. To be sure, the daily minutia needs to be dealt with, but the trivia will always be there to deal with, to distract us, to take us off-course, to cause us to doubt and give up. What is important is what you pay attention to.

Advice 269

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Leaders vs. Managers

Leadership Freak

I’ve asked some friends to bring their insights to the Leadership Freak community. Please give a warm welcome to today’s guest writer, Lolly Daskal. * What is the biggest difference between managers and leaders? Both roles are important but they seek to do different things… Leaders lead people. Managers manage people. Leaders set destinations.

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The Coaching Mindset

Persuasive Powerhouse

. The leader I was listening to was agitated. He indicated that he had just finished “coaching” a direct report about a change this staff member needed to make in his behavior. Our meeting included a recap of the conversation that went something like this: Me: “So how did the conversation with Brian go?” Leader: “Brian is a good manager; one of the best.

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New DOL Final Overtime Rules: Quickstart Guide for Employers

There’s a new overtime salary threshold that will impact employers across the country. If you have an employee making less than $43,888 on July 1 or less than $58,656 on January 1, you’re going to have to start paying overtime. Download Paycor’s guide to learn: Which groups of employees are affected? How should you classify employees? Best ways to mitigate risk.

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What is Social Media Leadership?

Leading in Context

The idea for this post came from a reader's comment about how new the area of social media leadership is to the leadership community (Thanks Justin!).

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Five Steps To Infuse “Magic” in Your Leadership Style

Next Level Blog

This guest post was written by Jason Monaghan with University of Notre Dame Executive Online Education: As any seasoned business leader can tell you, creating an exemplary team takes knowledge, perseverance, and a little leadership magic. The “magic” of a great leader is developed over time and through years of professional awareness. The qualities that make a good team a great one depend largely on the leader’s ability to create an environment of complete engagement.

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Just Tidbits and Links

CEO Blog

I notice there is talk of a total cell phone ban while driving including handsfree and with a headset. I have mixed feelings. I am such a productivity person that it would make car time even less productive. Not sure how much safer it would make things (although I hate unsafe drivers too). I do think it will drive voice technology (voice dialing). ++ Hatsize (one of my investments) is giving away a free Cloud Automation Guide. ++ Honestlynow (one of my investments) now has no password required.

Energy 124
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Powerful Working Moms, Math Equality, and Reviewing Yourself as the Boss

Women on Business

News and Insights from Business Women (December 14, 2011). 2011 Most Powerful Moms in Washington D.C. They’re women. They’re mothers. They’re in Washington, D.C. And they’re powerful. Find out who they are according to Working Mother and see them in pictures. You’re the Boss, Give Yourself a Performance Review. Suzanne Lucas, The Evil HR Lady from, tells us that even though you’re the boss, you should still get a performance review — even

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A Villain is Just The Hero of Another Teamwork Story

Great Results Team Building

'Teamwork begins with a shared commitment to a defined goal. In most cases, whether it is a championship in your sport, test scores in your educational field, or industry leadership position in your business niche, there is someone that your team will need to out-perform in order to achieve the goal you have set. It is not your job to please everyone.

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Part 1 of 4 Authorities That Every Manager Must Have: Authority to reject a subordinate to fill a position

Mike Cardus

Manager: a person in a role in which he or she is held accountable not only for their own personal effectiveness but also for the output of others; and is accountable for building and sustaining an effective team of subordinates capable of producing those outputs, and for exercising effective leadership. (Jaques 1998). If we are to hold a Manager Accountable for the output of their subordinates.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Getting the Basics Right (Like Communication, and Team Building) – It is Still, and Always, Hard To Do

First Friday Book Synopsis

Getting the steps right is proving brutally hard, even if you know them. Atul Gawande, The Checklist Manifesto —————- This week, I am presenting synopses of Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath and Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization, both to law enforcement professionals. (And, my colleague Karl Krayer, is [.].

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Book Review: The Synergist


A few weeks ago, we welcomed back Les McKeown (not the one from the Bay City Rollers) to the LeaderLab podcast. Les’ first book, Predictable Success , outlined organizational life cycles in an easy to comprehend model and provided suggestions for how to keep an organization from declining. His follow-up, The Synergist , digs a little deeper into the role of leadership teams in this process.

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The early-warning signals of active inertia

First Friday Book Synopsis

In one of the most valuable business books written in recent years, The Upside of Turbulence: Seizing Opportunity in an Uncertain World published by HarperBusiness, Donald Sull describes what he characterizes as active inertia: “the tendency of well-established organizations to respond to changes by accelerating activities that succeeded in the past.

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Book Review: The Synergist


'A few weeks ago, we welcomed back Les McKeown (not the one from the Bay City Rollers) to the LDRLB Podcast. Les’ first book, Predictable Success , outlined organizational life cycles in an easy to comprehend model and provided suggestions for how to keep an organization from declining. His follow-up, The Synergist , digs a little deeper into the role of leadership teams in this process.

Review 74
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Individual Development Plan Template

There’s no way around it: sometimes employees need your help. Use this free template to clarify expectations, share resources, and set a timeline. Best case scenario, this process helps them improve. Worst case, your great recordkeeping keeps you compliant even if they move on. Download the template today!

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Does Your Nonprofit Produce Results That Are Sufficiently Outstanding?

Eric Jacobson

If you lead a nonprofit organization, the one hour it will take you to read Peter F. Drucker's book, The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Your Organization, will be well worth it. This book may fundamentally change the way you work and lead your organization. Perhaps one of most challenging questions Drucker asks the reader is: " Do we produce results that are sufficiently outstanding for us to justify putting our resources in this area ?

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Dr. Liz Alexander on Thought Leadership

Rajesh Setty

Thought Leadership is one of my favorite topics. You don’t become a thought leader in a day or a week or in a month. It takes years of investment but when you look at the platform it will provide for you to make a bigger contribution to the world, it makes it all worth it. I met Dr. Liz Alexander who is an expert on helping people on their journey to becoming thought leaders earlier this year and was fascinated by her knowledge and approach to the topic.

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True Sayings that Are True #Wisdom

Ron Edmondson

I’m the old guy on our team, so young whipper snapper leaders like Ben Reed , Adam Bayne and Brandon Reed love to mess with me at times. Brandon loves to point me out in emails as the old guy, Adam recently squirted me with a super-soaker water gun (in front of a crowd of people), and Ben tweets funny things he thinks I say. Recently Ben Tweeted, “ Just heard @RonEdmondson say, “The reality is the reality.” #ProfoundWisdom” Punk!

Goal 50
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What Great Companies Know About Culture

Harvard Business Review

Even in this unprecedented business environment , great leaders know they should invest in their people. Those companies who are committed to a strong workplace culture tend to perform well, and now they are featured prominently in a new ranking recently released by Great Place to Work Institute. Among the top performers on the 2011 World's Best Multinational Companies list are culturally-strong technology companies such as Microsoft, NetApp, SAS, and Google.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Harnessing the Power of Participation

The Practical Leader

There’s another excellent article in this month’s Harvard Business Review on harnessing the power of highly engaged people. Professor of leadership, Douglas Ready, and PhD student, Emily Truelove, report on how companies like the beauty retailer Sephora, luxury hotel chain Four Seasons, and French food giant Danone, came through hard times stronger than ever.

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How to Close a Sales Call

Harvard Business Review

Remember the last time you were being pressured into doing something you didn't want to do? Whether the pressure came from a boss, colleague, spouse, or child, your natural response was to resist and push back. It's human nature to resist high-pressure tactics. So, how should the closing of the sales call be structured? The answer is to create a primary closing strategy, utilize fallback positions, and select the appropriate technique to deliver the close.

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Three Innovation Trends in Asia

Harvard Business Review

I recently participated in a panel discussion hosted by the Economist Corporate Network in Singapore about innovation in Asia. I started my portion of the discussion by sharing three observations about what I had found unique about innovating in Asia: its unbelievable diversity, both between and within countries (and sometimes even cities); the historical focus of many Asian organizations on replication and cost reduction; and Asia's inconsistent infrastructure (Singapore is amazing, but don't t

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Four Reasons Why an Online Retailer Decided to Open Stores

Harvard Business Review

This post is part of the HBR Forum, The Future of Retail. We co-founded Warby Parker with two friends while we were all MBA students at Wharton. The idea for the business was simple: We'd each grown tired of walking into an optical shop, getting excited about a particular frame and walking out feeling ripped off after paying $500+. I (Neil) had worked for an eyewear non-profit before business school, and knew that beautiful glasses were not that expensive to manufacture.

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How to Build the Ideal HR Team

HR doesn’t exist in a vacuum. This work impacts everyone: from the C-Suite to your newest hire. It also drives results. Learn how to make it all happen in Paycor’s latest guide.

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Crafting the Luxury Experience

Harvard Business Review

video platform video management video solutions video player. Robert Chavez , CEO of Hermès US, explains why employee engagement and an online presence are key. For more, go to HBR's Insight Center on The Future of Retail.

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How to Get a Raise When Budgets Are Tight

Harvard Business Review

My friend Dave* mentioned to me that he just received the results from a medical exam and was surprised and disappointed by his numbers. His cholesterol was high. Especially, he told me, given how he eats. "Dave," I said, "you can't be serious. You eat horribly. Everything you eat is fried. And if it's not, then it's a chocolate chip cookie. I can't remember seeing you eat a vegetable.

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"I'm a leader, not a manager!"

Harvard Business Review

One of Kent's friends — we'll call him Roy — is a master craftsman who owns a small business that makes custom wood furniture. After making some cutbacks in 2009, his little company still employs three fine woodworkers, an office supervisor/customer service rep, and an apprentice. What makes Roy unusual is that when he founded his firm a dozen years ago, he realized he knew nothing about business.

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It's Time for Big Investments in the Middle East

Harvard Business Review

2011 will be remembered as the year of the Arab Spring, when a generation found its voice on the streets of Tunis and Cairo. Less discussed is the fact that this political awakening is unfolding against a backdrop of rapid social and economic transformation. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is a rapidly diversifying, entrepreneurial, and globally connected business region.

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ABM Success Recipe: Mastering the Crawl, Walk, Run Approach

Shifting to an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy can be both exciting and challenging. Well-implemented ABM motions build engagement with high-value accounts and drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience. But where do you begin, and how do you progress from crawling to running? Watch now as Demand Gen experts delve into the essentials of each stage of the ABM process.

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What It Takes to Win: Extreme Lessons from Polar Explorers

Harvard Business Review

One hundred years ago, the Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen and his team planted the Norwegian flag on the South Pole, becoming the first humans in history to reach it. They had won against the British team, led by Robert Falcon Scott, who would arrive 34 days later, only to stare in defeat at the flag waving in the wind. On the return journey, Scott and his men labored on, frost-bitten, hungry, and exhausted.

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