May, 2022

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Leaders Coaching Leaders: One Secret to Sustainable Leadership Development

Let's Grow Leaders

As organizations flatten and people continue to work remotely, it will take more than an executive sponsor to ensure your leadership development sticks. You need leaders at every level engaged with your training as leader coaches to facilitate application and learning. The Power of Leaders as Coaches. If your Sales SVP thinks your leadership development program is a distraction, your sales managers will show up late and multi-task.

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Two Personality Traits To Focus On As An Executive Leader

N2Growth Blog

“Self Awareness” Does Your Potential Executive Hire Have It? Each year I debrief leadership assessment results with hundreds of C-Suite candidates as an Executive Coach & Consultant at N2Growth. Assessments are an excellent tool for understanding a candidate’s self-awareness regarding their personality traits and help identify how one is “naturally inclined” to act, based on five inherent attributes evaluated and measured.

Execution 392

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Commencement Address Answers “When Will It Get Easier?”

Leading in Context

By Linda Fisher Thornton When I was asked by The University of Richmond SPCS to give a Commencement address, I did what most anyone would do - I struggled. I struggled to choose a topic, and struggled to write the remarks on a short deadline.

Advice 376
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Why Leaders Need To Have The Courage To Change

Tanveer Naseer

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been giving keynotes to a wide range of leaders in different industries. In some cases, the leaders in attendance were front-line managers, while in others, my audience consisted of senior level executives from the C-suite. But while the subject of these various keynotes was. Click to continue reading.

Audience 363
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New DOL Final Overtime Rules: Quickstart Guide for Employers

There’s a new overtime salary threshold that will impact employers across the country. If you have an employee making less than $43,888 on July 1 or less than $58,656 on January 1, you’re going to have to start paying overtime. Download Paycor’s guide to learn: Which groups of employees are affected? How should you classify employees? Best ways to mitigate risk.

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One Critical Component to Leading Change

Nathan Magnuson

I had two separate experiences with leading change recently that demonstrate a critical aspect that is often the difference between success and failure. Let me share the two scenarios – see if you can guess what it is. Of course, I’ll share it as well. Scenario #1: Recently I was with an executive team delivering one of our most popular Leadership-in-a-Box programs Leading Change.

Influence 327
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Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Top Gun: Maverick

Joseph Lalonde

A Reel Leadership Article. The new Top Gun: Maverick flew into theaters on Memorial Day weekend in what could be the best sequel ever to be released. After years of days due to COVID-19, we were treated to a masterpiece of a movie. Tom Cruise reprises his role as Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell. Maverick is a former Top Gun student. […].

More Trending

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Executive Hiring For a P.E. Portfolio Company – Ideals and Compromise

N2Growth Blog

Part One – Core, Hard Credential Constituents. The bar is set high. Dynamics at private equity firms are fast, aggressive, and all-conquering. As the investor leader, you are tasked with tackling senior leadership management issues at a newly acquired portfolio firm. In this four-part series, a realization of the challenging factors surrounding the search for ideal candidates will be recognized.

Execution 392
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Lines for Leaders: Hire 40 Men

RapidStart Leadership

Milton Hershey had his share of failures, but he revealed one of the secrets of his success one day when he turned to his foreman and told him, "Hire 40 men.". The post Lines for Leaders: Hire 40 Men appeared first on RapidStart Leadership.

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How To Build Leadership Identity

Tanveer Naseer

Alisha struggled in her new leadership role. She found it difficult to think of herself as a boss when just a few short weeks before she was working alongside the coworkers now reporting to her. Alisha wasn’t prepared for dealing with conflict, making tough calls, and initiating difficult conversations. When. Click to continue reading.

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3 Insights For the Class of 2022

Leading in Context

By Linda Fisher Thornton I have a special message for our 2022 graduates. The pandemic risk may be lower than it was at this time last year, but sorting out the way forward as a new graduate is still going to be a challenge. How can you gain a clear focus on your future to move ahead?

Class 285
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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Train, Train, Train

Joseph Lalonde

As I’m continuing to make my running comeback after COVID-19, the importance of training and training has been at the forefront of my mind. COVID took me down as I saw growth in my running. My personal record for the half marathon happened days before I could not move for days. It took months before […].

Training 305
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Stop Managing Conflict! – Remarkable TV

Kevin Eikenberry

The title for this episode might seem a little strange. But it’s not wrong. In this episode, I am reminding you (or maybe telling you for the first time) that conflict isn’t always bad. Generally speaking, when we think about conflict, we’re thinking about clashes and issues and challenges. And this is the type of […]. The post Stop Managing Conflict!

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Three Things to Keep in Mind as You Return to the Office

Next Level Blog

Now it begins. After two plus years of working from home (or somewhere else), more and more folks are heading back to the office for at least a few days a week. And, guess what? They like it! That’s the story from the Wall Street Journal , anyway. In a feature article that details “the surprise joys of being back in the office,” the Journal reports that people are enjoying returning to the office and finding printers that work and people to talk to while they warm up their lunch in the break roo

Books 234
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3 Ways to Do What Matters Today

Leadership Freak

Everyone wants to do what matters but we’re afraid to define it. After all, when you define what matters it’s unsurprising. Think love, relationships, satisfaction, health, and making a difference (mission).

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5 Ways to Improve DE&I in the Workplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical for an organization’s success. And companies that take bold action to help ensure an inclusive workplace will win every time. Discover how your company can create a culture that celebrates DE&I while achieving higher revenue and growth.

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Becoming A Good Leader Requires Practice In The Following Areas

Tanveer Naseer

Becoming a leader is pretty easy. It just requires that you get one person to follow you. Understand that it doesn’t make you a good leader. But it does make you a leader. If you want to be a good leader, you will need a lot more than people willing. Click to continue reading.

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Strategies For The Overscheduled Leader

Leading in Context

By Linda Fisher Thornton More commitments than time. Six or more meetings a day. Eating at your desk. Does any of this sound familiar?

Strategy 330
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9 Leadership Traits You Can Learn From Your Dog

Joseph Lalonde

Owning a dog can be one of the most rewarding jobs on the planet. They bring joy to our lives and teach us about friendship, loyalty, and love. But did you know dogs can also teach us important lessons about leadership? Many of you have heard of my dog, Lok. He’s a Vizsla, one of […].

Loyalty 290
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What Can’t Change in Times of Change

Kevin Eikenberry

Change is all around you. Likely you are working through, dealing with, and leading more than one change right now. As we face change and try to make change happen, we can’t lose sight of some keys to making it all work. And those keys aren’t about your change, but about human nature and how […]. The post What Can’t Change in Times of Change appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.

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No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Drama, End Entitlement and Drive Big Results

Speaker: Cy Wakeman, M.S., CSP, President, Reality-Based Leadership

Most HR leadership philosophies are grounded in two completely faulty assumptions — “change is hard” and “engagement drives results.” Those beliefs have inspired expensive attempts to keep change from being disruptive to employees. What these engagement programs actually do is create and reinforce feelings of victim-hood and leave employees unprepared to adapt to real changes that are necessary for the health and profitability of their enterprises.

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The Self-Defeating Habits That Are Holding Back Even Great Leaders

Lead from Within

We’re all subject to moments of self-defeating behavior. Generally they’re coping tools, triggered by uncertainty and the need to feel that we’re in control during challenging times. An occasional episode is nothing to worry about. But when self-defeating behavior becomes a habit, it becomes a problem. Part of my job as an executive leadership coach is to help leaders identify and overcome the habits that are holding them back.

Project 218
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6 Ways to Find Freedom While Leading

Leadership Freak

Leading can become a ball and chain for sincere leaders. Relentless challenge sucks the life out of everyone. Eventually you go through the motions but you’re dead inside.

Energy 206
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What You Need To Achieve Business Success 

Tanveer Naseer

Running a business is no easy feat, but starting a company can be one of the most exciting and biggest achievements of your life. It will take a lot of hard work and determination to get things off the ground, and you’ll need the right team of people working alongside. Click to continue reading.

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5 Unexpected Teaching Insights

Leading in Context

By Linda Fisher Thornton After teaching for more than 20 years, I was surprised last week by the University of Richmond School of Professional and Continuing Studies with the Itkowitz Family Distinguished Faculty Award. This is especially meaningful recognition for me, since I had 'learned through' the process of completely redesigning my Applied Ethics course as an online course and changing my teaching approach during the pandemic.

Ethics 273
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Innovation: Five Signs You Might Be Faking It

Every company wants to be a leader in innovation, but how can you tell if your company is really innovating or just going through the motions? See the 5 signs you might be faking innovation and what to do if you are.

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Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Memory

Joseph Lalonde

A Reel Leadership Article. Memory is the latest Liam Neeson movie. If you don’t know who Liam Neeson is, he is famous for his role in Taken and other films where he has a specific set of skills. Memory follows the same formula. Liam Neeson’s character, Alex Lewis, is slowly losing his memory. His career is an assassin for […].

Film 264
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The Come Back Culture

Kevin Eikenberry

The lifeblood of any business is customers. Without customers, businesses don’t last very long. While all customers are valuable, the most valuable are lifelong customers. The question for owners, leaders, and salespeople is how can we predictably create those lifelong customers? A new book – The Come Back Culture: 10 Business Practices the Create Lifelong […].

Books 251
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How To Increase Your Influence—Up, Down And Across

Lead from Within

Whatever type of organization you’re leading, to be effective in your role requires being able to influence people. If your skills are more focused in other areas of leadership, here are some tips that can help you increase your influence in every direction—up, down and across. Understand your organization. Great influencers have a solid sense of organizational intelligence.

Influence 217
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3 Ways to Lean on People Without Being Needy

Leadership Freak

There’s a word for the place where people lean on each other, community. I should have leaned on more people. The lid on potential isn’t lack of talent.

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Tough Comp Conversations: A Guide For Doing Them Right

Speaker: Rusty Lindquist, VP Strategic HR Insights at Bamboo HR

Compensation can be tricky, few things carry as much emotional weight as comp. And with the increased transparency in the market, combined with our collective propensity to rate ourselves against others, the frequency of these very difficult conversations is increasing. In this webinar, we will deconstruct some of the psychology around comp. We’ll take an analytic look at comp’s role in the employee experience, and then we’ll get really tactical with guidance on very specific compensation conver

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You Don't Need a Change Management Plan


Organizations are facing more changes than ever. And it’s just not just change they’re facing, but a fundamental shift of power from employer to employee. With the competition for talent fierce, employee demands have never been greater. That’s on top of the macro disruptors facing businesses of all sizes – such as supply chain, labor scarcity, and commodity volatility – as well as the industry-specific ones that have spared few businesses.

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Navigating Ambiguity, Toxic & Healthy Culture Makings, and Updates (video)

Anese Cavanaugh

My team and I get asked questions all the time about the quickest three things to do for this or that or all of the above. Building a healthy culture and an authentic Positive Energy Workplace™ takes awareness, honesty, intention, energy, presence, and action. It doesn't have to take a ton of time, however, you want to watch out for "doing" those quick three things just to the "check cultural health" box off your list.

Video 153
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5 Leadership Books To Read In June 2022

Joseph Lalonde

A leader is always learning. One of those ways to continue to learn is to continue to read. Every book you read, you begin to consume what someone has taken years to learn. You bypass the painful learning process by allowing others to learn for you. Then you learn through them. That’s the power of […].

Books 256
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Create Milestones – Remarkable TV

Kevin Eikenberry

I recently celebrated a milestone birthday. And this has me thinking a little bit about milestones in general. Did you know that if you look up the word milestone in the dictionary, there are two basic definitions that are actually quite different? The first definition is a stone to mark distance. So literally mile markers […]. The post Create Milestones – Remarkable TV appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.

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Individual Development Plan Template

There’s no way around it: sometimes employees need your help. Use this free template to clarify expectations, share resources, and set a timeline. Best case scenario, this process helps them improve. Worst case, your great recordkeeping keeps you compliant even if they move on. Download the template today!