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Overloaded at Work: How to Ask For the Support You Need

Let's Grow Leaders

What to say next when you’re overloaded at work (without sounding whiny) Ever found yourself cackling at the monstrous to-do list glaring back at you, thinking “Right, that’s not happening,” only to gulp back a sob as you realize none of it’s optional? You’re overloaded at work. Stuck in a world where productivity meets panic and trying to be a ‘team player’ feels like a conspiracy against your sanity.

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Rising Above: The Call for Senior Leaders to Embrace Strategy Over Tactics

N2Growth Blog

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, leaders frequently face various tactical and operational challenges. When it comes to managing day-to-day operations and responding to unforeseen problems, the frenetic pace of the immediate can become a zone of comfort. A significant number of future leaders have gained professional experience and earned their stripes in these trenches, becoming masters of this tactical art.

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Why Compassion In Leadership Is Critical To Your Organization’s Success

Tanveer Naseer

It seems like every day there’s another news report of yet another company mandating employees return to their office, another report of new findings about the consequences of rising employee anxiety and burnout, and more reports warning about the ever impending arrival of another economic downturn. Against that backdrop, I. Click to continue reading It seems like every day there’s another news report of yet another company mandating employees return to their office, another report of new findin

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How You Start Your Day is How You Start (and End) Your Year

Next Level Blog

How you start your day is predictive of how your day is going to end. And a consecutive series of good starts is predictive of not just how your year is going to start but also how it ends. Over the weekend, I saw a quote from country star and fellow native West Virginian Brad Paisley that inspired this post – “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book.

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HR in 2025: Insights & Predictions

What type of worker is most engaged—hybrid, remote, or onsite? What are the drivers of effective leadership? What does the C-suite think HR is most responsible for? And why is a wave of HR resignations more likely in the next 12 months? Get our annual survey report to find out: The #1 challenge of recruiting & hiring Why remote teams are struggling What are the drivers of effective (and ineffective) leadership And lots more!

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Change or Transformation?


We often end up using words “change” and “transformation” interchangeably. In many cases that I observe, transformation is the fuzzy word that leaders use to describe operational shifts within their teams or businesses. Many years ago, I participated in a tweet chat where someone aptly tweeted, “Transformation prescribes the vision.

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5 Body Language Habits That Sabotage Your Leadership Success

Lead from Within

When it comes to leadership your words are important. Your nonverbal communication can be just as influential. In fact, research has shown that nonverbal cues make up a significant portion of how we communicate and can even convey more information than the words we speak. This means that your body language can have a powerful impact on your leadership effectiveness and the success of your team.

More Trending

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Google to Fire 30,000 Employees After Success of Its AI-Powered Services

HR Digest

Google is setting up to fire employees all over again, despite the 12,000 workers who were laid off this year already. The reason? According to LiveMint , a report first published in The Information indicates that Google’s AI-powered ads have grown so self-sufficient that they no longer require as many individuals to oversee its functioning, making Google lay off employees who no longer have a necessary role at the company.

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Toxic Manipulative Communication: Avoid These Traps #PeopleSkills #LeadMorale

Kate Nasser

Learn to spot manipulative communication & change course quickly to prevent scars & sustain trust. Kate Nasser The People Skills Coach™, Author of Leading Morale The post Toxic Manipulative Communication: Avoid These Traps #PeopleSkills #LeadMorale appeared first on KateNasser.com.

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Do Unusual Workplaces Spur Creativity?

The Horizons Tracker

In our post-pandemic world, there is a growing desire for “third places” that facilitate remote working but aren’t our actual homes. As with many things Covid-related, this is a continuation of a trend that was already emerging. For instance, research before the pandemic showed that a growing number of cafes are specifically tailoring their offering to digital nomads who can work from anywhere.

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You Need More Than Data to Understand Your Customers

Harvard Business Review

Today we have more data than ever before, yet marketers still struggle to understand their customers. That’s because today’s marketers have mistaken information for intimacy. The author, who ran strategy for Wieden+Kennedy, describes an ethnographic research campaign his team conducted on behalf of McDonald’s. They produced a cultural bible of sorts that chronicled a series of beliefs, artifacts, behavioral rituals, and language that constitute the McDonald’s fandom.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Leadership by Example

Frank Sonnenberg Online

Lead ership by Example: Be a role model who inspires greatness in others If behavior is contagious, is yours worth catching? Role models don’t have to be rich, powerful, or famous. They don’t have to be the most attractive, wear the fanciest clothes, or drive the most expensive cars. They are as commonplace as a family member, business colleague, or even the person next door.

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How Leaders Can Develop Their Executive Presence To Become Better Leaders

Tanveer Naseer

If you were to ask a random group of leaders if they’d heard of executive presence, almost all of them would answer yes. But if you asked that same group of leaders how many could clearly describe what executive presence is, few if any would answer this question in the. Click to continue reading If you were to ask a random group of leaders if they’d heard of executive presence, almost all of them would answer yes.

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How You Handle Success Says A Lot About You

Tanveer Naseer

Some folks achieve success…and then change overnight. It’s as though one moment you know the person, and the next moment they’re unrecognizable. Even though they look the same, the way they act, treat people, and view the world is completely different. It’s as if their ego seizes control of their.

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How To Overcome Self-Doubt About Your Ability To Lead | Leadership Espresso Shot 45

Tanveer Naseer

Over the past several months I’ve had some interesting conversations with leaders who attended one of my keynotes or workshops. In particular, what was noteworthy was this common thread underlining each of these conversations. Whether it was a middle-level manager or an executive from the C-suite, in each of these interactions I couldn’t help but note the sense of self-doubt these leaders expressed about their continued ability to lead.

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5 Ways to Improve DE&I in the Workplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical for an organization’s success. And companies that take bold action to help ensure an inclusive workplace will win every time. Discover how your company can create a culture that celebrates DE&I while achieving higher revenue and growth.

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How to Create a Culture of Change Acceptance


As an organizational system grows complex, it hardens through processes, beliefs, mindsets, legacy decisions and culture. However, most change in complex organizations is implemented with a short-term focus on results. Let’s do this differently and we get that. This plug and play approach to change may lend short-term results but organization pays the cost elsewhere in form of unsustainability of new practices, other impacts, employee morale etc.

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What Makes a Failure Intelligent


In 2019, India’s ambitious mission to land on Moon failed after India’s space agency ISRO lost contact with the lander which crash landed. In 2023, India reattempted to land on Moon’s South Pole with Chandrayaan-3 mission and made history by being the first country to successfully land on Lunar South Pole at a fraction of what other countries spend on space exploration.

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Three Buckets of Courage


There is no growth without courage. In my career of 25+ years, I had several moments that required me to exhibit courage. I was a functional head in year 2008 when my growth had plateaued. I walked up to my boss and sought his able counsel. He was very clear, “If you want to grow further, you need to demonstrably contribute to topline growth or significantly increase your bottomline impact.

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10 Powerful Things Great Leaders Should Say Every Day

Lead from Within

Great leaders understand the power of words. They use their words to inspire, motivate, and guide their team. They also know that the words they choose can have a significant impact on their team’s performance and morale. Here are 10 powerful things that great leaders should say every day: “Thank you.” Recognition and appreciation are crucial for building strong teams.

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No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Drama, End Entitlement and Drive Big Results

Speaker: Cy Wakeman, M.S., CSP, President, Reality-Based Leadership

Most HR leadership philosophies are grounded in two completely faulty assumptions — “change is hard” and “engagement drives results.” Those beliefs have inspired expensive attempts to keep change from being disruptive to employees. What these engagement programs actually do is create and reinforce feelings of victim-hood and leave employees unprepared to adapt to real changes that are necessary for the health and profitability of their enterprises.

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Leaders Who Are Great Communicators Do These 4 Things

Lead from Within

Great leaders with effective communication are able to clearly convey their ideas, expectations, and goals. This helps them build trust and foster collaboration. Effective communication is crucial for effective leadership, and a leader who can’t communicate clearly cannot lead effectively. Here are four things that great leaders do to improve their communication skills: They listen actively: Great leaders don’t just hear what others are saying, they actively listen and engage with th

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The Duality of Leadership: Illuminating the Way While Casting Shadow

Lead from Within

Leadership is a complex and multifaceted concept that involves both illuminating the way, while casting shadow along the way. On the one hand, leaders are responsible for guiding others towards success. They inspire and motivate others to achieve great things, and they provide the light that illuminates the path forward. However, leadership also involves casting shadows.

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Here’s the Proof That Positive Work Cultures Are More Productive

Lead from Within

There is growing evidence to suggest that positive work cultures are more productive than negative ones. In fact, research shows that employees who feel positive about their work environment are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and productive. On the other hand, employees who work in negative or toxic cultures are more likely to be disengaged and less productive.

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Showing Appreciation: How to Let Your Employees Know They Matter

Lead from Within

a Showing appreciation to your employees is crucial for maintaining a positive and productive workplace. It’s a simple way to let your team know that their hard work and dedication are valued. It can help to boost morale and engagement. But expressing gratitude to your employees isn’t always easy. Therefore, it’s important to do it in a way that feels genuine and heartfelt.

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Innovation: Five Signs You Might Be Faking It

Every company wants to be a leader in innovation, but how can you tell if your company is really innovating or just going through the motions? See the 5 signs you might be faking innovation and what to do if you are.

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10 Important Conversations to Have When Building a High-Performing Team

Lead from Within

It’s important for leaders to communicate with their teams in order to build and develop high-performing teams. By regularly having open and honest communication with team members, leaders can better understand their needs, provide support, and address any issues or challenges that may arise. When leaders want to build a high-performing team; here are the top ten conversations to have: What are our goal and expectations?

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5 Simple and Effective Ways to Help Your Team Deal with Stress

Lead from Within

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and it can be especially high for those in leadership positions. However, as a leader, it’s important to recognize the signs of stress in your team and to provide support to help them cope. Here are five simple and effective ways to help your team deal with stress: Foster a positive work culture : Create a positive and supportive work culture that fosters open communication and encourages teamwork.

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How to Make a Good Leader a Great Leader

Lead from Within

Being a good leader is important, but being a great leader is even more so. Here are some ways that leaders can make the transition from being a good leader to a great leader: Develop a clear vision and strategy. When good leaders become great leaders, it’s because they take their time developing a clear vision and strategy for their organization.

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Avoid Burn Out: 4 Mindset Shifts That Will Help You

Lead from Within

When it comes to leading, working, and living, we all experience stress, but there are ways to combat and avoid burnout. You can try the following four mindset shifts that can help you avoid stress and make you more effective. These shifts include: Prioritize self-care. Make time for activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones.

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Tough Comp Conversations: A Guide For Doing Them Right

Speaker: Rusty Lindquist, VP Strategic HR Insights at Bamboo HR

Compensation can be tricky, few things carry as much emotional weight as comp. And with the increased transparency in the market, combined with our collective propensity to rate ourselves against others, the frequency of these very difficult conversations is increasing. In this webinar, we will deconstruct some of the psychology around comp. We’ll take an analytic look at comp’s role in the employee experience, and then we’ll get really tactical with guidance on very specific compensation conver

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The Best Way Leaders Can Earn Respect From Their Employees

Lead from Within

The respect of employees is crucial for leaders, as it enables them to build strong, collaborative, and productive teams. Here are seven ways that leaders can earn the respect of their employees: Communicate clearly and effectively. Leaders can earn the respect of their employees by communicating clearly and effectively. To do so, they can convey their ideas, goals, and expectations in a clear and concise manner.

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How to Work with Difficult People Successfully

Lead from Within

Working with difficult people can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to effectively manage and resolve conflicts and challenges. As an executive coach, I know that even though some people can be challenging, there are some strategic ways to work with difficult people successfully. Here are a few that I know are effective: Understand their perspective and needs: When dealing with difficult people, it’s crucial to make an effort to comprehend their perspective and requirement

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5 Warning Signs You are Being Led By A Weak Leader

Lead from Within

Weak leaders can be detrimental to people because they lack the skills and abilities to effectively lead and inspire their teams. This can create a toxic and demoralizing work environment, leading to low morale and engagement among employees. Furthermore, weak leaders may lack the strategic vision and decision-making abilities needed to navigate complex and uncertain environments.

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5 Strategies for Developing Executive Presence and Commanding Respect

Lead from Within

As a leader, having executive presence is crucial to gaining the trust and confidence of those around you. It’s about showing people that you lead you’re a capable and reliable leader. Additionally, it’s about exuding confidence and charisma. So, you can inspire trust and belief in your ability to lead. To get executive presence, you need to develop a combination of skills and qualities that enable you to effectively lead and earn the respect of others.

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How to Design a People-First Benefits Package for Your Unique Team

Benefits are central to any HR strategy. A strong benefits package attracts top talent, boosts engagement, and retains top performers.