Thu.May 04, 2023

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4 Surprising Realities That Infuse Meaning into Leadership

Leadership Freak

Organizations can’t give leadership meaning. Bosses and colleagues can’t give it. Meaningful leadership is your responsibility alone. Meaning is energy to run a painful race.

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Leading Thoughts for May 4, 2023

Leading Blog

I DEAS shared have the power to expand perspectives, change thinking, and move lives. Here are two ideas for the curious mind to engage with: I. Susan Fowler on letting go of the notion that you can and should motivate people: “Attempting to motivate people is a losing proposition, no matter your resources. Why? Because people are already motivated—but maybe not in the way you want.


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How to Get Your Coworkers to Embrace Your Great Idea (Video)

Let's Grow Leaders

Get Your Coworkers to Embrace Your Great Idea and Make a Bigger Impact “I went to my boss with a great idea, and she said, “Go see what your coworkers think.” They’re already so busy and overwhelmed, I’m finding it hard to get their attention. What should I do?” How do I convince my coworkers I have a great idea? #AskingforaFriend Why It’s Important So Important to Get Your Coworkers on Board with Your Great Idea Your great idea could make work (and lif

Video 234
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Are You The Imposter? Imposter Syndrome Is Holding Back Your Career.

Rich Gee Group

Picture this: you're sitting at your desk, basking in the glow of a significant accomplishment. A promotion, a successful project, or even just nailing a high-stakes presentation – it's all cause for celebration. Yet, despite your outwardly positive demeanor, a nagging sense of doubt creeps in. "I don't deserve this," you think to yourself. "I'm not good enough.

Career 195
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How to Increase Diversity in Your Workforce Through AI Technology

Diversity and inclusion are crucial for building a strong and innovative workforce. Discover how AI technology can revolutionize your hiring process and drive diversity in your organization. Explore over 10 ways AI recruiting tools can help you identify a wider pool of candidates, enhance communication strategies, and eliminate unconscious bias. Embrace the future of recruitment and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace with AI technology.

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How Great Leaders Make Difficult Conversations Easier

Lead from Within

As a leader, it’s inevitable that you will be called upon to have difficult conversations. Whether it’s addressing a performance issue, dealing with conflict, or having a tough conversation with a team member, these types of conversations can be challenging and uncomfortable. However, by following a few key strategies, you can make difficult conversations easier and less daunting: Be clear on the intent : Before you even start the conversation, it’s important to be clear on you

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How Our Names Can Hold Us Back In Job Searches

The Horizons Tracker

There are various forms of discrimination that hold us back in the workplace. One of those that isn’t discussed very often is name-based discrimination. A recent study from Curtin University found that when migrants used their birth names on CVs, they received fewer responses than those who used more anglicized names. It’s a form of what the researchers refer to as “name microaggression”, which encapsulates the negative assumptions we often have towards ethnic-sounding na

Discount 136

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The Benefits Of Science Communication

The Horizons Tracker

It’s not enough for science to exist in a vacuum, so increasing efforts are made to ensure it is communicated effectively with the public and industry. A recent study from the University of Münster explores how such communication beyond the scientific community not only affects the impact of one’s science but even the act of science itself.

Audience 129
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The High Cost of Happy Meals: Investigating Child Labor at Kentucky’s McDonald’s

HR Digest

In a shocking revelation, an investigation conducted by the Kentucky labor department has uncovered that McDonald’s restaurants in the state have been violating child labor laws. This exposes the stark reality that large corporations like McDonald’s often prioritize profits over the welfare of their employees, especially children. According to the report, hundreds of children, some as young as 10 years old, were found to be working in McDonald’s restaurants, often for long hour

Cost 98
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Is AI Liberating Or Imprisoning Us?

The Horizons Tracker

Last year, Satya Nadella announced the company’s desire for all of us to have a “Copilot” to help us navigate life. Copilot is a project hosted on GitHub that aims to outsource a huge amount of software development coders would ordinarily do themselves. It’s believed that the project speeds up the process of software development by around 50%.

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How deliberate are you about applying change management practices when your team faces a large change?


Our reader poll today asks: How deliberate are you about applying change management practices when your team faces a large change? Very: I put a lot of effort into managing the change and dealing with change issues 46.47% Somewhat: I apply change management practices for big and important changes 46.46% Not very: I infrequently apply change management practices in the face of change 5.05% Not at all: I’m not sure what good change management practices even look like 2.02% Change doesn’t happen on

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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How to Implement an Effective Employee Training and Development Program

HR Digest

Employee training and development are essential for any organization’s success. It is crucial to have a well-designed and implemented employee training and development program that meets the needs of employees and the organization. In this article, we will cover the best practices for developing and implementing an effective employee training and development program.

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After a Great Day of Teaching – A Lesson for Every Pastor and Leader

Ron Edmondson

After a great day of teaching, Jesus faced the critics. There’s a lesson here for every leader worth remembering. Consider this story: And when Jesus had finished these parables, he went away from there, and coming to his hometown he taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works?

Simon 60
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Elon Musk Sparks Controversy with Drastic Reduction of Twitter’s Parental Leave Policy

HR Digest

Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, has recently made a controversial decision to slash the company’s paid parental leave policy. The move, which reduces the policy from 20 weeks to just 14 days, has received backlash from employees and the general public. According to internal company documents, Musk has drastically reduced Twitter’s paid parental leave policy from 20 weeks to just 14 days.

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How To Identify Your Areas of Improvement at Work

Niagara Institute

You know that everyone has their faults, weaknesses, and areas of improvement at work. However, you also know that perfection is impossible to achieve and that holding yourself to that standard only leads to disappointment and demotivation.

How To 52
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Interview Scorecard Free Downloadable Template

Making effective hiring decisions can be challenging, but with a standardized evaluation process, you can improve your chances of finding the ideal candidate every time. Discover the benefits of using interview scorecards to assess and compare candidates, ensuring fair and consistent evaluations. Our free interview scorecard template allows you to customize criteria and track candidate progress, helping you make informed hiring decisions.

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Managing Virtual Teams: Staying Hands-On with Remote Employees

Steve Farber

As a leader, you were likely taught that “hands-on management” is best. A hands-on manager — not to be confused with a micromanager — is highly involved in the day-to-day activities and decisions of their. Read more The post Managing Virtual Teams: Staying Hands-On with Remote Employees first appeared on Steve Farber.

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7 Metrics to Measure Your Organization’s DEI Progress

Harvard Business Review

Building a merit-based culture requires tracking the right data.

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How Generative AI Changes Productivity

Harvard Business Review

A conversation with HBS professor Karim Lakhani on the challenges facing senior leaders.