Thu.May 16, 2024

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Leading Thoughts for May 16, 2024

Leading Blog

I DEAS shared have the power to expand perspectives, change thinking, and move lives. Here are two ideas for the curious mind to engage with: I. Nido Qubein on becoming a transformational leader: “People value authenticity ahead of charisma. Charisma gets you in the door, but it takes substance to deliver results. We all must remember it’s not about us.

Charisma 349
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Scoring Big: The Intricacies of an Athletic Director Search

N2Growth Blog

Understanding the Role of an Athletic Director The role of an athletic director is crucial for an athletic program’s success and overall operation. This esteemed position involves more than just overseeing athletic teams and facilities. An athletic director is a strategic leader responsible for managing budgets, developing policies and procedures, and promoting a positive and inclusive athletic culture.


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4 Myths about Coaching You Must Reject

Leadership Freak

This post confronts common myths about the leader as coach. Coaching provides people centered approaches to development and results. "Coaching is the universal language of change and learning." Included in this post are coaching tips leaders can use today. Learn to bring out the best in people, not the worst.

Tips 242
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Crafting a Legacy: The Importance of Succession Planning in Family Businesses

N2Growth Blog

Understanding the Concept of Succession Planning Succession planning is a critical aspect of organizational management. Its primary purpose is to prepare for and replace key leaders or business owners without disrupting the workflow. It is a proactive strategy that ensures an organization is ready to handle sudden or planned departures of critical workforce elements.

Planning 235
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New DOL Final Overtime Rules: Quickstart Guide for Employers

There’s a new overtime salary threshold that will impact employers across the country. If you have an employee making less than $43,888 on July 1 or less than $58,656 on January 1, you’re going to have to start paying overtime. Download Paycor’s guide to learn: Which groups of employees are affected? How should you classify employees? Best ways to mitigate risk.

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In Just 5 Steps: Conquer Overwhelm and Stop Feeling Stretched Thin as a Leader

Lead from Within

As an executive leadership coach, I’ve worked with countless leaders around the world who often find themselves in a perpetual state of overwhelm. The demands of leadership can leave you feeling stretched thin, with too much to do and not enough time to do it. The good news is that overwhelm is not a permanent state; it’s a challenge that can be conquered.

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Unlocking Excellence: The Role of a Chief Procurement Officer

N2Growth Blog

Key Responsibilities of a Chief Procurement Officer in Enhancing Excellence The Chief Procurement Officer role has become increasingly important in driving organizational success. As the primary procurement and supply operations overseer, the CPO is crucial in improving procurement excellence. One of their primary responsibilities is to develop and execute effective procurement strategies that align with the organization’s overall business objectives.

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Highlighting Innovation in the Entertainment Sector

Strategy Driven

In all forms of business, innovation plays a key role in the ongoing success of an organization. It can be one of the main drivers that allow companies to gain and hold onto a competitive advantage in marketplaces that are becoming increasingly crowded due to the rise of e-commerce and the international nature of competition. Innovation can be seen in all sectors, from the emergence of dark factories in manufacturing to the use of new techniques and technologies in the healthcare sector.

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Banning Non-Competes: Great News For Spinout Entrepreneurs

CEO Insider

In late April 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) made an historic decision when it passed a rule to ban non-compete clauses for all workers in U.S. industries, with a small exception for senior executives. Far from hurting business, the new ban makes everyone a winner, employees and businesses alike, by opening the door to […] The post Banning Non-Competes: Great News For Spinout Entrepreneurs appeared first on CEOWORLD magazine.

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Five Essential Points for Choosing the Right Engagement Ring

Strategy Driven

As a couple, it is a major thing to decide and choose an engagement ring. This will be never-ending devotion, love, and hope for a bright future. There are many varieties of engagement rings on the market; this could make the search more challenging. Here in this article will talk about assist choosing the perfect engagement ring of Moissanite with five helpful hints. 1.

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Have you ever been involved in a company acquisition (either being bought or buying another company)?


Our reader poll today asks: Have you ever been involved in a company acquisition (either being bought or buying another company)? Yes, and it went great 12.25% Yes, and it went okay 43.54% Yes, and it went terrible 20.75% Nope, never happened to me 23.46% Mergers can work, but they take work. Read the rest of this post at thoughtLEADERS, LLC: Leadership Training for the Real World.

Company 85
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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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7 Ways to Keep Your Project Budget on Track and Profitable

Strategy Driven

1. Develop a Detailed and Realistic Budget In order to effectively budget, you must understand the full scope of the project, including an estimated breakdown of travel costs, equipment, software, payroll, etc. List everything. Don’t forget to include a healthy projection of worst-case scenarios and budget for those as well. Make sure the budget is reviewed by each department involved to ensure accuracy. 2.

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The Benefits Of Gossip At Work

The Horizons Tracker

Recent research from Binghamton University, State University of New York, reveals that certain workplace gossip might actually decrease the chances of employees leaving, consequently enhancing an organization’s overall effectiveness. “Organizations should be aware of the impact of positive gossip because turnover can be a very important factor in dictating an organization’s success,” the researchers explain. “To make employees participate in positive gossip, the org

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The Pathways To A Career in Human Resources: Degree Options Decoded

HR Digest

If you find youself asking “What degree do you need for a human resources career?” or “What to study for becoming an HR manager?” then we have a list of recommendations you could consider. Picking the right degree for a career in HR can make your journey towards the workplace much easier in the long run. The human resources (HR) field is a dynamic and multifaceted domain, offering diverse career trajectories for those with a passion for people management and organizational development.

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How Restaurants Boost Social Sustainability

The Horizons Tracker

While studies on sustainability often delve into food-related subjects such as food security and culinary heritage, social sustainability has emerged as a crucial aspect across various research fields. This facet, alongside environmental and economic sustainability, forms one of the three pillars of sustainability. Social sustainability encompasses concerns about social justice, resource distribution, recognition, and political participation of marginalized groups at the local community level.

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Individual Development Plan Template

There’s no way around it: sometimes employees need your help. Use this free template to clarify expectations, share resources, and set a timeline. Best case scenario, this process helps them improve. Worst case, your great recordkeeping keeps you compliant even if they move on. Download the template today!

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Top 3 Takeaways from How to Work with (Almost) Anyone

Roundtable Talk

Top 3 Takeaways from How to Work with (Almost) Anyone Well, it was worth the wait. Last Thursday, my coaching colleague Michael Bungay Stanier synched his time zones and found his way to our Ask the Expert session to unpack his latest book: How to Work with (Almost) Anyone. The hour flew by as we […] The post Top 3 Takeaways from How to Work with (Almost) Anyone appeared first on The Roundtable.

How To 36
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Your Social Media Presence Can Help You Land (or Lose) a Job Opportunity

Harvard Business Review

Your digital footprint and online activities can have a big effect on how attractive and visible you are to potential employers. How do you notify your network about your job search without sounding too desperate or needy? And if you’re currently employed, how do you walk the tightrope between subtly reaching out to your social media contacts and not setting off alarm bells with your employer?

Media 27
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How to Ask for the Feedback You Really Need

Harvard Business Review

When we ask for feedback on our work, we often get poor-quality feedback that’s not useful or that makes us feel attacked or defensive. Part of the reason is in how we’re asking for feedback. Most requests are too generic, too open, and too late. The result is that you’re more likely to get a heap of opinion rather than a helping of insight. Instead of saying, “I’d love it if you could provide some feedback,” try setting the other person up to add more value by being more prescriptive about what

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What Really Motivates You at Work?

Harvard Business Review

When we work hard, we generally expect our efforts to be recognized by our employer. And most employers will do just that — showering someone with praise at a company meeting, taking a team to a nice dinner, or quietly delivering a cash bonus. But sometimes an employer’s broader recognition strategy does not align with what its individual workers want and need.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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Tech at Work: How the End of Cookies Will Transform Digital Marketing

Harvard Business Review

What will the end of third-party cookies mean for digital advertising, online publishing, and the open Internet?