July, 2022

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Curiosity at Work: 5 Opportunities to Show Up a Bit More Curious

Let's Grow Leaders

I am a HUGE proponent of showing up with genuine curiosity at work. Need to have a performance feedback conversation with an under-performing employee? There’s no better place to start than with curiosity. Need a solution to a seemingly no-win scenario with a customer? Again, a bit of curiosity goes a long way. And yet, I know I’m guilty of this.

Project 621
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Executive Hiring For a P.E. Portfolio Company – Tangential Opportunity

N2Growth Blog

Part Four –Tangential Opportunity; a Balancing Act in P.E. Hiring. In the previous three parts of this series, we realized the challenging factors around searching for and placing an ideal candidate to lead a private equity portfolio company. This series’s final part will balance needs with compromises, float tangential opportunities to expand horizons, and extricate from myopia on that elusive ‘unicorn’ management candidate.

Execution 397

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Understanding The Power Of Words To Empower Or Extinguish Employee Potential

Tanveer Naseer

Effective communication is a critical cornerstone to succeeding at leadership. And yet, numerous studies have shown that a majority of leaders lack this necessary skill to not only empowering employees, but retaining talent necessary to drive their organization’s growth and long-term prosperity. It’s not surprising then why every month or. Click to continue reading.

Power 362
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How to Create a Compelling Narrative That Connects with Senior Execs

Next Level Blog

One of the leadership communications distinctions I’ve been thinking about a lot this year is the difference between communications that are episodic and those that are longitudinal. Back in January, I wrote a post about how leaders need to pull the thread through so their teams can see how their work fits into the longer arc of the work. Lately, I’ve been advising a lot of clients on how to frame their communications for C-Suite executives who, because of the nature of their jobs, are bombarded

How To 344
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HR in 2025: Insights & Predictions

What type of worker is most engaged—hybrid, remote, or onsite? What are the drivers of effective leadership? What does the C-suite think HR is most responsible for? And why is a wave of HR resignations more likely in the next 12 months? Get our annual survey report to find out: The #1 challenge of recruiting & hiring Why remote teams are struggling What are the drivers of effective (and ineffective) leadership And lots more!

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Stop Training Your Employees To Not Try

Joseph Lalonde

When employees step out of their comfort zone and try something new, magical things happen. Google allows its employees to spend 20% of their time working on pet projects. These pet projects are things the employee sees that could benefit Google. Most organizations are not like Google. They are unwilling to give their employees time to try new things, even when the organization would benefit.

Training 319
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Does “Politically Correct” Mean Inclusive and Respectful?

Leading in Context

By Linda Fisher Thornton I studied Linguistics and Communications at The University of Virginia and I am fascinated by how words shape our perception of things. Lately there has been a lot of discussion about the term "politically correct," sometimes shortened to "PC." I have noticed it is used when people refer to the pressure to be polite to all people, including those who are different from themselves. .

Politics 308

More Trending

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CPG Hiring Trends

N2Growth Blog

The evolution of new technologies and the COVID-19 pandemic have greatly influenced consumer habits worldwide, consumers are becoming more demanding, and companies are working on efficiencies to offset the negative impact of inflation on their P&Ls. Leaders are working on efficiencies to offset these challenges. This article will examine how new technologies, consumer habits, and the pandemic have influenced consumer expectations, how companies are working to meet changing consumer expectati

Trends 368
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How Leaders Create Engaged And Connected Remote Teams | Kevin Eikenberry

Tanveer Naseer

One of the biggest challenges facing leaders and their organizations today is how to adapt the way they work to a growing demand for more flexible work arrangements by employees. But how do leaders make this shift from leading a team of individuals working under one roof, to working either full time or part of the time remotely? That’s the challenge I’ll be discussing with my guest, Kevin Eikenberry, in this episode of my “Leadership Biz Cafe” podcast.

Team 361
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Going the Distance – 7 Secrets for Success in Love (and Leadership)

RapidStart Leadership

When it comes to love or leadership, going the distance means forming relationships that run deep; while my son and his bride backpack to the northern shores of Iceland, I thought I’d share seven ways to help make sure they, and we, stay headed in the right direction. The post Going the Distance – 7 Secrets for Success in Love (and Leadership) appeared first on RapidStart Leadership.

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Your Attitude Is Important

Joseph Lalonde

Have you ever been around a Debbie Downer? You know the type… They’re always in a funk. Their day never goes right. Someone is always trying to bring them down. It’s a vicious cycle. It’s a cycle that pushes people away. Most people don’t want to be near a Debbie Downer. Their negative attitude is […].

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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The Fear Factor

Leading in Context

By Linda Fisher Thornton Don't let fear undermine your culture. Review four important reasons why you should create a no-fear culture and 21 things to weed out to build trust.

Review 296
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How Do I Ask Better Questions: Asking For a Friend with Chad Littlefield [VIDEO]

Let's Grow Leaders

Want to Ask Better Questions? Stop Asking Why. Here’s Why… In this week’s Asking for a Friend, I talk with Chad Littlefield, Co-Author of Ask Better Questions. Chad and I met at an industry conference where we were both speaking and discovered many shared interests including creating psychological safety and encouraging deeper, more meaningful conversations and swimming.

Video 474
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Should Policies Have Expiration Dates?

Kevin Eikenberry

Policies exist in all parts of society, and we have been subject to them throughout our lives. They are generally well-intentioned, yet often elicit less than positive response – anything from the rolling of eyes to complaints about how policies don’t apply to a given situation. Company policies receive the same treatment and derision. If […].

Policies 271
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10 Critical Rules For Living A Happy Life

Tanveer Naseer

Some people spend their whole life searching for happiness. While you may think wealth, power, and fame will make you happy, you may be looking in the wrong place. In fact, all the riches in the world won’t guarantee a happy and fulfilling life. You don’t have to search the. Click to continue reading.

Power 357
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5 Ways to Improve DE&I in the Workplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical for an organization’s success. And companies that take bold action to help ensure an inclusive workplace will win every time. Discover how your company can create a culture that celebrates DE&I while achieving higher revenue and growth.

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Culture Course Correction: 11 Ways to Avoid Going Over the Cliff

RapidStart Leadership

When attitudes decline and negativity sets in, it may be time for a culture course correction on our teams; here are 11 ways to do just that. The post Culture Course Correction: 11 Ways to Avoid Going Over the Cliff appeared first on RapidStart Leadership.

Course 279
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Remain Teachable

Joseph Lalonde

Do you remember when you were a child? You thought the world was your oyster. You also thought you knew everything there was to know. I think back to growing up. I remember thinking my parents didn’t know much about life. How wrong that was. I’d scoff at their advice. I’d think my parents were old. They […].

Advice 306
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How to Keep Your Team Focused on What Matters Most

Next Level Blog

If there’s one topic I hear about all the time from the leaders I work with, it’s the challenge of keeping themselves and their teams focused on what matters most. The long and ever-changing list of things competing for their time and attention can cause a sense of swirl and churn that leaves everyone frustrated and exhausted. A few months ago, I was facilitating a senior leadership team meeting where the focus challenge came up again and, after listening for a while, I drew this grid on the fli

Team 268
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How to Be Less Negative – and Still Be Yourself

Let's Grow Leaders

Learning How to Be Less Negative Will Make You More Effective. When your team or supervisor thinks of you as a negative person, you’re less likely to be invited to conversations where you would have valuable contributions to make. You’re less likely to receive recognition for your work and your odds of promotion go down. If you often hear that you’re too negative, learning how to be less negative is a critical skill to master—and fast.

How To 605
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No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Drama, End Entitlement and Drive Big Results

Speaker: Cy Wakeman, M.S., CSP, President, Reality-Based Leadership

Most HR leadership philosophies are grounded in two completely faulty assumptions — “change is hard” and “engagement drives results.” Those beliefs have inspired expensive attempts to keep change from being disruptive to employees. What these engagement programs actually do is create and reinforce feelings of victim-hood and leave employees unprepared to adapt to real changes that are necessary for the health and profitability of their enterprises.

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Who Decides if You are Micromanaging? – Remarkable TV

Kevin Eikenberry

Micromanagement. Leaders tell me all the time that they’re not doing it, but if I talk to their teams, I often hear something different. And here’s the thing, the other person decides if you’re micromanaging. It’s wonderful to think that you’re not. But the reality is, if the person you’re leading or managing thinks you […].

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How High-Performing Leaders Stay On Top

Tanveer Naseer

Strong leaders are the key to any successful endeavour, from running a multinational business to organizing a massively impactful grassroots movement. In addition to possessing intellect, experience, and vision, the most notable leaders have the ability to sustain their influence over years and decades. Achieving longevity in leadership is no. Click to continue reading.

Influence 355
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8 Factors to Consider as You Prepare for Your CPA Exam

Women on Business

Brought to you by Wiley: Many aspiring accounting professionals wishing to advance their careers consider sitting and passing the CPA exams. And while passing the CPA exams has various benefits for accountants, the harsh truth is passing the CPA test is no easy feat. One of the most sought-after certifications in the accounting industry is […].

CPA 246
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Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Thor: Love And Thunder

Joseph Lalonde

A Reel Leadership Article. Moviegoers were treated to a new movie about the god of thunder. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) returned to the cinema to rock audiences. Thor: Love And Thunder had a similar feel to his last featured movie, Thor: Ragnarok, yet Love And Thunder felt somewhat flat. The jokes didn’t land. The action was nice but nothing special. […].

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Innovation: Five Signs You Might Be Faking It

Every company wants to be a leader in innovation, but how can you tell if your company is really innovating or just going through the motions? See the 5 signs you might be faking innovation and what to do if you are.

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4 Surprising Things Leaders Aren’t Responsible For

Leadership Freak

Stress goes up when you take responsibility for things you can’t control. You’re doomed when you confuse ‘accountable for’ with ‘responsible for’ #1. Leaders aren’t responsible for results.

Stress 237
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Tomorrow Together with David Dye

Let's Grow Leaders

The 21st century hasn’t started the way that many of us expected it would. We’re looking at a potent mix of a global pandemic, global warming, the resurgence of authoritarianism, white nationalism, and war that again threatens to consume the planet. It can feel frustrating and hopeless. And those are just a few of the issues that are pervasive and in people’s consciousness regularly.

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Is Micromanagement Keeping You from Leadership Success?

Kevin Eikenberry

I spend most of my time working with leaders. And those leaders all have leaders (after all, even CEO’s have Boards of Directors). Spend any amount of time with groups of leaders and they will talk about how they dislike being micromanaged. No one likes to be micromanaged, yet we have all experienced it. In […]. The post Is Micromanagement Keeping You from Leadership Success?

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8 Key Skills For Leadership In Business

Tanveer Naseer

Not everyone has what it takes to be a leader in business, and there are a few necessary traits and skills that will help you to stand out. We will cover some of these in the following post, from your attitude to work, to how to inspire motivation in others. Click to continue reading.

Skills 346
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Tough Comp Conversations: A Guide For Doing Them Right

Speaker: Rusty Lindquist, VP Strategic HR Insights at Bamboo HR

Compensation can be tricky, few things carry as much emotional weight as comp. And with the increased transparency in the market, combined with our collective propensity to rate ourselves against others, the frequency of these very difficult conversations is increasing. In this webinar, we will deconstruct some of the psychology around comp. We’ll take an analytic look at comp’s role in the employee experience, and then we’ll get really tactical with guidance on very specific compensation conver

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Looking at 5 Common Health and Safety Actions to Avoid Common Mistakes

Women on Business

Brought to you by Peoplesafe: When it comes to health and safety in the workplace, there are a few key mistakes that employers need to avoid. By taking a proactive approach to health and safety, employers can create a safer workplace for everyone, which is not just good for the employees but good for the […].

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Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Stranger Things Season 4 Chapter 9: The Piggyback

Joseph Lalonde

A Reel Leadership Article. The hit Netflix show Strangers Things is back for the final two episodes and boy were they good. Instead of looking at movie leadership lessons, I’m giving my readers a double-header of Stranger Things goodness. Today, there will be two articles. This is the second Reel Leadership article (you can see the first set of […].

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Community Village: 7 Ways Village Builders Win

Leadership Freak

You live an impoverished life apart from a village. Life on your own is empty. The richest possible life turns toward community. You need a community to flourish.

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What is an Ethical “Win?”

Leading in Context

By Linda Fisher Thornton What it means to "win responsibly" in business has changed. .

Ethics 278
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How to Design a People-First Benefits Package for Your Unique Team

Benefits are central to any HR strategy. A strong benefits package attracts top talent, boosts engagement, and retains top performers.