Modern Servant Leader

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Servant Leadership Library

Modern Servant Leader

Servant Leadership Library of Books What are the Best Books About Servant Leadership? This collection of books is a compilation of both servant-leadership focused texts as well as books on other, closely related topics, that pair well with servant-leadership. All have been reviewed by Modern Servant Leader staff and are recommended closely for those who adopt and support The Acronym Model of SERVNT Leadership ®.

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The Top Servant Leadership Course Just Got Better

Modern Servant Leader

Thousands of students, from around the world, have taken our initial version of the SERVANT-Leadership 101 course and earned their certificates. Now, we’ve updated and expanded the course to make it even better! About the Servant Leadership Course SERVANT-Leadership 101 is a course specifically designed for anyone interested in servant leadership, to learn the fundamental concepts, a brief history, core principles, and contemporary examples.

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Martin Luther King – Celebration of a Servant Leader

Modern Servant Leader

Marting Luther King Jr. - I Have A Dream Martin Luther King is among the greatest Servant Leaders this world has ever seen. His vision, leadership and ultimate sacrifice blazed a path for millions. There are many great posts, videos and other references that remind us of his vision and social injustices he would fight still today. Below are some of my favorites: Wikipedia Article – For a brief background and history on the man and his amazing contributions.

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Score More in 2024: 24 Innovative Leadership Goals for the New Year

Modern Servant Leader

It’s the new year and you need new goals. Here are 24 innovative leadership goals for the new year – including metrics to measure your progress…. Enhance Feedback Systems: Create a more robust feedback system for stakeholders to let you and peers know what’s working and what needs improvement. Measurement : Percentage of stakeholders providing feedback.

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New to AI? Here Are 19 Powerful Beginner AI Prompts for Business & Servant Leaders

Modern Servant Leader

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool with a lot to offer business and servant leaders. So, if you’re new to AI and want a great way to get started, we have 19 powerful, beginner AI prompts for business and servant leaders. Like any tool, AI can be used to great benefit for you and your stakeholders. Or, it could be used poorly – just ask executives at Sports Illustrated who were recently terminated for their misuse of AI tools.

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The NFL’s Fumble Against Antisemitism and Racism on Social Media

Modern Servant Leader

The NFL's Fumble Against Antisemitism and Racism The NFL is fumbling when it comes to tackling hate. The league is cozying up with social media platform “X” (formerly Twitter). Since Elon Musk’s purchase, “X” has become a breeding ground for hate speech, especially racism and antisemitism. While most major brands have already stopped advertising on “X,” many are now even ceasing any form of posting there, altogether.

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Sam Altman vs. OpenAI Board: What Everybody is Missing

Modern Servant Leader

Sam Altman, arguably the biggest name in artificial intelligence (AI), was recently called a servant leader. He led one of the most innovative and rapidly growing tech companies in the world. So it was a huge surprise when he was fired from his CEO role at OpenAI Friday. The explanation for his termination was vague and 95% of the company’s employees threatened to follow their CEO.

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