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Bigger, Better Small Talk: Practical Ways to Connect with Your Coworkers

Let's Grow Leaders

Get Better at Small Talk By Asking the Next Best Question Do you dread small talk? Does the idea of asking (or being asked) “How was your weekend?” make you cringe? We get it. You don’t have a lot of extra time for long conversations. You’ve got work to do. But here’s the thing. People are more likely to help you when they feel seen by you—as a person—not just for what they can do for you.

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Changing The Talent Equation: From Expense to Asset

Rich Gee Group

In business, the adage "penny wise and pound foolish" often describes a short-sighted approach to cost management that undermines long-term success. This principle vividly illustrates companies treating their employees as mere expenses rather than valuable assets. The consequences of this approach are far-reaching, impacting not only the bottom line but also the organization's overall health and growth trajectory.


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Leading Thoughts for June 6, 2024

Leading Blog

I DEAS shared have the power to expand perspectives, change thinking, and move lives. Here are two ideas for the curious mind to engage with: I. Garret Kramer on insight versus willpower: “Insight is infinitely more powerful than willpower. Actually, insight, or having a new idea and/or a change of heart, erases the need for strength or force of will of any kind.

Sports 338
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Creating a Learning Organization: Fostering Continuous Improvement and Innovation

N2Growth Blog

Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement Organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of evolving into learning organizations to remain competitive and adapt to continuous market changes. A learning organization fosters ongoing learning, innovation, and improvement among its members. Continual improvement is essential for staying competitive.

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New DOL Final Overtime Rules: Quickstart Guide for Employers

There’s a new overtime salary threshold that will impact employers across the country. If you have an employee making less than $43,888 on July 1 or less than $58,656 on January 1, you’re going to have to start paying overtime. Download Paycor’s guide to learn: Which groups of employees are affected? How should you classify employees? Best ways to mitigate risk.

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3 Things to Do When You Assume the Worst

Leadership Freak

Ten minutes after the well guy arrived, we had water. I thought the well was dry. We had water all the time. Don't assume the worst. Here are 3 ways to deal with a brain that has a mind of its own.

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Ethical Values Are Good For Business (Part 4)

Leading in Context

By Linda Fisher Thornton In Part 1 of this series "Ethical Values Are Good For Business" I shared the importance of clearing up the confusion employees have in balancing ethical values with bottom line profitability. In Part 2, we looked at the importance of aligning strategy with the organization's values. Part 3 addressed the senior leader's important role.

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The Next Wave of Digital Transformation: What Leaders Need to Know

N2Growth Blog

The Current Digital Landscape Today’s digital landscape is constantly changing, revolutionizing how businesses and industries operate. Extensive networks, data streams, and state-of-the-art digital technologies are increasingly becoming the foundation of modern operational strategies. The rapid development and widespread adoption of new technologies present both opportunities and challenges for leaders to manage.

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From Smart to Wise: Transformative Insights for Leaders

Next Level Blog

As a senior executive coach, I get to work with a lot of really smart people who have serious processing power upstairs. Smart, however, doesn’t always mean wise. In a nutshell, intelligence is usually about generating or acquiring knowledge while wisdom is about exercising good judgment in applying that knowledge. There are other simple distinctions between intelligence and wisdom that you can use as a guide to determine in which direction you lean or, better yet, what it looks like to strike a

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Harnessing Scarcity: 7 Lessons from a Dry Well

Leadership Freak

Our well is dry. I'm leaning about harnessing scarcity. Sometimes life sucks. How are you responding to the bucket of problems you face every day. Here are 7 ways to harness scarcity for personal and team advantage.

Team 228
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7 Leadership Traps That Could Put Your Career at Risk

Lead from Within

In the world of leadership, success hinges on the ability to navigate through a variety of challenges, both obvious and subtle. With my years of experience as an executive leadership coach, I’ve come to recognize patterns in leadership behavior that can signal danger for even the most promising careers. Let’s delve into seven traps that every leader should be wary of.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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Team Conflict: Powerful Questions to Help Your Team Get Along

Let's Grow Leaders

Powerful Phrases to Help With Team Conflict What do you do when YOUR TEAM is in conflict? They’re coming to you, wound up, riled up, wanting YOU to solve THEIR team conflict for them… You might even think, “If I wanted this kind of drama, I would have taught kindergarten.” So what DO you do? First, if you’re just now tuning into our Powerful Phrases for Dealing With Workplace Conflict series, let me explain the G.O.A.T. in this video.

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Unlocking Growth: N2Growth’s Chief Culture Officer Search Excellence

N2Growth Blog

The Role of a Chief Culture Officer Unlike typical executive roles, the Chief Culture Officer holds a special position in cultivating and overseeing the internal corporate culture. The primary responsibility of the CCO is to guarantee that the company’s values, behaviors, and strategic vision are manifested in all operations while ensuring that the organizational culture is in line with its strategic objectives.

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Top 5 Corporate Travel Hotspots

Women on Business

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Travel 100
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6 Core Coaching Skills for Leaders

Leadership Freak

Coaching is leading powerful conversations that enable others to flourish. Skilled leaders use coaching skills to bring potential into reality.

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5 Ways to Improve DE&I in the Workplace

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical for an organization’s success. And companies that take bold action to help ensure an inclusive workplace will win every time. Discover how your company can create a culture that celebrates DE&I while achieving higher revenue and growth.

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4 Reasons Your Top Talented Employees Are Losing Their Motivation

Lead from Within

Retaining top talent is essential for any organization looking to stay ahead in today’s competitive business environment. In my experience as an executive leadership coach, I’ve observed talented individuals losing motivation, a trend that can significantly impact a company’s operational excellence and innovation. Pinpointing the causes behind this slump in enthusiasm is crucial for leaders who aim to foster a productive, engaged, and loyal workforce.

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How Leaders Can Become “Friction Fixers” To Make Work Better

Tanveer Naseer

Why are some organizations able to effortlessly adapt and transform to meeting changing market conditions, while others seem to be held back by the very processes that are meant to help get things done? According to my very special guest, Bob Sutton, the key comes down to understanding the difference.

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Commercial Leadership in the C-Suite: N2Growth’s Expertise

N2Growth Blog

The C-Suite Executives Role in Business Strategy The C-Suite executive team comprises the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), and other high-ranking ‘chief’ executives. This top-level team holds significant decision-making power and deeply influences the company’s trajectory by formulating, implementing, and overseeing long-term strategy to establish sustainable growth for the organization.

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How the Best Customer Reference Management Software Enhances Customer Loyalty

Women on Business

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No Ego: How Leaders Can Cut the Cost of Drama, End Entitlement and Drive Big Results

Speaker: Cy Wakeman, M.S., CSP, President, Reality-Based Leadership

Most HR leadership philosophies are grounded in two completely faulty assumptions — “change is hard” and “engagement drives results.” Those beliefs have inspired expensive attempts to keep change from being disruptive to employees. What these engagement programs actually do is create and reinforce feelings of victim-hood and leave employees unprepared to adapt to real changes that are necessary for the health and profitability of their enterprises.

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Technology: The Gift that Keeps on Taking

Leadership Freak

Technology is the gift that keeps on taking. Micromanagement is a breeze. Bosses can persecute with texts and emails while wearing their pajama bottoms. The solution is the problem.

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What the Latest Research Says on How to Successfully Retain Your Employees

Lead from Within

Retaining top talent is a critical concern for organizations aiming to maintain a competitive edge. As an executive leadership coach, I continually turn to the latest research to inform the strategies I recommend. Recent studies shed light on effective retention strategies that are transforming the workplace. Understanding Employee Turnover: Turnover is more than a statistic; it’s a symptom of deeper issues within an organization.

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Discover how the IEP Method® and the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative™ can enhance your leadership and support your workforce.

Anese Cavanaugh

The Active Choices, Inc. team is happy to provide a comprehensive overview of our latest IEP Method® offerings designed to enhance your leadership training, development, and company culture initiatives. Check out the recording below to learn more about the most recent data influencing workplace culture, innovation, leadership, and performance, as well as the inspiring results and updates from The Positive Energy Workplace Initiative™ (PEW-i) powered by ACI.

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Kill Performance Reviews and Establish 90-Day Career Portfolio Reviews

Strategy Driven

Revamping the traditional performance review process is not just a shift in strategy, but a transformation in the corporate ethos. In an era where agility and adaptability are paramount, the traditional annual performance review seems as antiquated as a dial-up internet connection in the age of high-speed broadband. It’s time for a seismic shift in how we assess, motivate, and develop talent within our organizations.

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Innovation: Five Signs You Might Be Faking It

Every company wants to be a leader in innovation, but how can you tell if your company is really innovating or just going through the motions? See the 5 signs you might be faking innovation and what to do if you are.

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Investment Strategies for Women Nearing Retirement

Women on Business

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Strategy 100
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From Burn out to Brilliance: Strategies to Reclaim Your Dreams

Leadership Freak

Neglected dreams don’t die they corrode the soul. The foolishness of serving others is forgetting how to dream for yourself. Servant leaders aren't martyrs. Everyone who dreams imagines who they might become. If you've forgotten how to dream for yourself, this post offers a beginning.

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How to Handle a Bad Leader Without Crossing the Line

Lead from Within

Dealing with a challenging leader can test even the most seasoned professional. In my practice as an executive leadership coach, I often meet individuals who are grappling with the impact of inadequate leadership. These leaders may miss the mark when it comes to guiding their teams, whether it’s through a lack of clear communication, insufficient empathy, or ineffective decision-making.

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From Absurd to Ingenious: How to Quickly Unearth Breakthrough Ideas for Your Consulting Firm

David A Fields

You’re missing important (perhaps breakthrough) ideas that could catapult your consulting firm’s success forward. You see a guy on the street wearing a tinfoil hat. Naturally, you ask, “Dude, what’s up with the hat?” “It staves off all disease,” he responds. “That’s ridiculous,” you confidently counter. After all, even though you’re not a physician, you … Continued The post From Absurd to Ingenious: How to Quickly Unearth Breakthrough Ideas for Your Consulting Firm appeared first on David

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Individual Development Plan Template

There’s no way around it: sometimes employees need your help. Use this free template to clarify expectations, share resources, and set a timeline. Best case scenario, this process helps them improve. Worst case, your great recordkeeping keeps you compliant even if they move on. Download the template today!

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What Is AML Identity Verification?

Strategy Driven

What Is AML Identity Verification? Anti-Money Laundering (AML) identity verification is a critical process used by financial institutions and businesses to ensure that they are compliant with laws designed to prevent money laundering and other financial crimes. This article delves into what AML identity verification is, its importance, the process involved, and how identity verification companies play a crucial role.

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Consistency is the Best-Kept Marketing Secret. Here’s Why.

Women on Business

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Marketing 100
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If You Struggle to Trust People Read This

Leadership Freak

All leaders have faith in people. Cynics can't lead. They can boss but they can't inspire. Distrustful people can micromanage, but they can’t engage people. You can't trust everyone, but you must trust people to lead. Read about 4 ways to learn to trust people.

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Time Management Strategies: 5 Tools To Take Back Your Time

Lead from Within

In today’s fast-paced world, effective time management is the key to success for both professionals and leaders alike. Time is a finite resource, and how we manage it can greatly impact our productivity and overall well-being. To help you regain control of your time and achieve more in your personal and professional life, we’ll explore five powerful time management tools in this blog post.

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ABM Evolution: How Top Marketers Are Using Account-Based Strategies

In times of economic uncertainty, account-based strategies are essential. According to several business analysts and practitioners, ABM is a necessity for creating more predictable revenue. Research shows that nearly three-quarters of marketers (74%) already have the resources needed to build successful ABM programs.