Sat.Feb 11, 2012 - Fri.Feb 17, 2012

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Unleadership – A Crisis of Identity

N2Growth Blog

By Mike Myatt , Chief Strategy Officer, N2growth. The most popular piece I authored last year was a column I wrote for Forbes on the art and science of what I refer to as pursuitology. As of this writing it had been read more than 260,000 times, had more than 5,000 Facebook shares, and more than 3,000 ReTweets – it clearly struck a chord with the leadership community.

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The 5 Mistakes That Nearly Killed My Career (And Can Save Yours)

Terry Starbucker

“They can’t see the scoreboard? What, ARE YOU KIDDING ME????” That was the bomb that nearly killed my career. The year was 1991, and I was working for a certain pro football team in Washington, as an executive overseeing the planning for a new football stadium. I came out to Washington the year before to take this position, after being offered what I thought was a “chance of a lifetime” It was an offer that came from my boss at the time, who had hired me 3 years e

Career 321

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5 ideas for improving how you manage people

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Career Development Leadership Coaching Leadership Development Self Leadership Value Creation Workplace Issues As a manager, you are responsible for a wide range of activities. Recruiting. Establishing a positive work environment in your group. Setting expectations. Managing performance. Making decisions. Coaching. Dealing with poor or marginal performers.

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Nine Reasons Managers Struggle

Leading Blog

Former CEO and president of Verison Wireless, Denny Strigl explores nine specific behaviors that leaders do and don’t do that make them serious performers, marginal performers, or failures. In "Managers, can you hear me now?" he says it’s all about behavior. Managers Fail to Build Trust and Integrity. The three major qualities of trust are Integrity, openness, and respect.

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New DOL Final Overtime Rules: Quickstart Guide for Employers

There’s a new overtime salary threshold that will impact employers across the country. If you have an employee making less than $43,888 on July 1 or less than $58,656 on January 1, you’re going to have to start paying overtime. Download Paycor’s guide to learn: Which groups of employees are affected? How should you classify employees? Best ways to mitigate risk.

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Why Influence Matters

N2Growth Blog

By Mike Myatt , Chief Strategy Officer, N2growth. Leadership without influence – isn’t. In fact, understanding how to leverage the influence factor can make a defining difference in your ability to drive change, build cohesive teams, and to successfully implement strategic vision. As a CEO or entrepreneur your “Influence Quotient” is the IQ you need to pay attention to, as it will be a much greater determinant of your ultimate success than your “Intelligence Quotient” could ever be.

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Top 10 Excuses for Being a Lousy Manager

Great Leadership By Dan

Throughout the course of my career in leadership development, I’ve had the opportunity to confront, counsel, and console a lot of bad managers. As an HR manager, I sometimes had to discipline or even fire bad managers. But those cases were the extreme ones. More often, it was as a result of a manager receiving a rough 360 assessment. Or, in the case of developing executives, it may have been a last ditch attempt to save a derailed senior manager by convincing them to work with an executive coach

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The Inner World of the Leader: On the Couch with Manfred Kets de Vries

Leading Blog

Why do organizations attempt to function on the basis that executives are logical, rational, dependable human beings? And why does the belief persist that management is a rational task performed by rational people according to rational organizational objectives? These are just a couple of the questions and myths that Manfred Kets de Vries grapples with in his series, On the Couch with Manfred Kets de Vries.

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Are You Observing or Judging?

Kevin Eikenberry

Yesterday I was thinking about observation and judgement, and how it relates to effective communication and coaching. It reminded me of a particular incident that took place a few years back – an incident I had previously written about on the blog for my book Remarkable Leadership. We were driving somewhere as a family and [.].

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How to Handle A Credit-Stealing Co-Worker

Tanveer Naseer

When it comes to writing a blog, one of the unfortunate realities you have to deal with is addressing online plagiarism (for those who aren’t familiar, online plagiarism is when someone posts your content on their site without proper attribution for who created it). In most cases, this occurs because some malicious site owner wants to use the content you created in order to increase traffic to their own site.

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Step Away from Your Devices During Meetings

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Leadership Development Today’s world is an electronically connected one. It is rare to escape it all. However, there are times our full attention is needed, and meetings are one of those times. Here is what is happening. As people walk into the meeting, they have their laptops in hand. They sit down, and up go the lids. [.].

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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What a Top Chef Knows About Organizational Development – Lessons from Jose Andres

Next Level Blog

Foodies in Washington, D.C., know all about Jose Andres, the award-winning chef who popularized Spanish style tapas dining in America. Andres arrived in the United States from Spain in 1993 and opened his first restaurant, Jaleo, that year. Today, he is the CEO of Think Food Group and the mastermind behind eight restaurant concepts with locations in D.C., Los Angeles.

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Are You a Team in Name Only? 3 Questions to Help You Find Out

Jesse Lyn Stoner Blog

Leaders who want to make their team more effective often ask me for help with teambuilding, training in team skills or advice on restructuring. My first question is always, “What do you want to accomplish? What will be different as a result?”. I ask that question because I want to make sure that what they are requesting will get them where they want to go – to avoid delivering the wrong solution.

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Top 10 Lies Leaders Tell Themselves

Leadership Freak

Lies are told because they’re easier than the truth. Lies are told to help or hurt. Leaders tell lies to protect those who can’t handle the truth or manipulate those who know too much. The first lie I told at work was self-protective, most are. I told my boss I’d completed a project but I [.].

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Love, Accountability and Leadership

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Leadership Development “If you messed up, wouldn’t you want someone to tell you?” I remember thinking that question when talking with a friend one time about the performance of a co-worker. The co-worker seldom did this one particular task properly. In fact, it had been performed in error so much that my friend thought their co-worker was [.].

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5 Ways to Improve DE&I in the Workplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical for an organization’s success. And companies that take bold action to help ensure an inclusive workplace will win every time. Discover how your company can create a culture that celebrates DE&I while achieving higher revenue and growth.

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Deliver Life-Changing Presentations Every Time.

Rich Gee Group

What would happen to your career if you gave life-changing presentations?

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Becoming “Business Leader Future”

Leading in Context

"Business Leader Future" Post Struck a Chord With Readers The response to the February 1, 2012 post "Business Leader Future: A Sketch" has been overwhelming. Thanks so much to all of you who retweeted, commented on and shared it on your favorite social media channels. At the end of this post is a visual story, via Storify, of selected reader comments.

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How to Stop Drifting and Find Focus

Leadership Freak

** Life is a journey but you’re drifting unless you define your destination. The same is true for organizations. The first step toward success is defining it. Too eager to do: Activity seduces. Leaders easily fall into the “Let’s just go do something” trap. Activity without destination is futility. Eager to do: The choice between [.].

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Diamonds in the rough: How to recognize your star employees

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Leadership Development SmartBlog for Leadership [link] What if a diamond in the rough could bring your organization a fresh perspective and ideas that increased customer satisfaction, teamwork, efficiency, employee retention or profitability? Read today’s SmartBlog for Leadership by Chery Gegelman, president of Giana Consulting LLC, an organizational development company that seeks to be a source of light, help and understanding so [.].

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No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Drama, End Entitlement and Drive Big Results

Speaker: Cy Wakeman, M.S., CSP, President, Reality-Based Leadership

Most HR leadership philosophies are grounded in two completely faulty assumptions — “change is hard” and “engagement drives results.” Those beliefs have inspired expensive attempts to keep change from being disruptive to employees. What these engagement programs actually do is create and reinforce feelings of victim-hood and leave employees unprepared to adapt to real changes that are necessary for the health and profitability of their enterprises.

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The Language of Leaders

In the CEO Afterlife

I have to be honest. I didn’t think I was going to enjoy Kevin Murray’s new book on how top CEOs communicate to inspire, influence and achieve results. Although Mr. Murray’s arresting title raised my curiosity, I became skeptical when I read the list of leaders he interviewed for insight. The 60 interviewees, all from the UK, were comprised of eight Sirs, four Lords, four Dames, one Lady, and a Baroness, but not one person was under the age of 40, and the majority were over 60.

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Five Love Affairs Leaders Should Have

Kevin Eikenberry

Caught up in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, that day we celebrate romantic love, I began thinking again about the connection between the words love and leadership. Before you even read about these five love affairs, you might be put off by using the word love in the context of your work. Don’t be. Am [.].

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Killing the Inner Critic

Leadership Freak

** There was a time when I thought my anger was about the world out there. But, anger, frustration, and complaints are first about who I am and then about other people, circumstances, and environments. Not liking my performance: There’s always room for improvement. Translation, I fell short. For example, I always see ways my [.].

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Missing out on a promotion

Lead Change Blog

Posted in Career Development Leadership Development Self Leadership Have you been passed up for a promotion? Or seen other people get promoted when you thought you were more qualified? Do you often wonder why it happened to you? Is it because you did not work hard enough? There could be a laundry list of reasons why you did not get the promotion.

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Individual Development Plan Template

There’s no way around it: sometimes employees need your help. Use this free template to clarify expectations, share resources, and set a timeline. Best case scenario, this process helps them improve. Worst case, your great recordkeeping keeps you compliant even if they move on. Download the template today!

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Holding a Seagull Manager Accountable & Fixing the Behavior

Modern Servant Leader

In previous posts, I defined a seagull manager and how to handle one. In short, seagull managers: Fly in, make a lot of noise, dump on everyone and fly out. Here, I offer suggestions for holding a seagull manager accountable and fixing the behavior. Reader Ryan McKinney asks : Any strategies for helping seagull managers realize they do this? Or actually holding them accountable for what they say and do?

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Give Them Enthusiasm

Kevin Eikenberry

I’m a fan of enthusiasm – and always have been. I’m confident at least part of the reason is because of my parents. That is one reason I like today’s quotation. The other reason is that it suggests something that isn’t always talked about. but that I will talk about below. Enjoy! [.].

Mentor 191
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Fixing the Reason Vision Casting Flopps

Leadership Freak

Image source Casting vision to hopeless people is like feeding cake to the dead. The greatest vision in the world is meaningless in the absence of hope. It’s more important to build hope than it is to cast vision. Hope builds confidence. Confident people dare to act. The Gift: Fear rules where hope sleeps. Giving [.].

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Embracing Mystery

Persuasive Powerhouse

. Judy Cannato begins her book, Field of Compassion, with a story about Nate Sears, a landscaper for a housing complex on Cape Cod. One morning he noticed a pilot whale heading straight for the shore. Shortly behind this whale were two more. Nate recognized that the whales were going to beach themselves. He waded out in the direction of the first whale as it became caught on a sand bar in waist deep water.

Bond 189
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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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The Awarness to Lead

Women on Business

Many things have been said about leadership some good and some bad, but the one thing that has stuck with me has been the awareness of leadership. Now when I say awareness, I don’t be mean micro-managing your staff or applying dual layers of approval. I mean awareness of the atmosphere you create in your company. Different companies will have different cultures, but at the very least you should think about these areas: You create the atmosphere.

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Building Skills for Your New Supervisors

Kevin Eikenberry

A year ago, we released From Bud to Boss: Secrets to a Successful Transition to Remarkable Leadership. In the last year, thousands of copies have been sold. Individuals have purchased copies because they wanted to succeed in their transition to a new leadership role or continue their leadership growth. Copies have been purchased by leaders [.].

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The Leadership Shift toward Exponential Success

Leadership Freak

Image source The fringes of leadership are populated with problem-centric leaders. Leaders are born when they shift from self to others. Leaders begin leading when they shift toward solutions. The first is a beginning - the second represents success. The problem with problems: Seeing problems places you on the fringes of leadership. Somehow it feels important to point out [.].

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Ten Years of Joy

Persuasive Powerhouse

I hope you don’t mind if I selfishly reflect on ten years (this month) since my life transformed and I began the work of an executive coach. In a way, this is my way of celebrating and recapping the freedom and joy I’ve felt in that time; not to mention the opportunity to work with some amazing leaders, regaining my faith that our organizations are on the right path.

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The First 90 Days: Onboarding Checklist

While onboarding, don’t let yourself get caught up in administrative details. Automate paperwork & training so new hires can focus on the business at hand from day one. Get Paycor’s checklist to see where your company can make HR process improvements.