Sun.Dec 04, 2022

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Quotes And Leadership Lessons From The Pez Outlaw

Joseph Lalonde

A Reel Leadership Article My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book. I was turned onto The Pez Outlaw by Bobby Hill (he’s guest posted on the site before). The Pez Outlaw, directed by Amy Bandlien Storkel and Bryan Storkel, is a documentary about a Michigan man who began selling Pez dispensers.

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Key Governance Issues in Board Level Search

N2Growth Blog

What’s happening inside the Boardroom has never been more crucial to business outcomes and more visible to interested parties. In today’s uncertain economic conditions and fierce market competition, everyone from shareholders to regulators closely monitor how boards perform and if board members are upholding their fiduciary duty. Because of these factors, board governance continues to be critical for overall business success today.

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How Loneliness Contributes To Accelerated Memory Aging

The Horizons Tracker

Loneliness was a growing problem even before the Covid pandemic enforced isolation on people across the world. The impacts of loneliness are only just being understood, and a recent study from the University of Michigan adds additional evidence to the mix. It finds that prolonged periods of loneliness among older adults can accelerate the deterioration of their memory, with obvious consequences for their ability to maintain their independence.

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Purpose-Driven Board Leadership; What to Consider in Your Next Board Recruitment

N2Growth Blog

Today’s boardrooms look less and less like the boardrooms of the past few decades. Boards are increasingly visible to their organizations, stakeholders, and the public. There are high standards for how boards uphold their fiduciary responsibility today and contribute to a future-proof organization for tomorrow. Board accountability is in the spotlight, and diversity in the boardroom is more than just a buzzword.

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HR in 2025: Insights & Predictions

What type of worker is most engaged—hybrid, remote, or onsite? What are the drivers of effective leadership? What does the C-suite think HR is most responsible for? And why is a wave of HR resignations more likely in the next 12 months? Get our annual survey report to find out: The #1 challenge of recruiting & hiring Why remote teams are struggling What are the drivers of effective (and ineffective) leadership And lots more!

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What Do Modern Businesses Value?

The Horizons Tracker

It’s increasingly common for employees to want their employer to reflect their values and be good corporate citizens, but are companies doing so? A recent study from Oxford University sheds some light on the values businesses themselves talk most frequently about. The report reveals that the most frequently referenced value by companies is “collaboration”, closely followed by “integrity”, “excellence”, and “customer service” Sadly, values suc

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How a Board Search Firm Can Support Organizations

N2Growth Blog

Boardrooms today face new, evolving challenges that are increasingly complex to navigate, and they are under immense pressure and scrutiny to operate at maximum effectiveness. In the wake of volatile global economic conditions (which show no signs of stabilizing ), growing pressure from regulators, and complex demands from shareholders, Boards need to be thoughtfully composed, so they can thrive today, achieve their future goals, and understand the levers they can pull to be more impactful and m

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How Business Women Can Beat Self-Doubt and Reach Their Goals

Women on Business

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Treading Water Only Delays Drowning StopSucking

Persuasive Powerhouse

Let's say you're looking for a thrill, so you jump into a lake. What a rush But now you want to swim to shore, so that's what you're going to do. But first things first. You're in the middle of the lake, and you have to keep your head up. So you start treading water, and you find that it's not too hard to keep your head above the surface. You feel confident that you can keep going, and decide to take a little break and relax for a while.

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7 Signs of a Good Manager

HR Digest

A good manager is a great asset to both an organization and its employees. Not only are they able to manage their team well, but they also possess some strong leadership skills that can have a positive effect on those around them. However, it’s difficult sometimes for people to know the signs of a good manager and how to easily spot them. Employees are also concerned about working with an individual that can show empathy and help them grow career-wise.

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Top 10 Reasons To Have A Job StopSucking

Persuasive Powerhouse

This is a follow-up to my earlier post Top 10 Reasons Not To Have A Job. While I think that having a job is something that should generally be avoided if at all possible, I wanted to offer some balance and acknowledge that it's sometimes a necessary evil, and indeed is sometimes preferred. 1. Guaranteed income. When you start a job, you just show up, and as long as you avoid getting fired, you get paid.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Why Disruptive Innovation Is Not The Answer

CEO Insider

Pragmatic, rather than disruptive innovation, is what is driving companies forward. There’s only one word that may be buzzier than “recession,” one that strikes even more fear into the hearts of executives across industries: It’s all about disruption these days, isn’t it? I don’t think so. Just because disruption is taking place, it doesn’t mean that […].

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Lightworkers Darkworkers And The Other Kind StopSucking

Persuasive Powerhouse

At well over 5,000 words, this post is an absolute monster. I'll hold off on posting for a while, to give you enough time to absorb it. And I hope you will, because this is definitely an issue where you want to know where you stand. Are you a lightworker or a darkworker You'd better know the answer. After all, it's one of the most important decisions you could ever make.

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7 Considerations When Opening An Auto Repair Shop

Strategy Driven

Opening an auto repair shop is both a challenging and exciting venture. It requires careful planning, dedication, and lots of hard work. Before you dive in, there are several considerations to make that will lay the groundwork for success. In this article, we’ll look at seven key considerations when opening an auto repair shop to help you prepare for this rewarding opportunity. 1.

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Top 10 Reasons List Posts Suck StopSucking

Persuasive Powerhouse

If you're anything like me, you've gotten quite annoyed with list posts. You know, the ones with headlines like Number Adjective Ways To Adverb Verb Your Noun. It's not that anything is wrong with this kind of headline per se, except that it's become a formula for lazy people to exploit the flaw in our evolution that makes us inexplicably drawn to numbers.

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How to Design a People-First Benefits Package for Your Unique Team

Benefits are central to any HR strategy. A strong benefits package attracts top talent, boosts engagement, and retains top performers.

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When Women Lead

Eric Jacobson

Prepare to be inspired by and to learn from the stories of more than 60 highly-successful female CEOs and leaders who are featured in Julia Boorstin ’s book, When Women Lead: What They Achieve, Why They Succeed, How We Can Learn From Them. Boorstin shares that whether you’re a woman looking to rise in your organization or taking on a new leadership position, or a male leader looking to empower women in your organization this book is for you.

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Randy And His Wonderful Pauschisms StopSucking

Persuasive Powerhouse

I got my first clue that Randy Pausch was a bit different when he got everyone on a first name basis, giving us all name tags and insisting that we simply call him Randy. I got my second clue when he said that he was giving away a giant stuffed bear to whoever did the best job on the first project. I got my third clue when he put on safety goggles and smashed a VCR with a sledgehammer.

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How To Be A Superboss

Eric Jacobson

Here are ten questions (or bundles of questions) you should ask yourself to ensure you are thinking and acting like a superboss. These are from Sydney Finkelstein 's book, Superbosses. Do you have a specific vision for your work that energizes you, and that you use to energize and inspire your team? How often do people leave your team to accept a bigger offer elsewhere?

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Greed Is Good Michael Moore Vs. Gordon Gekko StopSucking

Persuasive Powerhouse

Gordon Gekko has often been misquoted as saying greed is good. He did technically say greed. is good, but that snippet leaves a lot of the meaning out. Let's look at what he really said The new law of evolution in corporate America seems to be survival of the unfittest. Well, in my book you either do it right or you get eliminated The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.

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How To Lead With Heart

Eric Jacobson

Those who lead with heart consistently have discussions with their teams about their unexpressed needs, fears, desires, gifts, and sense of purpose , explain the authors of the timely and compelling book, Leading With Heart. CEO coaches and authors John Baird and Edward Sullivan share that anyone can learn how to make an authentic connection with their teams in order to drive better outcomes.

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Mesothelioma Lawyers New York - Now Available On Amazon StopSucking

Persuasive Powerhouse

After a brief but furious sprint of pounding out words that seemed to come from the heavens, followed by a virtual eternity of painstaking proofreading and editing, my first novel is now available on Named after the town that holds the key to the 2012 mystery, the novel is called Mesothelioma Lawyers, New York The Truth About 2012. It can loosely be described as a cross between The Da Vinci Code , 24 , and Wayne's World.

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6 Ways to Improve Your Software Sales

Strategy Driven

With the growing number of software development companies comes competition. For this reason, you need to devise a strategy to stand out from the competition. This involves improving the quality of your software product. It also involves building a well-established marketing plan to attract and convert new clients, encourage existing clients to renew software licenses, and promote additional products to existing clientele.

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The Science Of Seduction StopSucking

Persuasive Powerhouse

What makes people fall in love Biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher has spent her life studying this question. She's the author of Why Him Why Her Finding Real Love By Understanding Your Personality Type. Despite the saying that opposites attract, Helen Fisher says (and we all know) that people tend to seek out mates who are similar to them in many ways Psychologists have determined that men and women tend to fall in love with individuals from the same ethnic and socioeconomic background.

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How HR Can Create a Culture of Feedback

Employees want meaningful feedback. Without it, 98% disengage from their work (Zippia). But do your managers know how to support them? Use this Quick Start Guide to get the conversation started. Your workers don’t just want jobs; they want careers. Invest in your team by giving them meaningful feedback. 65% of employees want more feedback (Zippia). Workers who get daily feedback are 3x more engaged (Clear Company).

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10 Reasons Japan Is Better Than America StopSucking

Persuasive Powerhouse

After being devastated by World War II, Japan bounced back to become the world's second largest economic power in just a few decades. Meanwhile, the U.S. went from being on top of the world to being the country everyone loves to hate. Is it possible that Japan, a country whose greatest strength was once its expertise in making miniature American flags, is now a country Americans should look up to I went to Japan recently to see what's so great about it, and it does indeed have some good things.

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10 Reasons America Is Better Than Japan StopSucking

Persuasive Powerhouse

Last time, we looked at 10 Reasons Japan Is Better Than America. But don't worry, the good ol' US of A still has plenty going for it. Let's look at 10 advantages of living in the land of the free and the home of the brave. 1. Credit cards. Visa it's everywhere you want to be except in Japan. With the exception of one major tourist trap (Kyoto Handicraft Center), I didn't see a single place in Kyoto or Tokyo that accepts credit cards.