Thu.Mar 28, 2024

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Leading Thoughts for March 28, 2024

Leading Blog

I DEAS shared have the power to expand perspectives, change thinking, and move lives. Here are two ideas for the curious mind to engage with: I. Executive coach Daniel Harkavy on the core coaching competency of discernment: “Discernment refers to the ability to see what is not visible, to understand what is not being said. Discernment enables a coach to ask effective questions, unearthing roadblocks, fears, and doubts that keep a team member from reaching his or her goals.

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3 Ways to Energize People during Conversations

Leadership Freak

Successful leaders energize people. Focused energy makes success more likely. People won’t tell you this, they don’t like talking with you when you don’t like talking with them. I decided to write about simple ways to energize people during conversations. How do you energize people?

Energy 279

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10 Ways Unappreciated Employees Drain the Bottom Line

Lead from Within

In the intricate web of a successful organization, each employee plays a pivotal role. They are the lifeblood of the company. However, when employees feel undervalued, the repercussions extend beyond mere job dissatisfaction. It can have a significant impact on the company’s bottom line. It is important that we explore the ten ways unappreciated employees might be silently undermining your organization’s financial health.

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Developing a Sustainable Business Plan for a Boutique Advertising Agency

Women on Business

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HR in 2025: Insights & Predictions

What type of worker is most engaged—hybrid, remote, or onsite? What are the drivers of effective leadership? What does the C-suite think HR is most responsible for? And why is a wave of HR resignations more likely in the next 12 months? Get our annual survey report to find out: The #1 challenge of recruiting & hiring Why remote teams are struggling What are the drivers of effective (and ineffective) leadership And lots more!

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Internal Crowdfunding Can Foster Innovation

The Horizons Tracker

Crowdfunding has commonly been deployed at German giant Siemens AG, with employees participating in a multi-round crowdfunding effort. They could not only suggest their own ideas on an internal online platform but also act as investors, deciding which projects to support with funds. This meant they got to do something usually reserved for managers – making choices and allocating budgets.

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6 Traits to Look for in an Outsourced Marketing Partner

Women on Business

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The FAQs of Building and Maintaining Relationships at Work

Niagara Institute

Positive relationships at work, whether between a direct leader, peers, colleagues, suppliers, or customers, are an essential aspect of day-to-day life at work. From providing support to championing your ideas or being a sounding board, these workplace relationships have been shown to increase job satisfaction and engagement, innovation, knowledge sharing, connection, and even physical health benefits.

FAQ 98
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The Hunt For “Organizational Ghosts”

The Horizons Tracker

Ghosts generally aren’t welcome in most places, and “organizational ghosts” are no different. They’re the admired former leaders who come to embody the very spirit of the organization and have a significant influence long after they’ve left the organization. It’s a concept explored in recent research from Brigham Young University. “Organizational ghosts can manifest themselves in a number of different ways,” the researchers explain. “It could

Influence 110
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What’s the likelihood that you’re going to voluntarily leave your current company within the next 12 months?


Our reader poll today asks: What’s the likelihood that you’re going to voluntarily leave your current company within the next 12 months? 100%: 17.22% 66-99%: 11.80% 33-65%: 11.79% 1-32%: 20.99% 0%: 38.20% Bye. 28% of respondents are headed out the door in the next 12 months. Read the rest of this post at thoughtLEADERS, LLC: Leadership Training for the Real World.

Company 62
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How to Ask for a Promotion under Different Circumstances at Work

HR Digest

Sometimes a promotion comes your way in due time, and sometimes you have to know how to ask for a promotion if you want to take control of your career instead of waiting. The first challenge that presents itself is knowing when to ask for a promotion because enquiring too soon can make you appear unreasonable and demanding. Waiting too long might not serve you well either, considering others might take over senior roles and block out your opportunity to get there at all.

How To 52
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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Help Me with My Priorities: Control the Controllables

Roundtable Talk

In our latest leadership report, we dive deeper into prioritization and managing the “controllables” Help Me With My Priorities With so much uncertainty in the world, it’s not surprising that executive teams are struggling to know where to place the right bets. As a result, leaders in the middle are less clear on where they […] The post Help Me with My Priorities: Control the Controllables appeared first on The Roundtable.

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How Gamification Can Boost Employee Engagement

Harvard Business Review

Employee disengagement is a persistent problem, and attempts to inject excitement often fall flat. However, gamification — using elements of games to motivate — has serious potential when thoughtfully executed. This article explores the psychology behind gamification, successful examples, and how to leverage probabilistic rewards (like lotteries tied to performance) to increase employee motivation.

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Pastor, Plan Now for Your Post-Easter Review

Ron Edmondson

Pastor, I like to remind (or encourage) you to plan to do a post-Easter review shortly after Easter weekend. Easter is one of a few times a year churches have a unique opportunity to reach people who do not normally attend their church. Most churches spend weeks and – hopefully – months planning for the weekend. In addition to the normal celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, I love the energy that Easter brings to a church.

Review 69
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Why Playing It Safe Is the Riskiest Strategic Choice

Harvard Business Review

In the current era of digital disruption, the pace of change has dramatically accelerated, leaving traditional risk management wisdom lacking. Across a variety of industries, technology-enabled disruptors have changed the rules. Many brands that moved cautiously have dramatically increased their risk of irrelevance or set themselves on a path to extinction.

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How to Design a People-First Benefits Package for Your Unique Team

Benefits are central to any HR strategy. A strong benefits package attracts top talent, boosts engagement, and retains top performers.

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Getting Your Company’s Data Program Back on Track

Harvard Business Review

Many senior managers find themselves wondering: If data is such a game changer, why is it so hard to extract any value from it? For companies struggling to actually see results from their data program, it might be time to make a fresh start. There are three important issues managers need to understand as they restart: 1) Too many companies have made the mistake of viewing data as a technology problem, but data is a management problem, and it cannot be solved with technology alone. 2) Many compan

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A Unified Enterprise Performance Management Platform Can Help Your Finance Team Make Real-Time Decisions - SPONSOR CONTENT FROM WORKDAY & DELOITTE

Harvard Business Review

Sponsor content from Workday.

Content 21