Sat.Apr 23, 2022 - Fri.Apr 29, 2022

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How To Earn Respect As A Leader

Tanveer Naseer

Being in a leadership role is a big adjustment from a standard role in any company. It comes with a lot of personal development and figuring out how to earn respect from your coworkers. Respect is not something that just comes when you get a promotion, it’s something you have. Click to continue reading.

How To 343
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Why We Micromanage (Even If We Don’t Want to)

Kevin Eikenberry

Micromanagement. We have all experienced it – and if you are a leader, you have mostly likely done it. Yet no one ever says that great leaders are micromanagers. If it isn’t effective and we don’t like it done to us, why do we micromanage? The Pressures to Micromanage Not all the items on this […]. The post Why We Micromanage (Even If We Don’t Want to) appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.


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The Give and Take of Trust

Leading in Context

By Linda Fisher Thornton The post Should Trust Be Freely Offered or Conditionally Earned generated lively discussions in LinkedIn Groups about extending trust when we meet someone new. It was clear from reading the discussions that trust has many different dimensions. Readers shared how they perceived trust – some saw it as an emotion, some saw it as a relationship, others described it as a mindset.

Ethics 308
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Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Everything Everywhere All At Once

Joseph Lalonde

A Reel Leadership Article. Few movies have received the praise I’ve seen for Everything Everywhere All At Once. My Facebook feed has been filled with praise from friends such as Greg Atkinson, Aaron Ponce, Soong-Chan Rah, Michael Frost, and others who convinced me to see this great movie. At first, I was a little leary. Everything Everywhere All At […].

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New DOL Final Overtime Rules: Quickstart Guide for Employers

There’s a new overtime salary threshold that will impact employers across the country. If you have an employee making less than $43,888 on July 1 or less than $58,656 on January 1, you’re going to have to start paying overtime. Download Paycor’s guide to learn: Which groups of employees are affected? How should you classify employees? Best ways to mitigate risk.

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Management Tools For Leaders: The FADE Cycle

Rich Gee Group

Tool #4 - The FADE Cycle This week, let’s focus on a simple methodology for problem/process review and improvement - The FADE Cycle. Summary: FADE is a quality performance model and a simple methodology for business improvement. I use it often with clients to help them grow their business or initiate a major change in their career. Benefits: In many instances, quick, off-the-cuff 'executive' decisions are made to solve endemic problems (upper management is notorious for doing this — they know be

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Making eLearning Really Work

Kevin Eikenberry

eLearning in some form has been around for most of the lives of anyone who might be reading this. From the beginning, and again with each new advance, eLearning has been heralded as the future of learning. Yet talk to most anyone and you will find that for the all the promise, there is disappointment. […]. The post Making eLearning Really Work appeared first on Kevin Eikenberry on Leadership & Learning.

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What Kind of Leader Are You for Your Business?

Joseph Lalonde

Your company will take far more of your time and ability than you anticipate. You probably had everything figured out in your thoughts when you initially started running your company. The initial months may have been manageable, but after a year or two you realize that a developing company is not a task you should […].

Company 208
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Are You Leading the Room or Is the Room Leading You?

Next Level Blog

Back in the early days of my public speaking career, I got some invaluable feedback that eventually changed everything for me. My book, The Next Level , had been out for about a year and I was asked to be a regular speaker at a companywide leadership program for a major investment firm. The company ran the program four times a year and my role was to come in each time they did to deliver a half day workshop for managers on the behaviors they needed to either pick up or let go of to lead at the n

Energy 168
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Employee Experience: Definition, Strategy, and Best Practices


I was first introduced to the concept of employee experience more than 20 years ago during my time in internal communications at McDonald’s. The campaign was called “employment image” and was designed to improve the reputation of working in the restaurants. A significant problem was that the campaign didn’t have much credibility inside or outside the organization, and the concept was gaining limited traction – and then we had that “ah-ha” moment: What we came to realize over time was that the be

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7 Leadership Development Secrets from Michelangelo

Leadership Freak

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” Michelangelo Think of leadership development as setting angels free.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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4 Great Ways to Develop Leadershi[p Skills as a Small Business Owner

Joseph Lalonde

As a small business owner, you know that it takes more than just a good idea to be successful. You need to be able to lead your team and make tough decisions to navigate through challenging times. To develop your leadership skills, you need to understand what they are. Leadership skills can be categorized into […].

Skills 198
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The Pros And Cons Of A Bossless Organization

The Horizons Tracker

Flat and managerless organizations were all the rage a few years ago when ideas such as Holocracy were all the rage. The hype has died down a bit in recent years, but support for managerless structures nonetheless endures. Research from Bocconi University explores the pros and cons of such an approach. The researchers develop a model that aims to show when a managerless organization would work better than a more hierarchical one, and then when it would not.

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Why Payment Security is a Major Priority for Consumers

Women on Business

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10 Ways to Enjoy Work Now

Leadership Freak

You spend much of life working. Enjoy work so you can enjoy life. Enjoy work or hate life. 10 ways to enjoy work: #1. Don’t work.

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5 Ways to Improve DE&I in the Workplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical for an organization’s success. And companies that take bold action to help ensure an inclusive workplace will win every time. Discover how your company can create a culture that celebrates DE&I while achieving higher revenue and growth.

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5 Leadership Books To Read In May 2022

Joseph Lalonde

Reading is essential to the growth of any leader. The reading you do can be through physical books, audiobooks, and ebooks. Whatever works for you, do it! But… Finding great books to read can be a difficult thing to do. The power of books is why I love curating a list of books for leaders […].

Books 195
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How Reliable Is Mechanical Turk For Research?

The Horizons Tracker

In recent years Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform has become a staple for the research community as it provides them with ready access to study participants at low cost and with minimal time or effort. What’s more, the platform rates each user, so researchers can tap into what is referred to as “Masters”, who have an approval rating of 98% or more.

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Digital Tools to Organize Your New Business

Women on Business

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Tools 100
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How a Successful Woman Entrepreneur Began Without Investors or Ambition

Leadership Freak

Sometimes ambition finds us. I talked with a woman entrepreneur who didn’t begin with a vision to become an entrepreneur.

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No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Drama, End Entitlement and Drive Big Results

Speaker: Cy Wakeman, M.S., CSP, President, Reality-Based Leadership

Most HR leadership philosophies are grounded in two completely faulty assumptions — “change is hard” and “engagement drives results.” Those beliefs have inspired expensive attempts to keep change from being disruptive to employees. What these engagement programs actually do is create and reinforce feelings of victim-hood and leave employees unprepared to adapt to real changes that are necessary for the health and profitability of their enterprises.

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4 Ways to Increase Your Wealth through Investing

Joseph Lalonde

As an entrepreneur and leader, you have the opportunity to invest and grow your wealth in a number of ways. There are many strategies that you can use to increase your net worth and build your financial security. This blog post will discuss some of the best ways to increase your wealth as an entrepreneur […].

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Feelings Of Professionalism Can Result In Unethical Behavior

The Horizons Tracker

Professionalism is almost always viewed in a positive sense, with it typically associated with things such as integrity and sound judgment. Research from Cambridge Judge Business School suggests, however, that it can have a dark side to it as well. The paper demonstrates that a high self-concept of professionalism often exists alongside a much shallower notion of the idea that suggests that professionals are better able to self-regulate than non-professionals.

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Expanding Globally Made Easy and Efficient With Outsourcing

Chart Your Course

Before, organizations might not have promptly chosen to extend business around the world to track down new wellsprings of benefit. All things considered, organizations might shift focus over to new geographic or segment portions to extend their organization. So why, presently, is it so essential to internationalize your business to strike new benefits?

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Dear Dan: How Do You Find a Mentor

Leadership Freak

Dear Dan, I enjoy your articles. One thing I agree with but don’t know how to achieve is a mentor.

Mentor 169
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Individual Development Plan Template

There’s no way around it: sometimes employees need your help. Use this free template to clarify expectations, share resources, and set a timeline. Best case scenario, this process helps them improve. Worst case, your great recordkeeping keeps you compliant even if they move on. Download the template today!

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Dealing With Negative Criticism

Joseph Lalonde

In December, I released my book, Reel Leadership. It was a continuation of the work I’ve done on the blog. Since the Reel Leadership articles tend to receive the most feedback and visits, I wanted to create a fantastic book that people would love. For the most part, the feedback has been positive. People have enjoyed […].

Blog 156
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Political Affinity Is Crucial For Cross-Border Merger Success

The Horizons Tracker

Politics may seem to play a minimal role in business, but research from the University of Exeter Business School suggests that it is extremely important when it comes to cross-border mergers. Indeed, the researchers found that investors tend to frown upon mergers where there is little evidence of political affinity. The researchers examined how important political affinity was in judging whether the premium paid to secure the deal was worth it or not.

Politics 124
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Guest Posting Tips Your Business Should Consider

Women on Business

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Tips 100
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10 Reasons Why People Ignore Their Conscience

Frank Sonnenberg Online

10 Reasons Why People Ignore Their Conscience. You have one life to live. And YOU get to choose the path you’ll take. You can take the high ground and live your life with honor and integrity. Or, you can take the low road and sell your soul to the highest bidder. At the end of the day, when you’re lying awake at night, you will know which path you’ve chosen.

Morale 112
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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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As a Leader, Your Effectiveness Depends on the Strength of Your Relationships

CEO Insider

As much as it pains some of us, we are all in the people business. Until the robots take over, we are always engaged with another person, be it a customer or a coworker, a loved one, or a stranger on the street. Relationships are the core of leadership because leadership means influencing other people […]. The post As a Leader, Your Effectiveness Depends on the Strength of Your Relationships appeared first on CEOWORLD magazine.

Magazine 111
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Can Entrepreneurship Support Sustainable Local Development?

The Horizons Tracker

Most countries, and indeed most regions, have a positive view of entrepreneurship in terms of its ability to foster local development. As such, there are numerous programs designed to promote and encourage entrepreneurship. The impact of these schemes is largely mixed. For instance, entrepreneurship training aimed at the underprivileged doesn’t seem to help, whereas they can also fail to adequately address key issues in the local area.

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The Ultimate Guide for Small Businesses and Cyber Security

Women on Business

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Why Emotional Intelligence Is the Key to Successful Leadership

HR Digest

Leaders have a significant role in the economic world. While great leaders can benefit an organization in a number of different ways, unsuccessful leaders can be damaging. Emotional intelligence has been proposed as a factor in determining whether or not a leader is effective. Here we look at the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness.

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The First 90 Days: Onboarding Checklist

While onboarding, don’t let yourself get caught up in administrative details. Automate paperwork & training so new hires can focus on the business at hand from day one. Get Paycor’s checklist to see where your company can make HR process improvements.