April, 2011

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Keeping It Simple

N2Growth Blog

By Mike Myatt , Chief Strategy Officer, N2growth. One of the most effective ways to order your world is to simplify everything you encounter. However the problem is that keeping it simple often becomes very difficult when our basic human nature is to over-complicate everything we touch. In thinking about the people I respect the most, to the one, they possess the uncanny ability to take the most complicated of issues and simplify them.

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Hope is a Strategy

Lead Change Blog

A few years ago I noticed a book ad in the O’Hare airport titled, “Hope is Not a Strategy.&# I loved the title. To me, it represented the pain and frustration I felt in companies I had worked for, namely if we did enough “stuff&# and hoped it would work, it would. The equation of [.] Lead Change Group - Leaders Growing Leaders.

Strategy 363

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It’s Time For Spring Cleaning: 10 Ways To Freshen Up Your Leadership

Terry Starbucker

It’s almost May now, and you’re starting to feel a little restless. A little stale, maybe. You’ve had your head down and your team focused for 120 days straight, and with the days now getting longer and the temptation to start “coasting&# getting even stronger, you’ve hit a critical time of the year. It’s time to do a little spring cleaning.

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Book Review: Leadership Is Dead: How Influence Is Reviving It

Michael Lee Stallard

In Leadership Is Dead: How Influence Is Reviving It , Jeremie Kubicek, CEO of the leader development company GiANT Impact, makes a clear and compelling case that “dominating leaders” who lead by coercion are on the decline and are being replaced by “liberating leaders” who lead through influence. Kubicek observes that leadership has moved from a noun to a verb.

Influence 305
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New DOL Final Overtime Rules: Quickstart Guide for Employers

There’s a new overtime salary threshold that will impact employers across the country. If you have an employee making less than $43,888 on July 1 or less than $58,656 on January 1, you’re going to have to start paying overtime. Download Paycor’s guide to learn: Which groups of employees are affected? How should you classify employees? Best ways to mitigate risk.

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Leadership is about Creating Conversations

Leading Blog

Poet and Fortune 500 consultant David Whyte said that “The core act of leadership must be the act of making conversations real.” Conversations—sometimes difficult conversations—are what build relationships. Conversations that provide the opportunity for possibility. Conversations about choice. Leaders create the opportunity for conversation. By bringing people together for conversation they increase engagement, commitment and accountability.

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Three Clues You Can Use to Find What Motivates Another Person

The Recovering Engineer

Two questions I often get in workshops, from coaching clients, and in consulting engagements is: How do I work with an unmotivated person? and. How do I motivate someone to work harder? Here are the quick answers: There is no such thing as an unmotivated person. Everyone is motivated to do something. Therefore, everyone is motivated. You cannot motivate someone else to work harder.

More Trending

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7 Ways to Jump Start Your Development

Lead Change Blog

“What did you learn today?” It’s a question that sounds familiar to most of us. You were likely asked it when you were a kid. And, if you are a parent, you’ve probably asked it of your kids too. But when was the last time you asked it of yourself? “What did I learn today?” [.] Lead Change Group - Leaders Growing Leaders.

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The Absolutely, Positively, No Doubt About It Way To Keep Customers – In A Nutshell

Terry Starbucker

I’ve seen a lot of books out there lately that have taken a lot of pages to explain how to get and keep customers, but it’s really pretty simple: Thank your customers for their business, preferably with a smile. Follow the Golden Rule in all your communications with customers, no matter the form. If you mess up with a customer, own up to it and apologize.

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How to Get the CEO to Listen to You

Next Level Blog

Last month, I did a customized webinar for about 70 managers in a client company on “How to Build Executive Presence.” To prep the content for the session, we asked about a dozen C suite and direct. Please click the headline to read the whole story.

Webinar 271
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Be a Coach, Not a Critic

Leading Blog

Unless they can highlight a problem, many book reviewers don’t feel like they have done their job. They operate under the assumption that being a critic means being critical. Many bosses operate the same way. They feel feedback is good only if it is critical or negative. Adam Bryant suggests in The Corner Office , that we be a coach, not a critic. He writes, “Employees know if their boss is rooting for them to succeed, and they’re much more open to feedback if they sense the manager’s goal is to

Open-book 283
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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Ethical Interpersonal Behavior Graphic: Red, Yellow and Green Zones

Leading in Context

This blog post features a Leading in Context® Graphic that shows red, yellow and green zones for interpersonal behavior in an ethical workplace. Full graphic available in the Leading in Context® Store.

Ethics 230
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Leadership & Changing Your Mind

N2Growth Blog

By Mike Myatt , Chief Strategy Officer, N2growth. How difficult is it for you to change your mind? When was the last time you changed your mind? Do you consistently challenge your own thinking, or do you wait for others to bring the challenge to you? When your thinking is confronted, how do you react? I’ve often said the rigidity of a closed mind is the first step in limiting opportunity.

Maturity 406
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As A Leader, What Drives You – Passion or Ego?

Lead Change Blog

Leaders, in my mind, are defined by the strength of their values and their character. They live in integrity with themselves, and their surroundings, a character trait that develops deep trust with their followers. Lead Change Group - Leaders Growing Leaders.

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What Great Leaders Have In Common With The Rolling Stones

Terry Starbucker

I was presenting our quarterly operations review to the executive team at my cable TV company. It had been a particularly good quarter for all of our operating metrics, and I was pumped. It was time to lay it all out there, and gather up the kudos. Because after all, who doesn’t like to be praised? The slides kept going up on the overhead screen, one after another, all showing improvement.

Mentor 293
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5 Ways to Improve DE&I in the Workplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical for an organization’s success. And companies that take bold action to help ensure an inclusive workplace will win every time. Discover how your company can create a culture that celebrates DE&I while achieving higher revenue and growth.

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You Like Me, You Really Like Me

Next Level Blog

One of the most e-mailed articles on the New York Times website the past couple of days has been an article by David Carr on how it seems to be acceptable behavior to text someone else while you’re. Please click the headline to read the whole story.

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From Values to Action

Leading Blog

Former chairman and chief executive officer of Baxter International, Harry Kraemer, has written a genuine, back-to-basics book on value-based leadership: From Values to Action. He presents four interconnected principles that build on and contribute to each other: Self-Reflection is the most important and is central to your leadership. “If you are not self-reflective, how can you truly know yourself?

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Leadership Development: When NOT to be GUTSY

Women on Business

While gathering definitions for the word “GUTSY&# , to be used in my new book being released soon. I had an epiphany. Maybe there are times to just be still, not show your confident, brash, exuberant, irreverent side. I sat with this for most of a day, letting it roll around in my mind like a chocolate drop that did not melt quickly. What happens if a gutsy woman stays quiet?

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The Problem With Key Employees

N2Growth Blog

By Mike Myatt , Chief Strategy Officer, N2growth . What is a key employee, and who is worthy of such a title? Much has been written on the subject of key employees, and in my opinion most of it flat misses the mark. In fact, I’ll go so far as to say that what most people refer to as key employees are not really assets, but rather large contingent liabilities.

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No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Drama, End Entitlement and Drive Big Results

Speaker: Cy Wakeman, M.S., CSP, President, Reality-Based Leadership

Most HR leadership philosophies are grounded in two completely faulty assumptions — “change is hard” and “engagement drives results.” Those beliefs have inspired expensive attempts to keep change from being disruptive to employees. What these engagement programs actually do is create and reinforce feelings of victim-hood and leave employees unprepared to adapt to real changes that are necessary for the health and profitability of their enterprises.

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Leaders or Fools

Lead Change Blog

I wonder what someone would have called you if you suggested, say 30, or even 20 years ago that people would get their news and ideas from a handheld TV that they use as a telephone. What would you have said to the person 30 years ago who suggested that you would “meet” people all [.] Lead Change Group - Leaders Growing Leaders.

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Aretha Franklin’s Short Course In Great Leadership

Terry Starbucker

“R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me&#. Aretha Franklin is one of the best singers ever. So when she sings, I listen. Especially to her biggest hit. I love the conviction behind the lyric – it’s respect that she wants, and it’s respect that she’ll get. Or she’ll walk. And within the meaning of that song is an extremely valuable leadership lesson.

Course 288
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Is Grit the Key to Being a Successful Leader?

Tanveer Naseer

While doing some research for a presentation I’ll be giving later this summer, I came upon a study which looked at determining which trait plays a key role in the achievement of long-term goals. After reading a few more studies that dealt with this subject, I noticed that there were some interesting correlations which could be drawn to the field of leadership.

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5 Leadership Lessons: What You Need to Know about Developing Teen Leadership

Leading Blog

Dan Appleman has written a handbook for developing teen leadership. Based on over 20 years of real world experience, you will find ideas, techniques, examples and even sample statements to guide you. Developing Teen Leadership will not only help you develop leadership skills in yourself and others, but you will find ways to help teens help other teens on their leadership journey.

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Innovation: Five Signs You Might Be Faking It

Every company wants to be a leader in innovation, but how can you tell if your company is really innovating or just going through the motions? See the 5 signs you might be faking innovation and what to do if you are.

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Four Ways to Recharge Your Leadership Batteries

Persuasive Powerhouse

You are a really hard-working leader. Long hours are often required over extended periods of time. By working harder and longer, you think you are making a dent in the workload. Yet – have you noticed that there is a point of diminishing return? When you are spinning your wheels yet things aren’t getting [.

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M&A Without Buying the Company

N2Growth Blog

By Mike Myatt , Chief Strategy Officer, N2growth. Most people tend to look at acquisitions from a rather myopic and traditional M&A perspective: making a strategic or synergistic purchase of an operating entity on an accretive basis. However restricting your view of acquisitions to operating companies is like playing a football game with only one play in your playbook.

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Lead with Kindness

Lead Change Blog

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.&# ~Aesop Do you believe that our existence ends when we die and that only tangible things are real? This is important because ultimately this quote either confirms your beliefs or takes you to a great contradiction. Either you believe there is something more than [.].

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What Was Your Fork In The Road, And Did You Take It?

Terry Starbucker

I’m in Chicago today to prepare for my labor of love with my biz partner Liz Strauss, SOBCon Chicago 2011 , which starts tomorrow ( check out our website for more information, and here is the livestream of the event ). Yesterday I was in Milwaukee visiting family, and while I was there I stopped at a Starbucks on a particular street corner. It was a corner that brought back two specific memories.

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Tough Comp Conversations: A Guide For Doing Them Right

Speaker: Rusty Lindquist, VP Strategic HR Insights at Bamboo HR

Compensation can be tricky, few things carry as much emotional weight as comp. And with the increased transparency in the market, combined with our collective propensity to rate ourselves against others, the frequency of these very difficult conversations is increasing. In this webinar, we will deconstruct some of the psychology around comp. We’ll take an analytic look at comp’s role in the employee experience, and then we’ll get really tactical with guidance on very specific compensation conver

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Is Grit the Key to Being a Successful Leader?

Tanveer Naseer

While doing some research for a presentation I’ll be giving later this summer, I came upon a study which looked at determining which trait plays a key role in the achievement of long-term goals. After reading a few more studies that dealt with this subject, I noticed that there were some interesting correlations which could be drawn to the field of leadership.

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Project Management 101: The Stages of Project Management

Women on Business

I remember when I picked up my first project management book. I was working as a low-level retail manager and thought it would be helpful. I picked it up, glanced through the table of contents, got terrified and immediately put it back on the shelf. The book was full of technical jargon, extensive charts and graphs, and appeared to be designed for someone who had a Ph.D and was working on a NASA space shuttle launch.

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How to Create a Thanking Culture

Persuasive Powerhouse

Something on a PowerPoint slide at a presentation recently captured my attention and fancy. The point on the slide was about the “thinking culture&# of a particular company, but the word “thinking&# was misspelled to “thanking&#. Hmm (I thought)….a “thanking culture&#. What might that look like? We so often hear that a paycheck is thanks [.

How To 235
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Social Media for CEOs

N2Growth Blog

By Mike Myatt , Chief Strategy Officer, N2growth. Nary a week passes where I don’t hear from a CEO who’s grappling with this social media conundrum: should I, or shouldn’t I? The inquiry usually goes something like this: “I’m interested in learning more about social media, but my board thinks it’s a bad idea, I don’t have any additional bandwidth, and I’m not even sure where to start…is social media really effective for CEOs?

Media 345
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Individual Development Plan Template

There’s no way around it: sometimes employees need your help. Use this free template to clarify expectations, share resources, and set a timeline. Best case scenario, this process helps them improve. Worst case, your great recordkeeping keeps you compliant even if they move on. Download the template today!