Mon.Nov 07, 2011

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Leadership Is a Choice

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Leadership Development I recently attended a Rypple webinar led by John Baldoni. In it he said, “Leadership is a choice.” It’s a seemingly obvious conclusion. However, there are layers of meaning to John’s statement that proved to me to be quite compelling. Too often we work with leaders who never made the choice. They merely act a [.

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3 Self-Limiting Mindsets that Will Hold You Back at Work

Leading Blog

This is a guest post by Joel Garfinkle, author of Getting Ahead: Three Steps to Take Your Career to the Next Level. Garfinkle asks, “What makes one person more successful than another?” Getting Ahead is a straightforward guide to help you eliminate your blind spots to improve how you are perceived, increase your visibility and exert your influence. Great material.


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Do You Want to Land the Job of Your Dreams?

Women on Business

Guest post by Patricia Sadar (learn more about Patricia at the end of this post). You may consider yourself a superwoman when it comes to juggling your calendar, work schedule, friends, and loved ones. Take a moment to answer the following questions to see how committed you are: Do you have a solid career plan with time lines? Do you know what your next career step is?

Long-term 243
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This Bud's Not for Me | In the CEO Afterlife

In the CEO Afterlife

In the CEO Afterlife. Main menu Home. Leadership. Branding. Life. This Bud’s Not for Me. by John • November 7, 2011 • Branding , Marketing • 2 Comments. Recently I bought a case of Budweiser with the new can design. Because I had a few of the old cans in the refrigerator I conducted a side-by-side comparison through the eye of a marketer.

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How to Increase Diversity in Your Workforce Through AI Technology

Diversity and inclusion are crucial for building a strong and innovative workforce. Discover how AI technology can revolutionize your hiring process and drive diversity in your organization. Explore over 10 ways AI recruiting tools can help you identify a wider pool of candidates, enhance communication strategies, and eliminate unconscious bias. Embrace the future of recruitment and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace with AI technology.

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Beyond Listening – A Power-Key to Influence

Kevin Eikenberry

It was a typical business trip. I’d spent the day training a group of people from inside an organization. After the training, I was invited to join the group for dinner. After a lovely dinner, a couple of the participants had some additional questions about the training and how to apply what they were learning. [.].

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A CEO of Southwest Airlines on Goals

Leadership Freak

We forget the expected and remember the unusual. I’ve been remembering something unusual that was said to me about ten months ago. Jim Parker, former CEO of Southwest Airlines told me, “Don’t set artificial goals for yourself. Don’t set goals about the job you want or the amount of money you want to make.” You [.].

Airlines 193

More Trending

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How to Do Less with Less

Next Level Blog

As I’ve spoken with groups of leaders over the last year, I’ve often begun the conversation by asking how many of them would say that the results that are expected of them today are significantly. Please click the headline to read the whole story.

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Gloria Steinem and Fear Busters

Women on Business

There were all kinds of sizes, shapes and ages at the Pa. Women’s Conference in October. Close to 4,000 women gathered to listen, compare, critique, and collaborate. It was stimulating. One well deserved standing ovation went to Gloria Steinem , still beautiful in her 70′s. With hair pulled back and little make-up, she is a great example of how one can age gracefully and still maintain a sense of youth and vitality.

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Mastering the Rockefeller Habits: What You Must Do to Increase the Value of Your Fast-Growth Firm

Kevin Eikenberry

Today’s Resource Recommendation is Mastering the Rockefeller Habits: What You Must Do to Increase the Value of Your Fast-Growth Firm by Verne Harnish. If you are a business owner, mastering the habits of a legendary business success like John D. Rockefeller is a compelling thought. The clever title is just the first of many things [.].

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When Leadership Coaching Works (And When It Doesn't)

Marshall Goldsmith

Q: When does leadership coaching work? When is it a waste of time? A: In my work as an executive coach, I only get paid if my clients achieve a positive, lasting change in behavior - not as judged by themselves, but as determined by their key stakeholders. Given my pay-only-for-results philosophy, it doesn't make much sense for me to waste time with clients who are not going to improve.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Managerial Leadership Training Tool: Using DTC Operator Innovation Planning

Mike Cardus

Working with a team of 5 Executive Directors from a company that employs ~2000 people we identified a gap in the Managerial Leadership Training , Mentoring and coaching of employees prior to being promoted to a Manager Level within the company. This gap was identified as leading to the following concerns; High turnover rates amongst front-line employees, the direct subordinates of the managers – ~28% which was higher than average for this company.

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November Leadership Development Carnival


Once again, Dan McCarthy has curated a great list of posts for the November Leadership Development Carnival. This edition includes 45 of the top blog posts on leadership from the month of October. The list features content from Bret Simmons (“Inner Work Life”), David Burkus (“Freedom to Fail”) and LeaderLab’s long-time friend Michael Cardus “Planning: Nothing Magical Just Your Work”).

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Francis of Assisi was no Sissy

Chris Brady

Here is a chapter (33) from my upcoming book (working title) A Month of Italy: Rediscovering the Art of Vacation. I hope you like it. “Preach Christ with all your might, and if you must, use words.”. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]].

Content 78
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Buy-In – The Imperative Strategy

Strategy Driven

In providing research and developing training programs for various large corporations about managing change, we find that the biggest stumbling block for employees from top-down is lack of buy-in. Top executives have the vision, but often fail to get buy-in from managers who have to carry out the change initiative. This lack of buy-in trickles down and pretty soon everyone is at odds with the change because not having been in the initial ideation sessions, they don’t see any value.

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Interview Scorecard Free Downloadable Template

Making effective hiring decisions can be challenging, but with a standardized evaluation process, you can improve your chances of finding the ideal candidate every time. Discover the benefits of using interview scorecards to assess and compare candidates, ensuring fair and consistent evaluations. Our free interview scorecard template allows you to customize criteria and track candidate progress, helping you make informed hiring decisions.

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November Leadership Development Carnival


'Once again, Dan McCarthy has curated a great list of posts for the November Leadership Development Carnival. This edition includes 45 of the top blog posts on leadership from the month of October. The list features content from Bret Simmons (“Inner Work Life”), David Burkus (“Freedom to Fail”) and LDRLB ‘s long-time friend Michael Cardus “Planning: Nothing Magical Just Your Work”).

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Online Community Efforts: Start Small, Be Great and Expand

Managing Communities

photo credit: Tambako the Jaguar With community efforts, sometimes there is this temptation to offer your members a lot of different touch points with which to enter some form of content. Not only do we want forums, but we want sections for specific types of content, like reviews, formatted in a different way that fits [.].

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Enter Your #Management Ideas for @human_capital M-Prize @hackmanagement

Management Craft

A couple of weeks ago I suggested that you share your best ideas and enter the HCI M-Prize (hosted by HCI and the Management Innovation eXchange) for management innovation. And while it is nice to win, the greatest outcome is getting engaged and getting feedback on your idea and sharing it with others. See more here. There are 30 days remaining and so far 33 ideas have been submitted.

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A LEAP With QR Codes

Steve Farber

Last week marked the official publication date (11/4/11) of The Radical Leap Re-Energized. We’ve done something new and unusual by placing throughout the book QR codes that link you to additional content. (Eleanor Biddulph just wrote a review on her blog where she talks about her experience with this new approach to a traditional medium). If you’re not familiar with QR codes, you’ll need to do a few things to get the full experience: Download a barcode scanner on your smartpho

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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November, 2011 Leadership Development Carnival

Management Excellence

The November Leadership Development Carnival is now live at Great Leadership. Dan McCarthy, the Blogger in Chief at Great Leadership provides a wonderful public service for all of us with his hard work in pulling together and producing these events. Check out this month's bountiful harvest with 45 different writers selected for inclusion. And remember to thank Dan.on your way out!

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10 Hard Life Lessons I’ve Learned by Experience

Ron Edmondson

Some of life’s greatest lessons come packaged in a hard personal experience. I’ve learned a few things in life, but truly, the greatest things I know came through mistakes, failures and disappointments. Here are 10 hard to learn life lessons: A “lesson in humility” teaches far more than a “ego boost”… Often…in my experience…what I don’t want to do is the very thing I need to do the most….

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“Leading a Peak Performance Culture” Archived Webcast Now Available

The Practical Leader

Last Friday (November 4) I delivered a very fast paced and information packed 60 minute presentation by webcast. My goal was “culture change in an hour!” I tried to stuff the major learning from our thirty years of working with hundreds of organizations and the latest research on culture change into 60 minutes. We had 924 sites registered in 34 countries for the webcast.

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One thing I’ve learned about temptation…

Ron Edmondson

Satan often tempts most those with the greatest capacity to give God glory! Example: Jesus. If you’ve been given influence and opportunity… Be on your guard. Have you been tempted recently? . Related posts: 12 Random Things I Learned from My Time with Rick Warren. The Temptation to Fabricate or Exaggerate Numbers. 15 Important Life Lessons I’ve Learned (Add Yours).

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3 Steps to Successful & Strategic Year-End HR Planning

Year-end can be a hectic time for HR professionals, but with proper planning and organization, you can navigate it smoothly. Learn the main watch outs for year-end HR prep with Paycor’s helpful checklist covering employee data, wage and tax information, and special situations. Ensure compliance and efficiency by downloading today!

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Stop Thinking Outside the Box

Harvard Business Review

The exhortation to think outside the box has become ubiquitous in business. So much so that it has become the new box inside of which everyone thinks. It pays lip service to the notion of transformation without really understanding the difference between transformation and change, and often without tolerance for the real thinking that must occur for an idea to be truly outside the existing paradigm.

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Marketing Yourself Through Social Media

Women on Business

Social Media is becoming a mandatory part of every day life and an essential part of career success in this day and age. Brands that had been having trouble or are just looking for an additional push in sales are seeing resounding success due to their digital media campaigns like Old Spice, Google, Chrome, and Starbucks. If brands can do it, so can you.

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How the Rift Between Sales and Marketing Undermines Reps

Harvard Business Review

This post, the last in a four-part series, is also part of the HBR Insight Center Growing the Top Line. It's no secret that sales and marketing executives don't always see eye to eye. In a recent Corporate Executive Board survey, sales executives' top terms for their marketing colleagues included "paper pushers," "academic," and perhaps worst of all, "irrelevant.

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How to Give Feedback to a Perfectionist

Harvard Business Review

Having a perfectionist on your team can be an asset. Perfectionists are driven to succeed, work hard to avoid mistakes, and are always striving to improve. Yet it can be a challenge to manage someone who needs everything to be perfect. In my work with perfectionists , I often ask, "How do you want others to see you?" The common responses — I want to be seen as intelligent, independent, autonomous, and good at what I do — are much the same that anyone might give.

How To 14
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ABM Success Recipe: Mastering the Crawl, Walk, Run Approach

Shifting to an account-based marketing (ABM) strategy can be both exciting and challenging. Well-implemented ABM motions build engagement with high-value accounts and drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience. But where do you begin, and how do you progress from crawling to running? Watch now as Demand Gen experts delve into the essentials of each stage of the ABM process.

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Three Traps Facing New Global Leaders

Harvard Business Review

The business news is full of stories about the fact that large corporations are expanding at breakneck speed outside the U.S. while the domestic economy stagnates. And the best and brightest employees are seeking opportunities to work overseas in order to accelerate their upward trajectory. But for most rising executives, leading successfully in global markets is easier said than done.

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Only the CEO Can Make the Big Bets

Harvard Business Review

This blog was written with Jay Terwilliger and Mark Sebell, managing partners at Creative Realities , a Boston-based innovation management collaborative. You have probably heard the Wayne Gretzky quote about skating to where the puck will be a hundred times at least. But did you ever see it as the central metaphor for what truly innovative organizations must do?

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Why Companies Should Listen to Occupy Wall Street

Harvard Business Review

A friend of mine doesn't have much respect for the Occupy Wall Street movement, and he's hoping the imminent arrival of winter will convince the protesters to pack up their tents and go home. I have a different view. I think companies are missing an opportunity to engage with an important stakeholder. Smart feedback allows companies to move faster, and while the "Occupiers" may seem a little vague about their message and their goals, they represent an important social movement.

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The Talent Crisis in U.S. Engineering

Harvard Business Review

I joined Memorex Corporation in the early 1980s as a mechanical design engineer. You may recall the commercial " Is it live, or is it Memorex? " featuring Ella Fitzgerald. Ella sings live, and the frequency of her delivery makes a wine glass shatter. The same delivery, recorded and played back on a Memorex audio tape, makes a structurally similar wine glass shatter, proving the high quality of reproduction of Memorex's tape.

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How to Issue a Disciplinary Action Notice

Learn how to issue a disciplinary action notice to address misconduct effectively. This document outlines the consequences of unacceptable behavior and ensures a fair process for all. Discover the importance of documenting disciplinary actions for compliance and improving company culture!